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Bishop Fellay loses control of the SSPX
Published February 15, 2012
At five months of the general chapter should turn the page on 17 years of a catastrophic governance, turning now to the grotesque scandal of the Dictatorship of Ubu, in which Bishop Fellay was about to finish placing the legal and financial control SSPX under the authority of the modernist Rome apostates, it now seems to have lost control of the SSPX: he canceled public meetings and theological shuns contacts with the press. The "collaborators" leave the ship. The days of his tenure as head of the SSPX are now counted: a new bishop could take the head of the SSPX to manage post-Fellay and bring the Fraternity of Saint Pius X in the directions given to him by its founder after the consecrations of 1988. Arises more and more the question of new episcopal consecrations to ensure the succession to the head of the SSPX , as the pounding continues for more than three years, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais . The French bishop appears increasingly as the "maker of bishops" and the question arises of the names of abbots who could be chosen to be holy and take over. It would be of course a new younger generation, the Father Xavier Beauvais could be one of them.
Completely undermined by the 98% of the SSPX in its policy of rallying the modernist Rome, Bishop Fellay is forced to give up organizing the theological congress If so No no to Paris in January 2012. District Superiors attack now violently Vatican pulpit without interfering, the abbot Bouchacourt made a charge against this fatal conclave in: "Vatican off the missionary spirit in the Church! " , "Vatican II is a disaster!" in Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet faithful before 5000 in Paris, February 12, 2012.
Conciliar press announced the failure of negotiations with the doctrine Rome: "" Pope Benedict XVI at the failure of negotiations with the fundamentalists '" ( Life )
Only community rallied again come to the defense of Bishop Fellay totally discredited whose authority is now openly undermined within the SSPX . His 17 years of government ending a terrible stigma of combat Lefebvre , make him a "has been", only the old guard of 2% modernist clerics he has surrounded himself still supports. But it falls apart: two priests pro-rally ( abbot Bernard Lorber and Kergal ) have just disrobe and ask the apostate priest Ratzinger-Benedict XVIreduction to the lay state. Galarreta Bishop returned to Europe in March to approach decision-making centers, it appears as the man who could manage the transition in order for the "post-Fellay," and save the SSPX a deadly split which has cornered Bishop Fellay by its crazy suicidal policy orchestrated by the Vatican of the apostate priest Ratzinger .
Williamson continues its done to try to seduce the new majority anti-rallying the SSPX and stand in its preprogrammed role of "recourse" against the neo-modernist program of Bishop Fellay .
The mainstream press acknowledges the accuracy of the information -Maria.org Virgo and echoed in
Publication December 30, 2011
M. Pastor Paul Schoonbroodt, Director sites Virgo Maria andRore-Sanctifica , sued by Bishop Fellay, Schmidberger and abbots Cacqueray and M.Krah (SSPX), criminal justice with the Belgian since June 2011 to " theft, defamation, racism and xenophobia "(sic) has a piece of information welcomed and recognized by the mainstream press as making an" account right "and open discussions within the clergy of the SSPX objections.
The VM website " whose revelations were substantiated since the beginning of negotiations " Life December 22, 2011
This is a first.
Heaped insults, defamation and ostracized by Bishop Fellay and his clique of clerics Departed (2%) who strictly forbidden reading to her faithful and criminal judicial harass its director Mr. the priest Paul Schoonbroodt the site Virgo-Maria.orgjust seen recognized by several influential members of the official release (in France [ Life ] and Italy [ La Stampa ]), the accuracy of its information .
It smells the end of his reign to Bishop Fellay , after 17 years of clerical tyranny lead, as qu'ubuesque fierce, unprecedented at the head of the SSPX , now the internal ultra-majority challenge it faces face frames movement (98%) is widely reflected in the mainstream press .
The site Maria.org Virgo- he has his nemesis and cursed and demonized site like no body religious information has never been directly cited as a source of information in the mainstream press in France and Italy, links referring to VM is given directly by the articles that cite .
Dismay and panic among countless hypocrites raging about false " open forums "( Catholic Forum of Xavier Arnaud , FECIT ofEnnemond (called " The Parrot Suresnes " ) / Jacques Regis of Cray and Austremoine / François-Xavier Peron , etc.), all made by artisans rallying. overwhelmed by the information dissemination VM by the bodies' mainstreams ', they can not stand the fierce Stalinist censorship they imposed on their forums , and watch helplessly the spread of information,such as the former leaders of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) collapsed attended the demolition of the Berlin Wall that kept East Germans in captivity.
