1968 BBC interview with J.R.R. Tolkien on youtube
1968 BBC interview with J.R.R. Tolkien on youtube (16.01.08) - 1 Comment and 1 Reaction
So here will follow two youtube videos and two transcripts; now let us hope sooner or later the complete interview shows up.
What is interesting to me is that here Tolkien talks openly about 'gods', 'god' and even 'divine paradise'... it is something strange to hear from someone who always claimed he detested allegory wherever he smelled it! It seems at the end of his life Tolkien spoke more openly about the catholic elements he used to construct his mythology. Another fascinating fact is that this interview was done almost 9 years before the Silmarillion was finally published, still it is clear he is talking about it. I'm not going to bother you any longer with my own ideas, hope you enjoy both parts of the interview:
They took them back into their paradise in the west to protect them, and so the whole machinery starts from the rebellion of the elves, and therefore, in rebellion of the evil they did in their bursting out from paradise.
So what you've got in our period is two lots of elves: The ones that never started, just didn't want to, never bothered to be anything higher than they were, were the ordinary woodland elves of the far-east.
Those who started to go to divine paradise and never got there, which are the grey elves of the west, and those who got and came back as exiled.
Now dwarves create a difficulty, don't they, in this particular thing. They have certain grievances against men and against elves. They are incarnate in bodies. While they are like ourselves, we don't know much about them, but they apparently are mortal, they are longeval. Where do they come into the scheme? Well of course, a great deal of sort to provide their origin.
I don't think I'll say anything about it at the moment, but they have a rational origin related to their theme, but they are not part of the children of god. That's all I can really say about this.
John Todd, an Illuminati Defector, Exposes J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
J.R.R. Tolkien and the Golden Dawn | Conspirazzi

Both J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the H.O.G.D. (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), which is a deeply occult, black magic secret society. – A high initiated witch related that both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the H.O.G.D. (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), which is a deeply occult, black magic secret society. (The “Order of the Golden Dawn” was primarily made up of mystical “Christians” and former followers of Madame Blavatsky the founder of the Theosophical Society that still adhered to Luciferianism.) During a discussion about Tolkien and his work, this male witch commented that “The Hobbit” and the rest of the Middle-Earth series was merely an elementary ‘primer’ for witchcraft. He was even a bit irritated at the lack of background knowledge about Tolkien among the people gathered. Later he added C.S. Lewis to the conversation as another well known literary figure who was initiated in the H.O.G.D. If this is true or not is hard to say, but it is interesting and well worth looking further into. However, there are more indications that both Tolkien and Lewis had Golden Dawn connections. Charles Williams was a friend of Lewis and Tolkien and also a member of the H.O.G.D. Williams along with Tolkien and Lewis, were members of a close knit Oxford reading group known as “The Inklings.” This is almost certainly where Lewis arrived at his extra-biblical ideas concerning the Holy Grail and other mid-evil myths.
The Golden Dawn is one of most prolific and legendary of all Western secret and esoteric societies. Hundreds of people, from the rich and famous to the common man, have walked through its halls of the neophyte. Very few stood as tall in the history of the occult sciences as Arthur Edward Waite, the creator of the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.
The Hebrew Kabbalistic Tree of Life (studied in-depth by Masons) displays the Roman numerals IX-XI (9-11) when the tree has “fallen” or is shown on its side. And in the Tarot (also studied by Masons) there is much significance as well. The Major Arcana card “The Tower” shows a tall tower being struck by lightning, fire coming out the windows, and people falling to their deaths – all of which happened on 9/11, if the lightning is symbolically substituted by an airplane. In “The High Priestess” tarot card, Isis (the Statue of Liberty) is seen between the black and white Masonic pillars of Mercy and Severity, Boaz and Jachin (the Two Towers). The 13th “Death” tarot card also shows two towers with the sun between them.
In Freemasonry the two/three pillars are very important and well-known to every Mason. One of the largest Masonic websites is called “The Three Pillars.” They are depicted on the 1st degree tracing board and they are the 3 columns of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The pillars of Solomon’s temple – Sol-Om-On three words all meaning “Sun” -relate to this as well (note: WTC 7 was the Salomon Brothers Building). The right pillar of Mercy is Male and the left pillar of Severity is Female. Between them is the third androgenous pillar of enlightenment and illumination. This is symbolically depicted in the Tarot Death card where the sun is rising between two towers/pillars. In Da Vinci’s Last Supper, the back wall with two windows can be viewed as three towers/pillars. On the right is a man pointing representing the phallic/masculine, on the left is a very effeminate John representing the feminine, and the sun/son Jesus is in the middle. In the movie Spider-Man there was a deleted-scene with the sun rising between the Twin Towers symbolizing this as well.
