See below this for: Novus Ordo Watch: The Trojan Horse of the SSPX-Vatican Negotiations
The Justice of God: Decoy Williamson strikes again
The Justice of God: J.R.R. Tolkien's very suspect opinions and associations
Rosecrucian Williamson is the same quicksand as Rosecrucian Tolkien and Rosecrucian C.S. Lewis
The Freemason Rosecrucian Golden Dawn Rothschild London Temple is referenced in various here. It is only one of the Seven Heads of the Beast. This is what spewed out the B'nai B'rith and ADL.
The below article by the Apostate Rosecrucian Williamson shows he is nothing but a legalistic Pharisee Freemason shill functioning only as his masters in the Apostate Vatican will have him to do in order to trap those just escaping error back into the gates of hell - the Satanic V2 Vatican's Great Apostasy. The staged infighting amongst the entire Traditionalist movement is not not only legend but most importantly "legion" as in the possession of the Gadarene swine (Mk. 5: 9 And He [Our Lord Jesus Christ] asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to him: My name is Legion, for we are many.
Mt. 8:31 And the devils besought him, saying: If thou cast us out hence, send us into the herd of swine.
2 Peter 2:
Bishop Williamson's Eleison Comments Homepage
This weeks Eleison Comments:
Number CCCVII (307)
1 June 2013
A number of good souls wish that a Congregation were founded to replace the Society of St Pius X. But while I share their fear that the SSPX is presently well on its way to disabling its formerly glorious defence of Catholic Faith and life, and while I therefore sympathize with their desire to see another Congregation like it to take its place, I do not believe that that is possible, and I think it is worth explaining why.
When in 1970 Archbishop Lefebvre wrote the charter of principles in line with which the future SSPX would be founded and would function, namely its Statutes, it was for him of great importance to obtain the official approval of them by the bishop of the Catholic diocese in which the original house of the SSPX was situated. As far as he was concerned, obtaining or not obtaining that approval meant all the difference between founding a Congregation of the Catholic Church and launching a private association of his own. He had every interest in founding a Catholic Congregation, far less interest in launching a private institution.
In fact when he went to see Bishop Charrière of the Diocese of Geneva, Lausanne and Fribourg to obtain that approval, he was not hopeful. The Conciliar Revolution was by then well under way, and it was directly contrary to what the Statutes projected. Providentially however, Bishop Charrière gave his approval, perhaps because he knew he was to retire soon afterwards. In any case the Archbishop returned exultant to Écône, and one report even tells of him waving the Statutes triumphantly in the air.
What that meant to him was that from then on, as far as he was concerned, he had the Church’s authority to build a Congregation of the Church, and while a few years later Rome might attempt to take back that authorisation, the attempt was so intrinsically unjust according to Church law that the Archbishop never hesitated to continue exercising inside the SSPX all the authority of a classic Superior of a Congregation. That classic Catholic authority has such power that by harnessing it to lies the Conciliar Popes have been able virtually to destroy the Universal Church, and by its being harnessed to a practical agreement with Conciliar Rome it is now virtually destroying the SSPX. On the other hand, as for authority over priests, nuns and laity outside the SSPX, Archbishop Lefebvre never arrogated to himself any other than that of a father, adviser and friend.
But the days of a Bishop Charrière are long since gone. How many sane bishops are there left in the mainstream Church ? And how could any of them today approve of Traditional and anti-Conciliar Statutes ? It is as though, just after the Archbishop got out of the Catholic castle with the Catholic Statutes in his hand, the Conciliar portcullis crashed down behind him. “They are mentally sick, but they have the authority,” as one of the four SSPX theologians said about the Roman theologians after the Doctrinal Discussions of 2009-2011. The SSPX is surely the last in line of the classic Congregations to be founded, at least until after the Chastisement. And it has not lasted long.
That is why, in my opinion, “What cannot be cured must be endured.” And that is why, right now, I envisage being little more than father, adviser and friend for any souls calling for a bishop’s leadership and support. Even that is task enough. May God be with us all.
Kyrie eleison.
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Gutting All Meaning from a Well-Known Expression

Society of St. Pius X Bishop Richard Williamson is as familiar with the concept as anyone, and has no doubt has alluded to it numerous times in sermons, addresses and writings down through the years. He of all people, then, should understand the importance of preserving the form and essence of our communications with one another.
