First see this and then see below from second "The Justice of God: Who controls the Council of Seven" and where Disraeli is mentioned as one of the Grand Masters of Freemasonry.
The Justice of God: Who controls the Council of Seven
The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: The infiltration of Rome with Antichristian Judaizers very partial reference
The Freemason Rosecrucian Golden Dawn Rothschild London Temple is referenced in various here. It is only one of the Seven Heads of the Beast. This is what spewed out the B'nai B'rith and ADL.
This series of articles are all linked by this label: Vatican II is damned
AMORC is the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, the Rosecrucians, and is the Satanic temple of the Rothschilds. From that organization and others connected to it the Rothschilds want to rebuild the Satanic temple of Remphan in Jerusalem and have from that temple, the Antichrist (who will be a Jew) and the False Prophet, rule the world with the Jews as slaves to the Antichrist as master godlings-demons over all people as diabolic tyrants. Tolkien and Lewis were advance propagandists for this; they were willfully corrupted by the Devil and were not the "Christians" they pretended to be, but Satanists in sheep's clothing (The Justice of God: J.R.R. Tolkien's very suspect opinions and associations).
Illuminati Dreams of Building Solomon's Temple by Mr. X, Dec 14, 2006
[Editor's note: Solomon's Temple is actually the Temple of Remphan of Egypt condemned in the Old Testament and by St. Stephen in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 7.]
"In the end the Vatican Grand Lodge Ekklesia will always prevail over every one else but always together with the Grand Lodge of Israel and good old friend of the Knights of Malta Yasha Beresiner the Zionist and Giuliano Di Bernardo the good Vatican boy."
The Meaning below of these Satanic insignia and Satanic altars of the OTO and the above quote from the 'Illuminati Dreams of Building Solomon's Temple' and the above THE BEASTS OF GOLDEN DAWN link and this link: The Justice of God: Al Debaran - Ancient Egyptian Banking and the below article in relation to the Vatican is that since the 1958 Conclave, the House of Rothschild (also the controller of still Communist Russia) has been in control of the Vatican and all their Antipopes (John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI) completely. Rothschild (Red Shield) controls through the Vatican all of the transnational corporate crime and drug dealing and military industrial criminal shadow espionage throughout the world. From there they manipulate all the wars and genocides. It is from this massive Satanic conspiracy that they strive to have the Antichrist appear in and rule the world from Jerusalem.
There will follow a series of articles showing a large part of the Freemasonic background to all of this.
The Doctrinal basis for the condemnation of all of this and the Vatican in particular is here The Justice of God: The Justice of God: Vatican II is damned by God. The nation of the Jews is Perfidious and damned and only brings forth the Antichrist. The following series of articles showing a large part of the Freemasonic background to all of this will all be linked by this label: Vatican II is damned
Illuminati Dreams of Building Solomon's Temple by Mr. X, Dec 14, 2006
he United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)
- The Mother Lodge of worldwide Freemasonry. - Formed by combining the two existing forms of Freemasonry in 1813. The first Grand Master was the Duke of Sussex. - Edward, the Duke of Kent is now the Grand Master of this lodge and therefore the worldwide king of Freemasonry. - The Assistant Grand Master of UGLE is Lord Northampton, Spencer Douglas David Compton, the 7th Marquis of Northampton (he runs the show and directs the plans to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem). The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, (The Four Crowns Lodge) - Founded as a special research lodge by the Grand Master of UGLE, the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, in 1884. The QC Lodge was then officially chartered in 1886. - The inaugurating speech was entitled "Freemasonry as Seen in the Light of the Cabala." - The lodge was to focus on Palestine, the Cabala, establishing a Jewish homeland, and rebuilding Solomon's Temple. - Sir Charles Warren was the first grand master of the QC Lodge. He was also the president of the Palestine Exploration Fund, and two decades earlier had been the chief engineer for British excavations of the Temple Mount. - Sir Walter Besant was a founding member of QC and was the treasurer of the Palestine Exploration Fund under Warren. Besant was the brother-in-law of Annie Besant, the president of the Theosophical Society after Helena Blavatsky. - The PEF was founded in 1865 with money from the British Crown, UGLE, the Rothschilds Vatican illuminati and the Church of England. The event commemorating it's founding was chaired by the Archbishop of York who proclaimed that the Holy Land was, by divine right, English Property or even more accurately Vatican British illuminati property.