Scott Johnson: J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & The Golden Dawn
Tolkien, – Lewis, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Part2
During the 1930′s to 1940′s both Tolkien and Lewis were part of an informal literary discussion group associated with the 'University of Oxford' & known as the "Inklings". C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams (Fellow "Inkling", specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah & a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces) 'his dearest friend.' This close friendship made a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams poems: 'They seem to me... for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.' Charles Williams was also a member of the 'Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn'.
There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of Freemasonry (Babylonian mystery religions), Theosophy (An Satanic/occult religious philosophy combined with metaphysics, started by a high level witch named H. P. Blavatsky), Eliphas Levi's Teachings (A high level black magic occultist), Enochian Magic (an elaborate system of advanced, Satanic, ceremonial magic), The Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Regarding the Order of the Golden Dawn, among its first initiates was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites, while another early member was black magician Aleister Crowley, the self styled Great Beast/666.
by John Paul Jones, December, 2007
-- J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien"
After the 9-11 terror attack, in early 2002, when DARPA's proposed IAO (Information Awareness Office) hit the news, not a few commentators called the proposal "Orwellian" and compared the proposed digital all-seeing eye, as signified by the death ray logo, with the lidless eye of the Dark Lord Sauron, as depicted in Tolkien's famous trilogy Lord of the Rings. In fact, public clamor over the logo got so bat that DARPA retracted the eery signal. At any rate, the publicly promulgated reason forDARPA's retraction of the short-lived logo was widespread criticism and controversy.
For example, William F. Jasper, writing for the John Birch Society's magazine, The New American, wrote: "Contemplating the full implications of the IAO's lust for omniscience and omnipotence ("Knowledge is Power," recall), a more appropriate symbol for the agency's logo might be the fiery, lidless, all-seeing eye of the Dark Lord Sauron, the satanic sorceror of the current blockbuster movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings. Sauron's unsleeping eye 'Sees all, pierces all, knows all,' says Suruman, Sauron's evil underling. That, after all, would seem to be the stated purpose of Adm. Poindexter's project." (William F. Jasper,TNA, January 27, 2003) Well said, that, but trouble is, the betrayal and deception evidently go much deeper than Mr. Jasper knows or wishes to acknowledge. Contrary to what Jasper and Safire of the New York Times suggested, admiral Poindexter was not the mastermind or main mufti behind the plan, even if he was a much easier target, fall guy, and scapegoat. As briefly outlined in "TROLL Cams: The All-Seeing Eyes of GOG", plans to implement a seamless internet-based surveillance system evidently existed long before Poindexter's appointment in January, 2002. As the title of that article alluded, there is some evidence that the IAO project may have been guided behind the scences by the All-Seeing eye of Judeo-Freemasonry. So it wasn't exactly "Poindexter's project", as Jasper of TNA, or Safire of the NYT, would have us suppose.
[Later, this was confirmed when DARPA's TIA (Total Information Awareness) system's SSD (System Description Document), version 1.1, of July 2002, became public and was posted on the Internet by EPIC. Presently, this document is athttp://epic.org/primacy/profiling/tia/tiasystemdescriptiondocument.pdf . In Appendix A of that document, each page of which bore the IAO logo with the all-seeing eye, we read that the first draft of the TIA SSD was issued in May of 2001. So, many months prior to 9-11 and prior to Poindexter's January 2002 appointment as head of the IAO (Information Awareness Office) -- and probably much earlier -- the basic blueprint for TIA was already in the works, and while it's true that Poindexter worked for SYNTEK from 1996 to 2002, in which capacity he was presumably involved in the design and deployment of certain aspects of TIA, e.g., Project Genoa, it's also true that other components of the TIA system, as defined by the TIA SSD, were being developed prior to Poindexter's (1996 to 2002) stay at SYNTEK. For example, the FACE-IT face scan software, developed by Visionics (now called Identix), evolved as part of a DoD project called FERET, initiated in 1993 and completed in 1998. According to the TIA SSD posted by EPIC, the Face-It software was one component of the TIA project. As a friend of mine pointed out in 2001, the logo of Visionics at that time included the all-seeing eye, as pictured here, and bore an eery resemblance to the oval all-seeing eye inside the inverted triangle, as seen, for example, on Freemason "whore house" Harry S. "give em hell" Truman's Masonic apron.]
