St. Irenaeus Against Heresies and the warning against the Antichrist - click on picture
Epistle Of Saint Paul To The Romans, Chapter 1:
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice: 19 Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.
21 Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 23 And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. 24 Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
From the below from St. Augustine, the mythic versions and predating of Semiramis are both refuted. However the mythic versions and predating of Semiramis were definitely part of ancient pagan Devil-demon worship as witnessed to in Ezechiel 8th Chapter since it records the weeping for Tammuz (Adonis). Below St. Augustine is the real historical references to major steps in Satan as the Serpent and tree of the knowledge of good and evil - mother Serpent/Devil goddess resulting in the serpent goddess Isis subsuming all goddesses in her (which in Rome was Tyche-Fortuna who subsumed all goddesses including Isis in her). Notice in all the pagan gods, goddesses the demonic beastiality condemned by both St. Paul in Romans, first Chapter, verse 23 (see above) and the prophet Ezechiel in the 8th Chapter of Ezechiel (see below, bottom of page).
St. Aurelius Augustinus THE CITY OF GOD.
Argument-Augustin traces the parallel courses of the earthly and heavenly cities from the time of Abraham to the end of the world; and alludes to the oracles regarding Christ, both those uttered by the Sibyls, and those of the sacred prophets who wrote after the foundation of Rome, Hosea, Amos, Isaiah, Micah, and their successors.
Chapter 2.-Of the Kings and Times of the Earthly City Which Were Synchronous with the Times of the Saints, Reckoning from the Rise of Abraham.
The society of mortals spread abroad through the earth everywhere, and in the most diverse places, although bound together by a certain fellowship of our common nature, is yet for the most part divided against itself, and the strongest oppress the others, because all follow after their own interests and lusts, while what is longed for either suffices for none, or not for all, because it is not the very thing. For the vanquished succumb to the victorious, preferring any sort of peace and safety to freedom itself; so that they who chose to die rather than be slaves have been greatly wondered at. For in almost all nations the very voice of nature somehow proclaims, that those who happen to be conquered should choose rather to be subject to their conquerors than to be killed by all kinds of warlike destruction. This does not take place without the providence of God, in whose power it lies that any one either subdues or is subdued in war; that some are endowed with kingdoms, others made subject to kings. Now, among the very many kingdoms of the earth into which, by earthly interest or lust, society is divided (which we call by the general name of the city of this world), we see that two, settled and kept distinct from each other both in time and place, have grown far more famous than the rest, first that of the Assyrians, then that of the Romans. First came the one, then the other. The former arose in the east, and, immediately on its close, the latter in the west. I may speak of other kingdoms and other kings as appendages of these.
Ninus, then, who succeeded his father Belus, the first king of Assyria, was already the second king of that kingdom when Abraham was born in the land of the Chaldees. There was also at that time a very small kingdom of Sicyon, with which, as from an ancient date, that most universally learned man Marcus Varro begins, in writing of the Roman race. For from these kings of Sicyon he passes to the Athenians, from them to the Latins, and from these to the Romans. Yet very little is related about these kingdoms, before the foundation of Rome, in comparison with that of Assyria. For although even Sallust, the Roman historian, admits that the Athenians were very famous in Greece, yet he thinks they were greater in fame than in fact. For in speaking of them he says, "The deeds of the Athenians, as I think, were very great and magnificent, but yet somewhat less than reported by fame. But because writers of great genius arose among them, the deeds of the Athenians were celebrated throughout the world as very great. Thus the virtue of those who did them was held to be as great as men of transcendent genius could represent it to be by the power of laudatory words." This city also derived no small glory from literature and philosophy, the study of which chiefly flourished there. But as regards empire, none in the earliest times was greater than the Assyrian, or so widely extended. For when Ninus the son of Belus was king, he is reported to have subdued the whole of Asia, even to the boundaries of Libya, which as to number is called the third part, but as to size is found to be the half of the whole world. The Indians in the eastern regions were the only people over whom he did not reign; but after his death Semiramis his wife made war on them. Thus it came to pass that all the people and kings in those countries were subject to the kingdom and authority of the Assyrians, and did whatever they were commanded. Now Abraham was born in that kingdom among the Chaldees, in the time of Ninus. But since Grecian affairs are much better known to us than Assyrian, and those who have diligently investigated the antiquity of the Roman nation's origin have followed the order of time through the Greeks to the Latins, and from them to the Romans, who themselves are Latins, we ought on this account, where it is needful, to mention the Assyrian kings, that it may appear how Babylon, like a first Rome, ran its course along with the city of God, which is a stranger in this world. But the things proper for insertion in this work in comparing the two cities, that is, the earthly and heavenly, ought to be taken mostly from the Greek and Latin kingdoms, where Rome herself is like a second Babylon.