- In their books researchers Steven Knight and Melvyn Fairclough combine to paint a picture that implicates members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge for the infamous Jack the Ripper murders in the late 1880's. They were apprentely covered up by Sir Charles Warren, who happened to be the Chief of London's Metropolitan Police.
- Michael Baigent, the lead author of the speculative series of books, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," "The Messianic Legacy," and "The Temple and the Lodge," is a high level member of the QC Lodge and the Editor of Freemasonry Today the so called independent Voice of Freemasonry. Together with Michael in Freemasonry today we find another illustrius Brother called Julian Rees great manipulator of the Corner Stone Society, another Society in the hands of the Neo Vatican illuminati. FREEMASON YASHA BERESINER IS THE KEY ZIONIST ILLUMINATI FIGURE OF TODAY WORKING IN Quatuor Coronati Lodge for the reconstruction of THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON Curriculum Vitae The late Jack Veffer (of Interflora fame) wrote the following in his book 'My 2 Cent's Worth': RECIPE: Take one Russian father, one Greek mother, put them together in Istanbul, Turkey and beget a son called Yasha on 12 June 1940. Keep him there until 1948 and you have a little boy who can speak Turkish with a hint of Greek and Russian. Move to Israel till 1950 and the ten year old can now also speak Hebrew. Ship the boy to Milan Italy for three years or so and the little fellow can now manage Italian. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (a dangerous Nazi illuminati Order created by the English illuminati perverts of the S.R.I.A.) - One of the most famous occult societies of the 20th Century. - The Theosophical Society was formed in 1875 by Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Olcott, originally focused on Western mysticism. In the early 1880's Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland joined the TS, and by 1884 they were the heads of the London Lodge of the TS. - When Blavatsky and Olcott converted to Buddhism and changed their focus to Eastern mysticism Kingsford and Maitland left the TS and formed the Hermetic Society. This group attracted S.L. MacGregor Mathers and Dr. W. Wynn Westcott.
- The Golden Dawn was then formed in 1888 by Westcott, supported by Mathers and Dr. William Robert Woodman. Their goal was to continue the tradition of Western mysticism that had been abandoned by the Theosophical Society.
- These three men were steeped in the philosophies of freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the cabala. Westcott was a master mason and the secretary general of the SRIA, Latin for the Rosicrucian Society of England. Woodman was a leading member of the SRIA and an expert cabalist. He initially played a lead role in developing Golden Dawn's cabalistic studies, but he died in 1891. - Prominent members of the Golden Dawn include Florence Farr, the famous stage actress and head of the London branch; William Butler Yeats, also a member of the TS and friend of Blavatsky, who earned a Nobel Prize for literature in 1924; and Aleister Crowley, the celebrated Satanist and black magician later known as the Beast.
- Until his death in 1991 the late Ellic Howe was a sort of Mentor for illustrius Brother P.Koenig the young illuminati Satanist from the Ordo Templi Orientis in Switzerland were the local OTO/illuminati lodge celebrate in Stein a weekly satanic Mass created by A.Crowley.And this goes on since the early 50's.
Brother Koenig was as usual always desperate for more info on his ideal Satanic Master A.Crowley and Ellic Howe was probably the world's foremost authority on the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley untill is death.So this is how Koenig and Ellic Howe became so close. Brother Howe was inducted into UGLE in 1970 ,and then only eight years later he was elected Grand Master of the QC Lodge. - After Howe died Robert A. Gilbert became the most respected promoter of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. He replaced Howe as the Grand Master of the QC Lodge. His book on the GD features an intro by Israel Regardie who was Crowley's friend, biographer and personal secretary. Regardie had also been involved in promoting LSD. Aleister Crowley
- Born in 1875. After leaving Trinity College of Cambridge he was introduced to George Cecil Jones, who introduced him to the Golden Dawn. Crowley was initiated into the GD in London in 1898.