Rupture of Albano in October 2011 and the beneficial proclamation Bishop Tissier de Mallerais its willingness to consecrate freely and independently of modernist Rome marked the end of an era of obscurantism 5 to 7 years where small potentates ridiculous self -proclaimed, supported covertly by friends and pharmacies (such as the GREC ), believed lock and capture forever the debate within the tradition and place in a soviétoïde surveillance.
Now it 'iron curtain 'of Catholicism, imposed and supervised byBishop Fellay and his minions, collapses and tongues wag .because Bishop Fellay is not credible :
- or internally , where nobody (except a dozen undercover abbot and all hated) wants his rallying of theDoctrinal Preamble and Vatican
- or externally , where the radiance of Albano is known, showing that Bishop Fellay has lost control of a work that can not represent.
Bishop Fellay is more credible effect: for internal and deceitful little potentate without power for external . The three other bishops already working in the post-Fellay, after the resignation of Bishop Fellay cohosh. The perspective of the general chapter of July 2012 also provides institutional opportunity to formalize the final rejection of Vatican II and the rally to the Conciliar Church and pave the way for new episcopal consecrations, delayed for more than 10 years and become vital for the survival of the SSPX and the renewal of the episcopal body SSPX .
This bishop chameleon, once publicly described by the Abbe Ceriani of " trickster Mitre " , led to the SSPX in an unprecedented drift so far from its founder and its mission, a focus on discourse and direction of Bishop Lefebvre has now become inevitable to prevent it from falling and losing its identity and mission.
Soon it will be the return of the statue of the Commander,Archbishop Lefebvre (including Bishop Fellay , and abbots Schmidbberger , Lorans , Celier , Nély and Pfluger have thought forever buried the full works), which will come out of the tomb and claim accounts , twenty years later, as the symbolic figure of a Count of Monte Cristo judge, emerged from oblivion and that comes from beyond the grave question Bishop Fellay and the traitors who betrayed work and are intrigued with his enemy staff, Father Ratzinger apostate , and to deliver it to transfer all legal foundations and works of the SSPX, hiding behind a nickname that felony " return to the fold of the Catholic Church . "
Happy and Holy Christmas 2011 - The shares of Bishop Fellay
Publication December 24, 2011
Joy of the Nativity, and evocation of sacred baptism of Clovis, who founded the Covenant of Reims of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Franks.
We wish all our readers a good and holy Christmas 2011.
A Christmas fight also remember that it will be the first that the priest Paul Schoonbroodt within the scope of a criminal complaint in Belgium for "theft, racism and xenophobia" (sic) by the traitor Bishop Fellay (cornaqué byFather Schmidberger ), this servant of Ratzinger-Benedict XVI , now beleaguered in his bunker Menzingen its policy of rallying the "soup conciliar" and its growing tyranny for 17 years, now being rejected by the other three bishops and 98% of the SSPX .
The fight for the survival of the Catholic priesthood sacramentally valid continues year after year and became increasingly bitter.
In 2011 we have seen attempts forced rallying Bishop Fellay toVatican II (Case of PD ("Doctrinal Preamble")). 2011 was also the year when Bishop Fellay was violently tempted by unprecedented legal attack in the Catholic Tradition, against a respected and respectable priest to silence Virgo-Maria.org .2011 is still the year when Bishop Fellay used the French civil courts to block and to prohibit the dissemination of comprehensive public sermons, unredacted, its consecrating,Archbishop Lefebvre . Ecclesiastical history does until day experienced such image of a traitor and a sycophant of the new modernist masters? Already many voices within the SSPXto demand the resignation that "Mitre faker" (expression of theAbbe Ceriani ). Fought on all sides, the "trickster Mitre" now seeks to hide behind a defense of Catholic doctrine in his lastLetter to Friends and Benefactors ... but misleading tricks of this double cleric no longer deluded person! Its judicial complaint in Belgium against the abbot Schoonbroodt is her real and describes the Bishop Bernard Fellay and the degree of submission to his new modernist masters of the Vatican.
Divine punishment? An informed source tells us that the writer of the document submitted to the apostate Rome by Bishop Fellay on December 10, 2011, his first assistant, Father Pfluger , just learned that he is, himself, first assistant, critically ill ... Ponder the fate of clerics who thought proper to oppose the Secret of La Salette revealed by the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1846 to Melanie ...