It was interesting how Peter Jackson's movie trilogy, which was fantastically faithful to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, hit the movie theaters just after revelations about IAO had hit the news. Those of a conspiratorial mindset might even call it strangely suspicious. But one man's conspiracy is another man's crusade, so for every conspiracy or crusade, there's often a counter-conspiracy, or counter-crusade, and Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, arguably launched what might be construed as one the of the most prescient campaigns to counter the Occult Conspiracy in the history of the world. His crusade took the form of several fictional, now-famous books, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, which were taken up defiantly like pitch forks by ordinary people everywhere. Despite deprecations and derision dished down on Tolkien's work by the intellectual elite, Tolkien's trilogy triumphed, spreading like anti-biotic in an epidemic of esotericism and elitism. [ Although Tolkien himself has been accused of belonging ot the Illuminati, that accusation is grounded, I'd guess, not on fact but opon the boasts of the Illuminati, who would take credit for the sun rising if they could get away with it, and so, to persuade their underlings of their all-reaching powers, they attribute Tolkien's far-seeing prognistications and prescriptions to themselves. John Todd, from whence this accusation was made known to me, likely fell for the lie and communicated it to others, or possibly he simply made it up himself. In any case, after reading Tolkien's letters, it seems improbable to me that he was anything but a devout Catholic. Certain among the Protestants, eager to think ill of anything Catholic, spread the rumour and ignore contrary evidence.]
At about the same time as Tolkien labored on his masterful trilogy, George Orwell, formerly a member of the Qabbalistic and fringe-Masonic magical fraternity, the Golden Dawn, which, according to Springmeier, was the personal coven of the English branch of the Rothschild dynasty, arguably prepared to launch his own broadsides against the Titanic of Tyranny; namely, 1984 and Animal Farm. Orwell, disillusioned and alienated from the corpus anti-Christi of the occult Brotherhood, allegedly wrote 1984
[Claims are made that Orwell's book, like Tolkien's trilogy, was a "propaganda coup" for the Illuminati, one that would serve not to galvanize oppostion to the Illuminati blueprint but rather to dishearten any resistence. That may be so. How would we know Orwell's true intent, unless we could not only read minds but transverse time to do so? On the other hand, it can hardly be stressed strongly enough that the Illuminati, or Judeo-Freemasonry, as it's more revealingly called, would take credit for the sun rising if they could get away with it.]
One might reasonably infer, given Tolkien's depiction of the all-seeing eye of Sauron, whom he casts as a necromancer and practioner of black magic, that Tolkien was well aware of the real power behind the technocratic tyrannies of the 20th
Tolkien, in any case, described himself as a historian of sorts, and his trilogy was essentially historical, he tells us, yet non-allegorical--a history outside of time, we might say, at least in the sense that it refers to no specific time in history but to history whole.
What's more, although Tolkien's trilogy refers to superhistorical and supernatural existents and events existing or occuring outside of time, or rather, timeless events, historcially speaking, albiet not eternally speaking, Tolkien also suggests, or at least he entertains the suggestion, that events as he described them did in fact occur, more or less exactly as depicted, at some time in the distant and forgotten reaches of history, either in some lost or unknown world, or perhaps in this world. Yet if this is so--and he certainly doesn't insist on it--it's being so, or not being so, does nothing to discount the reality of the supernatural existents or events to which the story alludes non-allegorically. The comparisons are non-allegorical because there is nothing in the perceptible world, or in known history, that we can point to and say that this or that is what he meant or was refering to when he wrote about this or that character or event in his books. Tolkien, like many great writers and artists, felt at times that he was an instrument, a vessal, through which beings of another dimension, i.e., in his case, Heavenly angelic beings, communicated. But this is not something he knew, pretended to know, or insisted upon, and if such was the case, it presumably occured not through any promptings or invocations of his own but as something beyond his volitional control or conscious awareness, in which case, he cannot be justly charged with any occult or nefarious practice.
"Rings, in a way akin to seals, can grant one power over the spirits. Solomon enslaved demons with a magical ring (Testament of Solomon)." (Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism, p 220.
"One Ring to rule them all...One Ring to find them...One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." -- J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings
Another one of Eliphas Levi's occult drawings is called 'the great symbol of Solomon.' This drawing from Eliphas Levi's book, Transcendental Magic, also portrayed the false idea that God has an evil side to him as well as a good side. It was explained as:
"The great Symbol of Solomon. The Double Triangle of Solomon, represented by the two Ancients of the Kabalah; the Macroprosopus and t he Microprosopus; the God of Light and the God of Reflections; of mercy and vengeance; the white Jehovah and the black Jehovah. (58)
Eliphas Levi, translated by A.E. Waite, Transcendental MAGIC, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1896, p.xii. (59)
The same drawing also appears in a recent book called, A Bridge to Light, published by the Supreme Council, 33rd degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction. Across from the drawing in that book is an explanation of who the snake represents that is surrounding the symbol. Speaking of the snake's true identity:
"It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, the Serpent devouring his own tail. (60)
What a blasphemy! What arrogance! Jesus said:
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (Matthew 12:31-32 KJV )
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