- Soon the GD was split into two competing camps, one headed by Florence Farr in London and the other by MacGregor Mathers in Paris. When Crowley was denied access to the Second Order in London he went to Paris and was initiated by Mathers. Yeats and other members of the London branch then had Mathers and Crowley expelled. - "In 1903, Crowley married Rose Kelly, and they went to Egypt on their honeymoon. After returning to Cairo in early 1904, Rose (who until this point had shown no interest or familiarity with the occult) began entering trance states and insisting to her husband that the god Horus was trying to contact him. As a test, Crowley took Rose to the Boulak Museum and asked her to point out Horus to him. She passed several well-known images of the god and led Aleister straight to a painted wooden funerary stele from the 26th dynasty, depicting Horus receiving a sacrifice from the deceased, a priest named Ankh-f-n-khonsu. Crowley was especially impressed by the fact that this piece was numbered 666 by the museum, a number with which he had identified since childhood." - Crowley divorced Rose in 1910 after she succumbed to alcoholic dementia and was placed in an asylum. Crowley's second wife also went insane, and five of his numerous mistresses committed suicide. - Crowley was given the nickname of "The Beast" by his mother, and promoting this title himself he is commonly referred to as "The Great Beast," and was well known as "the wickedest man in the world." - After splitting with the Golden Dawn he formed the AA, or Astrum Argentium, with G.C. Jones in 1906 to further his occult studies. - In 1910 Crowley was contacted by the head of the O.T.O., the Ordo Templi Orientis, Theodore Reuss, and joined their order. Crowley took over in 1921 when Reuss suffered a stroke. - The foundation of Crowley's belief was the slogan, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," supposedly passed to him by his spirit guide Aiwass. Crowley was the tutor of Aldous Huxley, who was a champion of LSD and one of the greatest promoters of the social upheavals in America in the late 60's. Crowley's philosophy became reflected in the mantra of "If it feels good do it." - A picture of Crowley appears on the cover of the Beatles "Sergeant Pepper's" album, and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley's estate in Scotland. - Crowley wrote an account of his spiritual progress in magic and Satanism under the title "The Temple of Solomon the King." Lord Northampton - Spencer Douglas David Compton, born 1946. His great grandfather was William Bingham Baring, head of the Baring Bank, descended from Francis Baring the chairman of the British East India Company. The BEIC brought England into the lucrative international opium trade, a business that the British Royal Family and their agents now monopolize. According to EIR's "Dope, Inc." Baring Brothers bank has been the premier merchant bank of the opium business from 1783 to the present day. - In 1987 Lord Northampton held a London conference funded by his own Hermetic Research Trust to commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Golden Dawn. -Vatican illuminati Lord Northampton comments on A. CROWLEY THE BEAST 666 and the GOLDEN DAWN: "I know the Golden Dawn extremely well, and I love Aleister Crowley's poems and Macgregor Mathers, and all those people and I know all the people in England who are still practicing it, and I have done the rituals. I have done all these things. Great fun. Tremendously exciting!" So what more do you want after this statement to accuse Lordon Northampton and the UGLE of being a bunch of evil Satanist running around doing disgusting satanic Rituals. - Lord Northampton has been the Assistant Grand Master since 1995 and he has been appointed as the Pro Grand Master, to replace the present one in April 2001. The PGM acts in place of the GM when the GM is absent. Professor Giuliano Di Bernardo
-Founder of the Academy of the illuminati in Piazza di Spagna 20 and Past Grand master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italian freemasonry now in the hands of his close family relative and ex Secretary Brother Fabio Venzi.
- Former head of the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy. The GOI contained the infamous P-2 Lodge, which was connected as we all know with terrorism and fraud involving the Vatican, the mafia and GLADIO flase flag terrorist attacks all over Italy. The P2 was officially closed in 1976 but continued to operate underground but 1981 it's grand master Licio Gelli was arrested and sentenced to seven years but he venr spent a night in a proper prison as it was just a cover up operation.. Gelli was a CIA/VATICAN SMOM operative charged with controlling communist insurgency, and his sentence was later overturned of course. P-2 as always operated inside the UGLE through the Duke of Kent himself being a devote servant of the Vatican Lodge Ekklesia..
- Upon quitting the GOI Di Bernardo accused his old lodge of Satanic rituals saying, "in the lodges of the GOI, obscene rites are practiced, deriving from the Templar tradition, in which the devil Baphomet is invoked, together with the Supreme Being."
