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goddess number in the whole ancient world was
666. The Mother goddess from the beginning is and always has been the
Devil Goddess. It was attached to the Mother goddesses since
Nammu of Ancient Osiria Sumeria and the rest of the subsequent mother goddesses especially the later Semiramis, an historical figure like
Poppaea, Semiramis was the fornicating consort of
Nimrud of ancient, just post flood Babylon built by Nimrud. In ancient Mesopotamian pagan Satanic religion Nammu was the combination of the flood of Noah and the chaos that everything had been created out of and the very first mother goddess from whom all other gods and goddesses were born and was actually the Devil who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Devil is the fallen cherubim who is the leader of the apostasy of the fallen angels and the chief of demons. The demons are the souls of the offspring of the sinning daughters of Adam and the fallen angels before the flood, the
Nephilim. That unlawful and Diabolic union was the chief cause of the flood that God sent upon the world in the time of
Noah. These are the principle reasons why God hates fornication in addition to its being a cause of the murder of children and a disruption of God's command to Adam and Eve to become one flesh. i.e. totally loyal to one another all their life long, which Our Lord Jesus Christ quoted.
The Book of
Esther, a false book never actually part of inspired scripture, this is where the 666 false goddess Esther or
Astarte was inserted by the Perfidious Jews into the Church, in subsequent centuries she masqueraded as the Virgin Mary and still does. This is exactly the same as the Gnostic Mary of Valetinus condemned by St. Irenaeus and the rest of the Church Fathers which is actually Isis. The Graeco-Egyptienne Isis and the Graeco-Roman
Tyche are both subsumations of all mother goddesses (
Tyche includes Isis and is the mother goddess of all of pagan Rome and its Caesars that earlier persecuted the early Christians beginning with
Nero and his Jewess fornicating consort who acted as the Queen of Rome and instigated him to persecute the Christians, namely Poppaea). Since Nero Caeasar is 666 in Hebrew Gematria from the actual Latin (Apocalypse 13:18), then Poppaea is the Harlot of Babylon (Apocalypse Chapter 17) in the Apocalypse which was revealed to Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, in the first typological sense of the historical type that the future fulfilling types of the prophecy tell us will occur in their time. It lies in our future that the final fulfillment will occur.
Vatican II is a major evil step in that direction and is absolute apostasy. Saint Irenaeus tells us that the final fulfillment of the Antichrist's name as 666 will be in Greek Isopsephia. The final harlot of Rome is the Apostate Vatican NOW, since Vatican II. The false Prophet will come from there and herald the coming
Antichrist in a mockery by the Devil of Saint John the Baptist going forth before Our Lord Jesus Christ preparing His way.
click on picture
St. Melito of Sardis 170 A.D. St. Melito was a Christian Bishop much venerated and heeded by the early church who verified the Old Testament (that term starts with him and his use of it) canon of scripture in Caesarea Maritima in Palestine. St. Melito specifically and exactly excludes Esther as not being at all listed in, nor any part of Old Testament scripture. It actually dates absolutely NO earlier than first century B.C. with its real author, Lysimachus of Alexandria, as only non canonical Greek Apocrypha. The original NEVER mentions God at all; the "Jews" are gods of that false book. The correct Septuagint translation of Old Testament scripture from Hebrew into Greek was done a century before that and emphatically does not include "Esther" or anything like it at all. The Massoretes incorporated the false "Hebrew" edition they concocted five centuries later into their Massoretic "Hebrew" text (5th to 9th century A.D. in its composition) which is full of their corruptions throughout as well. That is unfortunately where St. Jerome was led astray to include it in his translation work in 384 - 405 A.D.
The false book of Esther was incorporated into the New Testament erroneously by St. Jerome in his translation work in 384 - 405 A.D. and not before. It should never have been incorporated at all since it is not only uninspired but Satanic and utterly damned by God forevermore.
Melito, bishop of Sardis, of Asia Minor 170 A.D. preserved the Old Testament canon of scripture. His list is exactly the original Septuagint order of books and contains the Old Testament protocanonicals and absolutely excludes the Book of Esther. Nehemiah is included in Esdras and Lamentations is included within
Jeremiah. That is not the ordering of the modern "Hebrew" bible since the modern "Hebrew" tradition of the ordering of the books of the Old Testament Bible is a Massoretic lie and invention to obfuscate and deceive Gentiles.