Given this background, it may surprise some readers to discover that Bp. Williamson has taken huge liberties in this regard when commenting on the upcoming talks between the SSPX and Modernist Rome. His remarks appear in Dinoscopus, formerly the name of his blog (he was essentially forced by the Society to shut it down after his controversial interview with Swedish television), but now restricted to emails sent to anyone interested in seeing what he has to say on various topics.
Bp. Williamson's curious observations appear in a pair of emails entitled "Greek Gifts" Parts I and II (Eleison Comments CCXIVI and CCXV), dated August 20 and August 27, respectively, which immediately follow this article in their entirety).
"Forewarned is forearmed"

He then goes into how the positions of the two sides are irreconcilable:
Now by all accounts the Discussions made clear that no doctrinal agreement is possible between the SSPX as cleaving to the age-old Church doctrine, and today's Rome as set upon the Conciliar teaching of the Newchurch, and moreover persevering in this disorientation, as is clear from the Newbeatification of John-Paul II in May and from Assisi III due to happen this coming October. So the situation coming out of the Discussions remains exactly where it was two years ago, going into the Discussions: on the one hand, for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls, the SSPX strives to help Rome back to the true Catholic Faith, whilst for the glory of modern man and for the satisfaction of his ignoble media (as in January and February of 2009), Conciliar Rome is doing all within its power to induce the SSPX to blend into the mind- and soul-rotting ecumenism of the Newfaith.All of this begs the question: Why, if you're the SSPX) "negotiate" in the first place with "Newchurch", which seeks to impose it "soul-rotting" teaching upon you? The madness of getting involved with Modernists is a topic to explore on another occasion, but for now let's just say this is the theological equivalent of voluntarily entering a pit full of poisonous snakes with the expectation of domesticating them and/or "coexisting" with them.
Then, after speculating whether Modernist Rome will threaten the Society with another "excommunication" if it doesn't comply with demands, or offer them "full communion" (he calls this the Vatican's "cleverest carrot") if it does comply. Bp. Williamson equates the latter scenario with the ancient legend of the Trojan Horse:
Clear minds recall the saying of the wise -- but scorned -- Trojan who did not want the Greeks' Horse to be brought into Troy: "Howsoever it be, I fear the Greeks, even when they bear gifts." But the Trojan Horse was brought in. We all know what happened to Troy.In that famous ruse, the Greek army after failing at a lengthy siege of the fortified city of Troy, pretended to retreat and left a huge wooden equine effigy outside the gates of the fortified city as the "gift" of a unsuccessful foe. Against the protestations of a skeptical wise man, a spy convinced the Trojans to bring the horse into the city, after which Greek soldiers, who had been hiding inside the hollowed-out horse, emerged under the cover of night and easily conquered the unsuspecting city from within.
A time-tested expression with a consistent meaning through the ages
This is such an striking example of clever artifice being used to vanquish that the term Trojan Horse has been used through the years in numerous contexts. In the middle part of the 20th century it often pertained to espionage rings, particularly those of the Nazis and Communists. U.S. Congressman Martin Dies, who served for six years as Chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee, was author of a 1941 book on such spying entitled The Trojan Horse in America.
Similarly titled books have more recently sought to expose other threats to American society, including Samuel L. Blumenfeld's N.E.A.: Trojan Horse in American Education (1984), Alvin J. Schmidt'sThe Menace of Multiculturalism: Trojan Horse in America (1997) and Rodney Stich's Drugging America: A Trojan Horse and Subverting America - A Trojan Horse Legacy (both 2005). In general, the entire "culture war" we see ravaging our nation (and every other one free nation) constitutes a Marxist Trojan Horse operation masquerading as a "progressive" political movement.
Further uses can be found in the computer and business fields. In the former, certain infectious diseases are said to act through the Trojan Horse Effect, such has the HIV a trojan horse is a program containing a malicious code designed to look harmless to unsuspecting users; in one well-known case, a program supposedly found and destroy viruses, but in reality introduced viruses into the computer, while another, posing innocently as a bank page, captured customers' passwords and usernames in an effort to access their accounts and steal their money when they attempted to log into their accounts. The term "phishing" pertains to a certain trojan horse tactic used in identify theft schemes.

Lastly, but most germane to present discussion among the (by no means exhaustive) examples cited here, is Trojan Horse as an apt metaphor for the infiltration of the Church by enemies bent on her corruption and ultimate destruction through internal subversion. This sense of the term can be long before Bp. Williamson similar usage. While a number of Catholic commentators on the destruction since Vatican II have used the term, one of the earliest was the German philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand in Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained, which originally appeared in 1970.