- Lord Northampton is an avid supporter of Di Bernardo's illuminati Accademy in Piazza di Spagna created with the Jesuits and the Opus Dei , and has charged him with the task of preparing the way for rebuilding the Temple of Solomon . In June, 1996 Di Bernardo at the time Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy published his book "Rebuilding the Temple." - In an interview he explains his goal, "A new utopia may be based on the cabala. I see a utopia based on Jewish mysticism, but Jewish mysticism as a place... a material place, Solomon's Temple... This is my intention. This is my will!" - Di Bernardo has also spoken of how the director of the ADL of B'nai B'rith, Abe Foxman, is a collaborator in the plan to rebuild the Temple, and that he, Foxman and Lord Northampton met in Switzerland just prior to the launching of the Jeruslalem Lodge, to discuss the project. Di Bernardo says that there are strong connections between B'nai B'rith and freemasonry. The Quest to Rebuild the Temple - Two weeks after the 1967 Six-Day War which saw Jerusalem and the Temple Mount brought under Israeli control, there occurred the greatest freemasonic meeting in history in London, celebrating 250 years since the founding of UGLE, at which the Duke of Kent was installed as the new Grand Master. - Shortly after, the QC Lodge dispatched a member, the Jewish physicist Dr. Asher Kaufman, to begin studies on the exact location of where the Temple originally stood. - The Temple Mount Faithful was also established at this time by Stanley Goldfoot, which is presently led by Gershon Solomon. - In December of 1995, a month after Rabin was assassinated, the Jerusalem Lodge was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon. - This lodge was founded by the Grand Master of the Italian illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo, and at the opening ceremony he declared, "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies!!!" The Palestine Exploration Fund and the Biblical Archaeology Society
- The Palestine Exploration Fund is controlled by the royal family, and this group points to the Biblical Archaeology Society as the authority on Solomon's Temple. Founded in 1974 it produces four publications including Biblical Archaeology Review, which was at one time led in part by Barbara Ledeen, whose husband Michael wrote a book entitled Universal Fascism, which praised anti-Catholic masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini.
- BAR promotes two men as the established experts on the Temple Mount: Dr. Asher Kaufman, of QC, and Dr. Leen Ritmeyer who works for the Rothschild banking family. According to Dr. Rupert Chapman, the PEF's secretary, Kaufman and Ritmeyer are sponsored by the PEF. - The PEF is scheduled to publish the work of their treasurer Dr. David E. Jacobsen, who is a scientist at the Marconi Foundation, which will be a book on Solomon's Temple based on the original papers of Sir Charles Warren's study of the Temple Mount over 100 years ago. - Dr. Leen Ritmeyer is a dutch-born architect who received his doctorate from England's Manchester University based on his work on the design of Solomon's Temple. He has been financed almost from the beginning by Lord Jacob Rothschild, the head of Rothschild Investment Trust. - Ritmeyer claims to have pinpointed the exact place where the Ark of the Covenant was placed within the Holy of Holies, a spot currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock, and the PEF is also scheduled to publish this discovery. - The Rothschilds have been the largest financial supporters of archaeological digs in Israel this century, and the famous Masada dig of the '50s was actually called the "Edmond de Rothschild Masada Dig." - The Sep.-Oct. 2000 issue of BAR was a special double issue dedicated to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and the main article was entitled "More Temple Mount Antiquities Destroyed," which documented illegal construction and excavation on the Mount by Muslim authorites. Ariel Sharon entered the Temple Mount, accompanied by hundreds of security personal, on September 28, bringing the peace process to an immediate halt and sparking the current "Al Aqsa Intifada." Ariel Sharon now half dead after being curse by his own Rabbis was Trained at the Military Staff College in Britain in the '50's. - Sharon's patron within the IDF was General Avraham Yoffee, who often took Sharon on hunting trips to Africa. - Yoffee was a good friend of Sir Peter Scott, who collaborated with Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in founding the WWF. Yoffee founded Israel's Nature Preserve Authority. - Barry Chamish relates how a friend spotted Sharon and Henry Kissinger coming out of a meeting at a trade conference. Chamish then contacted Sharon's spokesman Raanan Gissen, who admitted that Sharon has met with Kissinger every time he has visited America since the Yom Kippur War . - Regarding Kissinger, from EIR's "Dope, Inc." "On May 10, 1982, addressing a celebration at the Royal Institute for International Affairs at Chatham House in London, Kissinger a member of the Monte Carlo P2 Board of Directors boasted that throughout his career in the Nixon and Ford administrations, he had always been closer to the British Foreign Office than to his American colleagues, and had taken all of his directions from London and the Vatican. Brother Kissinger the Zionist Vatican illuminati Puppet Master set up the international 'consulting firm' Kissinger Associates, in partnership with Britain's Lord Carrington, shortly after he delivered that Chatham House lecture. Brother Kissinger is now becoming a key figure in the NWO scenario as he becames the number one Vatican Puppet Master. In the end the Vatican Grand Lodge Ekklesia will always prevail over every one else but always together with the Grand Lodge of Israel and good old friend of the Knights of Malta Yasha Beresiner the Zionist and Giuliano Di Bernardo the good Vatican boy. | |||||||||||||||||||||
The Justice of God: Who controls the Council of Seven
The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: The infiltration of Rome with Antichristian Judaizers very partial reference
The Freemason Rosecrucian Golden Dawn Rothschild London Temple is referenced in various here. It is only one of the Seven Heads of the Beast.