Bishop Fellay resigned? CLASH! District of France of the SSPX rejects the policy of rallying the Superior General
Published December 20, 2011, updated on 27/12
 Exasperated and determined the three other bishops form a common front against Bishop Fellay . Cacqueray The abbot would have objected to Bishop Fellay to early December 2011 in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, before all the priors of the District of France of the SSPX to take up the defense of Father Beauvais verbally abused during the meeting by Bishop Fellay who could not stand his plan rallying Modernist Rome is disputed, although disavowed and reduces ultra-minority . A historical figure, Father Marziac friend of Archbishop Lefebvre, have firmly rejected the " Doctrinal Preamble " and any doctrinal concession , before participating in another meeting, on 17 November 2011. three other SSPX bishops will now consult together , meetings would be held in Avrillé to prepare the temporary replacement of Bishop Fellay, forced to resign, pending the general chapter of July 2012 . Galarreta Bishop could become provisional Superior General of the SSPX to manage business common until the General Chapter of the SSPX scheduled for next July. December 19, 2011, Bishop de Galarreta has been released from his position as superior of the seminary of La Reja (Argentina), making available.
Battle at the head of SSPX in full swing, the 98% of clerics who reject rallying modernist Rome no longer stand being bullied and silenced by an ultra-minority of 2% of clerics infiltrators squatting management positions for over 10 years , the benefit of the apostate Rome . The consequences of the burst of Albano against the " doctrinal preamble "are now being felt in the Districts and priories of the SSPX preparing a return to the founder, whose 17 years of governance by Bishop Fellay publicly once dubbed " the trickster mitred "by Father Juan Carlos Ceriani (r-SSPX, cf.Virgo Maria ) cut them.
Refuge in his bunker Menzingen from which he governs by diktat, Bishop Fellay would receive the brunt of a clear message from the three other bishops and superiors of the SSPX:"Get out! ".
Clerics Departed (Celier, Lorans Schmidberger, etc.) are now on trial and could join the Rome of the apostate priest Ratzinger-Benedict XVI as they worship. A "IBP bis "to accommodate the cart undercover courting this apostate priest Ratzinger and shamelessly stifle the voice and the written work of Archbishop Lefebvre years ?
Father Bouchacourt affirmed the dismissal of PD (Doctrinal Preamble) by the superiors of the SSPX at Albano
Publication November 22, 2011
"The preamble can not be signed, even if it brings changes" "We would be crushed by the system," "That is why the struggle continues! '
Weekly ' Life '18/11/2011: "the tradis will not sign"
New evidence of a superior of the SSPX at Albano on this rejection of the "Doctrinal Preamble" on 4 October 2011.Importantly Father Bouchacourt ruin the very foundation on which the fallacy has been committed throughout the mystification of the theme of " good Pope " who claimed a so-called return of the super-modernist tradition, developing the pedantic ineptitude of the "hermeneutic of continuity." Father Bouchacourt shows that this fallacy as touted by the GRECand the abbots and Lorans Celier is a sham intended to swallow the rotten old flat Vatican to SSPX . This confirms that 98% of the clergy of the SSPX reject the text of Rome and the agreements with the Abbot apostate Benedict XVI Ratzinger, in the wake of the withholding tax on Bishop Tissier sacred. Bishop Fellay , and click 10 rallieurs rabid (abbots Schmidberger , Celier , Lorans , Nély , Pfluger etc..) with whom he terrorizes the SSPX is now overwhelmed by leaks that show how its policy of rallying in Rome is ultra-minority and totally repudiated by the vast majority of the SSPX who wants to remain faithful to Archbishop Lefebvre .
Bishop Fellay is now almost alone against all, playing the dual role of traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre and the agent of the modernist apostate Rome at the head of the SSPX. The end of his political approach, the total disallowance.Panicked, the dictator Menzingen strengthens repression, such Robespierre on the eve of Thermidor, trying desperately to hide what can not be: the political rallying to Vatican II and the apostate priest Ratzinger-Benedict XVI died. Clan 10 conspirators who took totally SSPX hostage since the death of Archbishop Lefebvre is exposed, isolated in the countryside, to the oppressed masses of 500 abbots who became aware of their strength and their almost unanimous to reject Vatican II and the rally to Ratzinger-Benedict XVI .
Complementary to those we have already mentioned very reliable source, we reported this to the Albano meeting:
"Bishop Tissier has not publicly opposed during the plenary meeting, but against it screaming in the hallway, next to the meeting room, he" would never sign, "he" could swearing that he wanted "regardless of the opinion of Ratzinger-Benedict XVI and the" doctrinal preamble was totally unacceptable " . All senior in the room heard the screams and the statements of Bishop Tissier, because the doors were open.
Galarreta As for Bishop, he spoke publicly at the plenary session, to speak out strongly against the "Doctrinal Preamble" "
The same reliable source adds:
"Now the main debate that occupies most of the discussions of senior SSPX is the question of the invalidity of the new rite of episcopal consecration in 1968"
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