At Abraham's birth, then, the second kings of Assyria and Sicyon respectively were Ninus and Europs, the first having been Belus and Aegialeus. But when God promised Abraham, on his departure from Babylonia, that he should become a great nation, and that in his seed all nations of the earth should be blessed, the Assyrians had their seventh king, the Sicyons their fifth; for the son of Ninus reigned among them after his mother Semiramis, who is said to have been put to death by him for attempting to defile him by incestuously lying with him. Some think that she founded Babylon, and indeed she may have founded it anew. But we have told, in the sixteenth book, when or by whom it was founded. Now the son of Ninus and Semiramis, who succeeded his mother in the kingdom, is also called Ninus by some, but by others Ninias, a patronymic word. Telexion then held the kingdom of the Sicyons. In his reign times were quiet and joyful to such a degree, that after his death they worshipped him as a god by offering sacrifices and by celebrating games, which are said to have been first instituted on this occasion.
All flood references are to Noah's flood.
Pre-flood scene on 4,000 B.C. Cylinder Seal of the Devil as ruler over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil attended by priests and bird headed demons (pre-flood Nephilim) |
This is Nammu (actually Satan, the Devil, same as the ruler over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, see above), the first goddess predating all gods and goddesses, from whom all gods and goddesses were generated. Nammu is the immediate post flood Osirian-Sumerian Serpent goddess who is the Devil and Chaos and the Sea and the mother goddess of all - all in one. Historically, all gods and goddesses (which are only the fallen angels: Devils, and demons) came from Nammu on the plain of Shinar in Mesopotamia at the same time as the real Nimrod built the Tower of Babel (tell el Ubaid) as part of a seven mountain pagan worship system. All the gods/goddesses of the Middle East, India and China and the rest of the world come from Nammu and her Diabolic offspring. Notice the top knot of hair barely hiding the misshapen Serpent-Devil head in the rear - the foreward part of the head is a Serpent, i.e. it is Satan the Devil. Notice the beastial demonic offspring at its breast. |
Ubaid Nammu statues |
Mesopotamian sacred tree with the same ruler as the first above, the Devil - the sacred groves were forbidden by God, which God announced the commandments against those sacred trees through His prophets. The pagan sacred groves all derive from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and NOT from the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life is Our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Left - Tiamat, the Babylonian Devil goddess - Satan, the Devil, the Serpent of Old - who was first Nammu in her Osirian Sumerian form. Bearded right is Marduk, predecessor of Ra. Later in Egypt, Amun Ra is the Sun god and successor to Osirus. Tammuz and Amun Ra were linked in the worst of hideous human sacrifice in Jerusalem and is a type of the coming human sacrifice by the Antichrist in Jerusalem, which is recorded in Ezechiel 8 - see below. |
Isis, the Graeco-Egyptienne serpent goddess descended from Nammu/Tiamat |
Cult of Tammuz including the mythologized Semiramis - Tammuz/Thammuz/Adonis - Marduk-Bel is representative of all the reincarnation gods and goddesses of paganism, which were included in the gods and goddesses descended from Nammu. The lie of reincarnation especially took hold from ancient Egypt to the far East. The Druids have examples of this in the west; see also: Nephilim. The ancient Mesopotamian, plain of Shinar, victim sacrifice who was selected under the careful eye of the Mesopotamian priesthood to have any woman he wanted for a year and then be sacrificed to the Dragon Sun God in bloody Satanic murderous sacrifice was a young man selected for this in the fertility rite of human sacrifice of even "kings" as well as the usual human sacrifice of children and women. This was part of the marriage ceremonies of Marduk and his wife Ṣarpanitum which was performed atop of the Ziggurat of Sacrifice center to Babylonian pagan Satanic religion. (The Dragon Sun God was Tiamat/Marduk-Bel in Babylonia and Osirus/Isis Amun Ra in Egypt. In reality of course it was Satan, same as Nammu and the Triple goddess are both: Satan, the Devil, the Serpent of old, the false god of the Naasseni who are the Old Testament Babylonian Apostates and the Pharisees who opposed Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Zionist (since Gamaliel II) progenitors of the Antichrist.) |
Rebirth (reincarnation) of Tammuz ascending from the Chthonic realms (the infernal hell-underworld) |
Tammuz |
The Triple goddess, the final god/goddess, as Nammu was the first, the Triple is the last and comprises the goddess of earth-unifying goddess of earth (center) and the heavens-celestial goddess (right) and the underworld-chthonic goddess (left). The blackest of magic was/is always associated with her. Vatican II, utilizing the Communist pseudo-Christian from the Russian Orthodox Church, Sergei Bulgakov and his heresies, as their base has made the Immaculate Assumed (false doctrines) Virgin (pseudo Mary) into the Triple goddess and Essence of god of the Antichrist Vatican II non-church. |
Ezechiel 8
Prophecy Of Ezechiel
Prophecy Of Ezechiel
Chapter 8
The prophet sees in a vision the abominations committed in Jerusalem; which determine the Lord to spare them no longer.