When Hildebrand used the term, there was no mistaking his point. In The Devastated Vineyard, written three years later, he used a synonymous term when surveying the crisis:
Of particular note, in his later book Hildebrand explains why in just three short years he's changed his rhetoric a bit (from the clandestine "Trojan Horse" to a somewhat more-in-the-open concept like "fifth column").An unprejudiced look at the present devastation of the vineyard of the Lord cannot fail to notice the fact that a "fifth column" has formed within the Church, a group which aims at systematically destroying her.…
Their systematic and artful undermining of the holy Church testifies clearly enough to the fact that this is a conscious conspiracy, involving Freemasons and Communists who, in spite of their differences and usual enmity on other matters, are working toward this goal.…
The inconceivable thing is that this conspiracy exists within the Church, that there are bishops and even cardinals, and many priests and religious, who play the role of Judas. That such a "fifth column" exists is not merely my unauthoritative private opinion; on the contrary, a number of cardinals, bishops, and prelates have declared in private conversations that no one who is not blind can overlook this incredibly tightly organized "fifth column" within the Church. Of course the number of religious who belong to this "fifth column" may be comparatively small, but they have a clear aim, coupled with the kind of intelligence that one finds in all Soviet and Chinese embassies, which should b more precisely characterized as slyness and cunning, to distinguish it from true intelligence. (translated by John Crosby, Ph.D. and Fred Teichert, Ph.D., Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1973, pp. xi-xii)
Today we can no longer call the situation in the holy Church "The Trojan Horse in the City of God." The enemies who were hidden in the Trojan Horse have stepped out of their encasement and the active work of destruction is in high gear. The epidemic has advanced from scarcely recognizable errors and falsifications of the spirit of Christ and the holy Church, up to the most flagrant heresies and blasphemies.…As Hildebrand accurately remarked, any perceptive onlooker could , like the wise man of Troy, see that there was a malevolent force behind the destruction, a conspiracy consciously seeking the systematic destruction of its enemy. And this understanding of term has not changed from the first mention of the Trojan Horse five centuries before the birth of Christ up through the present.
The situation today has become even more clearly one of open battle between Satan and Christ, between the Spirit of the World and the Spirit of the holy Church. (pp. ix-x).
No change, that is, until Bishop Richard Williamson decided to play fast and loose with the English language.
Deceivers with "sincerity and good will"

But, your Excellency, how could you in last week's 'Eleison Comments' (214) call in question, as you did, the sincerity and good will of the Roman officials who are only seeking to put an end to the alienation of the Society of St Pius X from the mainstream Church? You compared them to the Greeks deliberately deceiving the Trojans by means of the Trojan Horse. But all they want is to overcome the long and hurtful division between Catholics of Tradition and Church Authority! (Emphasis added)Now, it is quite ludicrous to ascribe "sincerity and good will" to men who by all reasonable observation have repeatedly shown themselves to operating in a manner diametrically opposed to those worthy traits; after all, Benedict XVI was suspected of Modernismas early as his seminary days and has done absolutely nothing in 60 years to change that perception, all the while the man handling Modernist Rome's talks with the SSPX, "Cardinal" William Levada, is cut from the same moth-eaten theological cloth. Yet, incredibly, this is precisely what Bp. Williamson does:
…one need not at all call in question these Romans' sincerity and good will. There, in fact, is the problem ! After nearly 500 years of Protestantism and Liberalism our age is so confused and perverse that the world is now full of people doing wrong even while being convinced that they are doing right. And the more convinced such people are that they are doing right, the more dangerous they can be, because with all the more force of subjective sincerity and good intentions they push towards doing objective wrong, and they pull others with them. The more sincerely today's Romans are convinced of the rightness of their Newchurch, the more efficaciously they will destroy the true Church.Wait a second! Yes, indeed we do need to call their sincerity and good will into question if they're part of an underhanded Trojan Horse operation. As long as the law of noncontradiction is in effect, deviously plotting enemies bent on destruction definitely are not simultaneously men of good will.
Yet despite this inherent contradiction so evident that even an apprentice logician could see it, suddenly, Bp. Williamson has changed his tune: In the matter of a week, he's gone from equating the Novus Ordo ("Newchurch") negotiators with conspirators to saying they're simply so "confused" by the modern world that they are "doing wrong even while being convinced that they are doing right". Further, they "efficaciously…destroy the true Church", all the while meaning to do it well.