The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: Zionism and its invasion of Palestine
Palestine Cry: The Justice of God: Who controls the Military Industrial Complex Which Controls the Jews
The Justice of God: Who controls the Military Industrial Complex Which Controls the Jews
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Vatican Papal Crest of the divining serpent - Vaticanus - see The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 13. |
The Justice of God: Who controls the Military Industrial Complex Which Controls the Jews
That is the real Freemasonic Vaticanista stronghold of the Zionists; Rothschild works for the Vatican Bankers - The Military Industrial Espionage Complex including SHAPE - NATO - DIA aka the Octopus operated by the Jesuits.
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: free Zionism 101 and the Palestine conflict.: "Typically, the ADL organization was created in 1913 by the B'nai B'rith, a Jewish freemasonry organization (even if it's members deny it is freemason, it's nevertheless part of the Israeli Grand Lodge of Freemasonry). In the 1920s the Myer Lansky crime syndicate who heavily financed the ADL, managed thanks to the ADL to avert measures taken by the authorities against him by having the main challenger brandished "anti-Semite" (Lansky was Jewish, and also heavily financed the Jewish terrorist organizations of the 1930s-1940s in Palestine). It is also heavily funded by the Bronfmans, a Jewish Illuminati-Brotherhood associate."
Father Feeney warned about Osterreicher, below, while Malachi Martin warned about the core of it all - the Black International, i.e. the Jesuits. Those who try to defame Father Malachi Martin, do so in order to cover up what he warned of. They are worms of Satan.
Another Catholic priest faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ is Father Micelli who also warned of the Great Apostasy.
See Fr. Malachi Martin
Jew Judaizer AntiPopes
Zephyrinus (199 - 217)
Siricus (384 - 399)
Hormidas (514 - 523)
Analdet II (1130 - 1138)
Calixtus III (1455 - 1458)
Alexander VI (1492 - 1503)
Pius III (1503)
Leo X (1513 - 1521)
Paul III (1534 - 1549)
Pius V (1566 - 1572)
Gregor XIII (1572 - 1585)
Pius XII, Eugenio Pancelli, Black Nobility - Crypto Jew
John Paul II, Mother was a Jew, maiden name "Katz" Polonised as "Kaczorowska".
In 1771, John Carroll (1735-1815), a Jesuit priest from a wealthy Maryland family, became a professed father of the Society of Jesus and a professor at Bourges in France. In 1781, Fr. Carroll founded the Sulpician Seminary in Baltimore and in 1789, the year the U.S. Constitution took effect, founded Georgetown University, a Jesuit institution that was managed by the Sulpician Order for a period of time. The Sulpicians were a heretical Catholic order whose headquarters are located on the Zero Meridian in Paris, France. Remarkably, Saint Sulpice, like his contemporary King Dagobert, converted the Jews of his diocese en masse to Christianity!
“St Sulpice (d. c.647). This contemporary of St Dagobert also has his feast day on 17 January. He was the second Bishop of Bourges, which is on the zero meridian of Paris, like Rennes-les-Bains, and was successful in converting all the Jews of his diocese. He was the protégé of the goldsmith of St Eloi, Grand Vizier of Dagobert I. The famous seminary and church dedicated to him in Paris contains the obelisk with the copper line down the centre marking the exact point of the meridian. St Sulpice, in the grounds of St Germain-des-Pres (qv), had connections with the Prieuré from its foundation in 1642.” (Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin, Arkana, 1985, p.110)
Recall that the Zero Meridian is the 33º longitude. To understand the significance of this meridian see The Lost Tribe of Dan, under Locations “C. Territories of Dan in the Land of Israel.”