Furthermore St. Irenaeus, Martyr and Bishop and disciple of St. Polycarp, Martyr and Bishop who in turn was the disciple of St. John the last Apostle and Evangelist, records the scripture for us as does his, St. Irenaeus', disciple St. Hippolytus – there is NO inclusion of Esther and as late as St. Athanasius of Egypt (early and mid fourth century A.D.), St. Athanasius sets apart "Esther" as NON canonical and of derivation from New Testament times, but no part of the New Testament, and no part of the Old Testament, in any way at all.
One of the Synagogues of Satan, this one in Sardis. It is anathema - cursed by God forever.

18th century A.D. German Jewish Demon scroll (Israel Museum - who says "Israel" doesn't have idolatry?! - this is rife with idolatry and conjuring of devils and demons) of Esther the mother goddess of paganism (Astarte, Artemis, Isis, Mene, with threads of Hecate the ultimate Greek witch and Lilith throughout etc.) incorporated into the first century B.C. "Judaism" (Haburah, Naasseni, Pharisee as a Devil's avatar to worship
Satan thereby and murder as many people as they can imagine - hence the myth they concocted of Purim and murdering Persians and drinking Haman the Persian's blood and eating his body parts in cannibalism and the 75,000 Persians they pretended to have murdered in Satanic joyful glee; that of course presages what they intend to do to Iran today). Notice the Necromancer Sorcerer Witch rebbi at the top left pointing with his Sorcerers wand at the astrological sign of Pisces, which is the month of Adar wherein is Purim, the feast of Lots. The center part is the Esther Purim text. Top right is the cannibal blood drinking feast. It is hidden from gentiles usually, but actual human blood is advertised, even upon the internet, but secretly, for Jews to use in "celebrating" Purim.
As the ancient first goddess Nammu was the source of all the gods and goddesses, so that last abomination of desolation, the Antichrist, will gather all the false gods and goddesses under himself. In preparation of that,
the false Mary virgin Queen of Heaven (666 Ashtoreth/Astarte in the Old Testament - see Jeremiah) is the gatherer of all the gods and goddesses in Ecumenism to herself and fallen Rome/Vatican, Babylon.
The Virgin Queen of Heaven
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 7:18
children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire and the women
knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven,
and to offer libations to strange gods, and to provoke me to anger.
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 44:17
But we
will certainly do every word that shall proceed out of our own mouth,
to sacrifice to the queen of heaven, and to pour out
drink offerings to her, as we and our fathers have done, our kings,
and our princes in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of
Jerusalem: and we were filled with bread, and it was well with us,
and we saw no evil
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 44:18
But since
we left off to offer sacrifice to the queen of heaven,
and to pour out drink offerings to her, we have wanted all things,
and have been consumed by the sword, and by famine.
Jeremias (Jeremiah) 44:25
Thus saith
the Lord of hosts the God of Israel, saying: You and your wives have
spoken with your mouth, and fulfilled with your hands, saying: Let us
perform our vows which we have made, to offer sacrifice to
the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings
to her: you have fulfilled your vows, and have performed them indeed.
Ashtoreth worship included a six pointed star. The cakes (Jeremiah 7:18) were offered to Ashtoreth/Astarte as the Queen of Heaven (planet is Venus). Diabolic pagan Satanic sorcerous false worship. Satan is the Devil who tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The Devil is Lucifer the fallen star, fallen angel - see Isaiah 14 and
Apocalypse 9:1.
From Saint Irenaeus: Though the name
Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became thoroughly
naturalised in the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more
abundant evidence on this important subject, the Spirit of God seems
to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan should be found
according to the Greek computation [equals 666], while that of Satur
is found by the Chaldee.
Astoreth is from the Mesopotamian, i.e.
Chaldee pagan religion of Satan. Satan is the fallen star, Lucifer
fallen from heaven (Isaiah 14) and again in Apocalypse . Satan's planet is
Saturn, especially in Rome. Astoreth (planet Venus) is the
Queen of Heaven worshipped by the six pointed star and by the offering of her cakes to her.
Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced Satur;
but consists only of four letters: Stur. Thus in Chaldee computation
equals 666:
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R =
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