Well, no, Modernists most assuredly are not sincere men of good will, and when he suggests this he sows confusion, all the more so when he contradicts his proper previous comparison with those who plotted the overthrow of Troy by guile. For the men under discussion here have shown in myriad ways their contempt for Catholic Tradition. And let us remember that the Church has always viewed Modernists not as confused do-gooders, as Bp. Williamson maintains in the second part of his comments, but as conspirators no less bent on the destruction of the Church than their Masonic and Communist counterparts.
How can we make such an assertion? Easily, because it isn't our assertion, but that of Pope St. Pius X. In the 1907 anti-Modernist encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, His Holiness declares that
…these latter days have witnessed a notable increase in the number of the enemies of the Cross of Christ, who, by arts entirely new and full of deceit, are striving to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, as far as in them lies, utterly to subvert the very Kingdom of Christ.So, clearly, the saintly pontiff would not us have us view these people as misguided crusaders, who are simply off a bit in terms of their orientation, but are among the enemies of Christ and His Church, "full of deceit" who knowingly seek to "utterly subvert the very Kingdom of Christ", and whose must be immediately defeated because they remain hidden in the Church's "very bosom", where they do more harm than if they were in open in their apostasy.
…That We should act without delay in this matter is made imperative especially by the fact that the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church's open enemies; but, what is to be most dreaded and deplored, in her very bosom, and are the more mischievous the less they keep in the open.
Bp. Williamson's Maddening Inconsistencies
The contradictory positions espoused by Bp. Williamson in his comments can be summed up in this paraphrase of the Wizard of Oz; after first warning of the Trojan Horse and of how we ought not trust those who bring such a gift, he turns around and does violence to the phrase, declaring: Pay no mind to those men exiting the horse, they mean you no harm! Fear not, as they're merely disoriented, confused and mistaken by the age in which they live, so any attacks coming from them are purely coincidental and unintended.

Unfortunately, his argumentation is (to be charitable) murky when it comes to sorting out what's going on. He writes of "disorientation", but that's as much a description of his view of the Church crisis as it is anything else. And the essence of his confusion comes from his refusal to acknowledge that John Paul II, Benedict XVI and other leaders of the Novus Ordo Church have one shred of responsibility for there actions. His is a fantasy world in which Catholics who once took the Oath Against Modernism have no culpability whatsoever in violating that oath due to many a fanciful reason beyond their control and therefore it is one in which no one need fear being ipso facto excommunicated for holding Modernist heresies, since there is no fault in holding them, so long as they're Newchurch heresies, for which the Williamson "Get Out of Jail" card is played.
This has been his stock-and-trade for years and years. Just to cite a couple of examples of his alibis du jour, John Paul II may have held heresies, but it wasn't really his fault because he was in a "liberal dream" (Bp. Williamson's phrase), while Benedict XVI hasn't been culpable either, because he was seduced by modern German philosophers (fascinated with old German heretics like Luther is more like it!). In all sincerity we ask Bp. Williamson to show us in St. Pius X's decrees against the Modernists anywhere that he mitigates culpability based on such specious grounds as " liberal dreams", German philosophy and the like, anywhere that a cleric can get off scot-free from an excommunication on such grounds. (Just one such instance will be fine, Your Excellency.) Certainly Benedict and Levada have no room for excuse, since they were both ordained prior to Vatican II, and so, in addition to having taken the Oath Against Modernism, were both academic theologians quite familiar with the Church's attitude towards heresy as well as the punishments she imposes on heretics. Again, zero room for excuses.
Likewise, in the present case, he uses the fact that "our age is so confused and perverse" as an excuse. Curiously, a little later, Bp. Williamson straddles his to conflicting positions, conceding the possibility that "the Romans" scheduled to meet the Society's leaders may "know that they are trying to destroy the true Faith", but then again, maybe not. (Now you see a Trojan Horse, now you don't?) Then he flip-flops again, asserting that the Romans set to meet with the SSPX "may be chosen for their personal charm, to help draw the SSPX towards official Rome." They "may be chosen", but then again maybe not. (It's worth noting that since the talks with the Vatican have heated up, he's toned down his rhetoric substantially; where he used to use the forceful, unambiguous term "Modernist Rome", he's now softened mention of it to "today's Rome", "Conciliar Rome" or "official Rome".) Or maybe even a Trojan Horse with good intentions (sic)! While it's certainly true in a sense that in terms of the results it may mean be of little importance whether the destruction is being wrought by one with evil intent or by someone who does so unwittingly, it's nevertheless crucial to know whether the intent was deliberate, so that future actions may be accurately predicted and (if need be) prevented, to know whether it was done by an enemy or a mixed-up ally.