1 And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in my house, and the ancients of Juda sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me. 2 And I saw, and behold a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins, and downward, fire: and from his loins, and upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the appearance of amber. 3 And the likeness of a hand was put forth and took me by a lock of my head: and the spirit lifted me up between the earth andthe heaven, and brought mein the vision of God into Jerusalem fn.‘n’, near the innergate, that looked toward the north, where was set the idol of jealousy to provoke to jealousy. 4And behold the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision which I had seen in the plain.5 And he said to me: Son of man, lift up thy eyes towards the way of the north. And I lifted up my eyes towards the way of the north: and behold on the north side of the gate of the altar the idol of jealousy in the very entry.
6 And he said to me: Son of man, dost thou see, thinkest thou, what these are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should depart far off from my sanctuary? and turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations. 7And he brought me in to the door of the court: and I saw, and behold a hole in the wall. 8 And he said to me: Son of man, dig in the wall. And when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. 9 And he said to me: Go in, and see the wicked abominations which they commit here. 10 And I went in and saw, and behold every form of creeping things, and of living creatures, the abomination, and all the idols of the house of Israel, were painted on the wall all round about.
11 And seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and Jezonias the son of Saaphan stood in the midst of them, that stood before the pictures: and every one had a censer in his hand: and a cloud of smoke went up from the incense. 12 And he said to me: Surely thou seest. O son of man, what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every one in private in his chamber: for they say: The Lord seeth us not, the Lord hath forsaken the earth. 13 And he said to me: If thou turn thee again, thou shalt see greater abominations which these commit.14 And he brought me in by the door of the gate of the Lord's house, which looked to the north: and behold women sat there mourning for Adonis. 15 And he said to me: Surely thou hast seen, O son of man: but turn thee again: and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
14 "Adonis"... The favourite of Venus, slain by a wild boar, as feigned by the heathen poets, and which being here represented by an idol, is lamented by the female worshippers of that goddess. In the Hebrew, the name is Tammuz.
16 And he brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord: and behold at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men having their backs towards the temple of the Lord, and their faces to the east: and they adored towards the rising of the sun. 17 And he said to me: Surely thou hast seen, O son of man: is this a light thing to the house of Juda, that they should commit these abominations which they have committed here: because they have filled the land with iniquity, and have turned to provoke me to anger? and behold they put a branch to their nose. 18 Therefore I also will deal with them in my wrath: my eye shall not spare them, neither will I shew mercy: and when they shall cry to my ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them.
fn. ‘n’ Dan. 14, 6.
1-Ver. 3. The statue of jealousy which stirs up jealousy: the statue which provokes the Lord's jealousy for his honor. This was the statue of the goddess Ashera erected by the wicked King Manasse[cf. 4 Kgs. 21, 7 (449); 2 Par. 33, 7. 15 (519)]. Though it had been removed by King Josia [4 Kgs. 23, 6(451)], it had been set up again in the repaganizing of Jerusalem that followed on Josia's death.
2-Ver. 5. He: an angel accompanies Ezechiel in these visions and represents the voice of the Lord; cf. Ezech. 40, 3f (1000).
3-Ver. 10. Creeping things and loathsome beasts: Egyptian deities, which were represented in animal form. During the last days of Jerusalem King Sedecia was allied with Egypt, trusting in it for protection against the Chaldeans.
4-Ver. 14. Weeping tor Adonis, i.e. Tammuz: the Withering of trees and plants in autumn was thought to be due to the descent.of Tammuz, the Babylonian god of fertility, to the nether world of the dead; this descent was bewailed by the women.
5-Ver. 16. Bowing down to the sun: sun worship had been made an important part of Judaite idolatry by the impious kings; cf. 4 Kgs. 23,11 (452).
6-Ver. 17. Put the branch to their nose: the meaning is certain. It refers to an Egyptian practice imported into Juda: the Egyptian sun god Re is pictured with a vine branch at his nose, signifying the transfer of creative power (divine breath) to living things, especially included in this practice was the sacrifice of infants to Mammon-Re as a way of influencing and divining the future and the disembowelment of these children for the conjuring of the demon they believed was attached to the soul of these “immaculate” children as they called them in Graeco-Egyptian religion which dated back to 1500 B.C. Such rites were and have always been abominable to the Lord.
Prophecy of Ezechiel
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