It turns out there's a method to his madness (or vice versa), for Bp. Williamson then explains:
When likeable men are peddling horrible errors, it is all too easy either to say that the errors are as likeable as the men, in which case the men incline us to liberalism, or to say that the men are as horrible as their errors, in which case the errors of the Conciliar Popes incline us to sedevacantism. But the reality today is that it has never been easier in all the history of mankind for men to be likeable at the same time as their errors are horrible. Such is our age. This situation could get worse only under the Antichrist, but it is his forerunners that are already driving the world to its ruin.

What we've noticed again and again in his writings for three decades now is his avoidance of any effort to buttress his arguments with the teachings of credentialed Catholic theologians. This isn't surprising when one reflects, because nowhere can one find any theological backing for his make-it-up-as-I-go-along arguments. (Compare his refusal to view any culpability/pertinacity in the "Conciliar Popes", with the texts cited in well-documented articles such as Sedevacantism and Mr. Ferrara's Cardboard Pope, which clear show that Catholics are obligated to see such traits in clerics who have gone wrong.
Bp. Williamson refuses to look at the facts objectively in the light of the teaching of the Church and her theologians, but rather molds his arguments in the way that best fit his preconceived notions, hence there can be unmistakable manifestations of heresy and even apostasy by the pretended successors to St. Peter that he will excuse away, because the alternative is to acknowledge the correctness of the sedevacantist position. Unlike him, however, we won't excuse away this wrong-headedness by arguing that as an ex-Anglican he may be suffering from High Church dreams or has been unduly influenced by the Branch Theory, nor will we let him off the hook by saying that as a longtime member of the SSPX he's too much under the sway of the opinions and influence of the late founder of the Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, to be able to draw logical conclusions on his own.

So, it is drivel for Bp. Williamson to maintain that the men he perceives to be the highest authorities of the Catholic Church, including Popes, do not possess the true Catholic Faith, yet remain Catholics in good standing. Of course, this is the crux of his "liberal dream" nonsense, because the only way he can defend the idea that these men are Catholics with rightful authority in the Church, is to invent a cockamamie excuse for how they can simultaneously not have the Faith and yet not be responsible for their lack of faithfulness. That and the whole equally un-Catholic notion that it is possible to retain only part of the Faith or hold to a false Catholic Faith and still be Catholic(!), which reminds us of the equally un-Catholic Conciliar teaching of "partial communion with the Church" (one will, by the way, search in vain to find either of these novel doctrines in pre-Conciliar theology).
In the end, the Society of St. Pius X is teaching its followers that the counterfeit church is the true Church that just needs some tweaking and that false Popes are true Popes who are "disoriented". As long as it maintains such a position it puts the salvation of those souls in mortal danger, because such errors inevitably lead to potentially suicidal meetings like those we've been witnessing since 2005. Once the Society is absorbed into the false sect it will gradually lose any vestiges of the Faith (the process already began when it accepted the Ratzinger edition of the 1962 Missal―eventually it will be made to embrace the hybrid "Mass" he has in the works).
Bp. Williamson is right to question these meetings, but he does so for the wrong reasons, for there can be no compromises with Modernists, much less a meeting of the minds with them. One cannot sit across the table from them as though they were fellow Catholics. It's time that he start calling a spade a spade a quit acting with cowardice in writing about these men. His Trojan Horse metaphor is a strong one that pointedly gets to the heart of the problem; would that he have the courage to cast aside his cutesy word games and use it in all its forcefulness to expose the enemies of the Christ and His Church, who, in the words of Pope St. Pius X, seek to "utterly to subvert the very Kingdom of Christ" by "systematic and artful undermining of the holy Church", as put by Dietrich von Hildebrand. For only when these men are shown for what they are, and not misrepresented as simply "bad Popes", will this veil of deceit finally be lifted and the restoration of the Church take a decisive step forward.
On September 14 in a few weeks' time is due to take place in Rome, so we are told, a meeting of Cardinal Levada and Roman officials with the Superior General of the Society of St Pius X and his two Assistants. Catholics who appreciate all that Archbishop Lefebvre and his Society have been given to do over the last 40 years in defence of the Faith need to be forewarned, because that Faith is ever more in danger, and "Forewarned is forearmed", especially by prayer.
It was Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who was entrusted two years ago with overseeing the doctrinal Discussions that ran from the autumn of 2009 to April of this year, between Rome and the SSPX. It was Rome that invited the SSPX to this meeting. It seems reasonable to anticipate that the Romans on September 14 will be laying down as to future relations with the SSPX their decision emerging from the Discussions.
Now by all accounts the Discussions made clear that no doctrinal agreement is possible between the SSPX as cleaving to the age-old Church doctrine, and today's Rome as set upon the Conciliar teaching of the Newchurch, and moreover persevering in this disorientation, as is clear from the Newbeatification of John-Paul II in May and from Assisi III due to happen this coming October. So the situation coming out of the Discussions remains exactly where it was two years ago, going into the Discussions: on the one hand, for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls, the SSPX strives to help Rome back to the true Catholic Faith, whilst for the glory of modern man and for the satisfaction of his ignoble media (as in January and February of 2009), Conciliar Rome is doing all within its power to induce the SSPX to blend into the mind- and soul-rotting ecumenism of the Newfaith.
What then can we imagine Rome imposing on September 14 ? Either carrot or stick, more probably, as adjusted by their expertise in its reading of the current state of mind within the SSPX, both. The stick could be a threat of total "excommunication" for the SSPX, once and for all. But who that has the Catholic Faith could be scared by such a threat ? When Archbishop Lefebvre was threatened for the first time with "excommunication" from the Newchurch, we remember his reply: "How can I be put out of a 'church' to which I have never belonged ?"
On the other hand the cleverest carrot from Rome could be the apparently irresistible offer of "full communion with Rome" on the SSPX's own terms. Only there might be hidden away a little clause that would stipulate that future SSPX Superiors and Bishops might be chosen by a joint committee of Rome and the SSPX with the merest majority of members being -- Romans. After all, would the SSPX be wanting to come under Rome, or not ? "Make up your minds !" will be their reasonable demand, as Cardinal Ratzinger reportedly cried out in 2001.
Clear minds recall the saying of the wise -- but scorned -- Trojan who did not want the Greeks' Horse to be brought into Troy: "Howsoever it be, I fear the Greeks, even when they bear gifts." But the Trojan Horse was brought in. We all know what happened to Troy.
Kyrie eleison.
"But, your Excellency, how could you in last week's "Eleison Comments" (214) call in question, as you did, the sincerity and good will of the Roman officials who are only seeking to put an end to the alienation of the Society of St Pius X from the mainstream Church ? You compared them to the Greeks deliberately deceiving the Trojans by means of the Trojan Horse. But all they want is to overcome the long and hurtful division between Catholics of Tradition and Church Authority !"
Answer, one need not at all call in question these Romans' sincerity and good will. There, in fact, is the problem ! After nearly 500 years of Protestantism and Liberalism our age is so confused and perverse that the world is now full of people doing wrong even while being convinced that they are doing right. And the more convinced such people are that they are doing right, the more dangerous they can be, because with all the more force of subjective sincerity and good intentions they push towards doing objective wrong, and they pull others with them. The more sincerely today's Romans are convinced of the rightness of their Newchurch, the more efficaciously they will destroy the true Church.
"But, your Excellency, God alone judges their intentions !"
When it comes to defending the Faith, subjective intentions are comparatively unimportant. If Romans mean well in trying to pull the SSPX into the mainstream Church, I may like them personally but I will hate their errors. If they do not mean well because they know that they are trying to destroy the true Faith, than I shall not like them and I will just the same hate their errors. Their being likeable or not, or liked by me or not, is of little or no importance compared with those errors by which they are, objectively, destroying the Church.
When likeable men are peddling horrible errors, it is all too easy either to say that the errors are as likeable as the men, in which case the men incline us to liberalism, or to say that the men are as horrible as their errors, in which case the errors of the Conciliar Popes incline us to sedevacantism. But the reality today is that it has never been easier in all the history of mankind for men to be likeable at the same time as their errors are horrible. Such is our age. This situation could get worse only under the Antichrist, but it is his forerunners that are already driving the world to its ruin.
In the meantime the Romans who on September 14 are due to meet with the leaders of the SSPX are sure to be convinced of the rightness of the Newchurch as reshaped by Vatican II, in which case they are in grave error, but they may be chosen for their personal charm, to help draw the SSPX towards official Rome. Then be not surprised, dear readers, if the SSPX will be made to seem as though it is spurning Rome's noble offers and good intentions, but that will not be the case. Any spurning by the SSPX will only be of horrible errors. Long live true Rome ! Long live sweet Romans ! But perish their errors !
"Your Excellency, what is their essential error ?"
Putting man in the place of God. They are sliding into apostasy, and taking numberless souls with them.
Kyrie eleison.
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