In 1790, John Carroll was appointed by the Roman Catholic Church to be the first Bishop of the United States with the task of organizing the Catholic Church in the new nation. Bishop Carroll encouraged Catholic religious orders to establish branches in the U.S. and, with the help of George Washington, secured federal funds to send Catholic missionaries to the western territory. John Carroll became an archbishop in 1808 and, under his leadership, the Catholic population of the United States increased from 25,000 to 200,000.
John Carroll’s brother, Daniel Carroll, was a framer and signer of the Constitution and a Mason who participated in laying the Masonic cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. The Catholic Encyclopedia entry for Daniel Carroll states: “Initially, he was prevented from becoming involved in Maryland politics by laws that excluded Catholics from holding public office. Once these laws were repealed in 1776, he was elected to the upper house of the Maryland legislature (1777-1781). He was a delegate from Maryland to the Continental Congress (1781-1783) and was one of the signers of the Articles of Confederation (1 Mar 1781).”
The Carroll brothers were cousins of Charles Carroll, also a high ranking Mason as well as the only Roman Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence. All of the Carrolls, who were colleagues of President George Washington, were educated at Jesuit institutions: the Jesuit School at Bohemia on Harmon’s Manor in Maryland and the Jesuit college at St-Omer in French Flanders. Charles went on to other Jesuit institutions of higher learning, the college of the Jesuits at Reims and the College Louis le Grand at Paris. According to a Catholic expose of Masonic infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church:
“In the United States, founded as it was upon Masonic principles, ‘infiltration’ is hardly the appropriate word. Charles Carroll, a high ranking Mason and relative of the USA’s first Bishop, had been the only Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence. By 1895, Archbishop Ireland could tell the French: ‘I believe that a divine mission has been assigned to the Republic of the United States. That mission is to prepare the world, by example and moral influence, for the universal reign of human liberty and the rights of man’ (cited in Utopia, p. 113).” (“The Catholic Church and Globalism,” Carey J. Winters, Real Catholicism, 3/98)
How is it that the Vatican, which had an official policy that forbade Roman Catholics under threat of excommunication from holding membership in Masonic lodges, and regularly issued papal bulls against Freemasonry––how is it that Pope Pius VI appointed the Jesuit priest, John Carroll, whose family was deeply involved in Freemasonry at the highest levels, as the first Bishop of the U.S. with the charge of founding colleges, of establishing a Catholic hierarchy and generally organizing the Catholic Church in the new nation? The answer may be found in the origins of the Jesuits.
“‘In fact the classical land of crypto-Jewry is Spain. Tradition there has been durable and universal to such an extent that one must raise the suspicion that a Marranian receptivity is present in the atmosphere of the land itself. Even at the time of the Romans the Jews were numerous and influential. Many of them asserted that they were descended from the aristocracy of Jerusalem, who had been deported by Titus or by earlier conquerors into banishment.’” (Cecil Roth)
By the time of the Reformation, Jewish Cabalists were openly in control of the papacy, from which they directed Cabalist operations throughout Western Christendom. (See Reformation popes in our Pope Chart, a work in progress). Immediately preceding the Reformation, a medieval version of the Hebrew Roots Movement shook Christendom, aided and abetted by Pope Julius II (1503-1513):
“It is indeed a well-known fact that the Reformation was achieved by Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, but it is not so well-known that previously John Reuchlin (1455-1531), Pico de Mirandola’s disciple, shook the Christian conscience by suggesting as early as 1494 ‘that there was nothing higher than hebraic wisdom.’ And when in 1509 a renegade Jew, Joseph Pffefferkorn, had the Talmud seized and finally obtained, after several attempts, the definitive condemnation of this collective compendium which contains a thousand years of Jewish wisdom. John Reuchlin did not shrink from exposing himself to every menace and danger in order to defend before the Emperor and the Pope the extraordinary value of the Talmud, whose veritable meaning he had fathomed. Reuchlin advocated returning to Jewish sources as well as to ancient texts. Finally, he won his case against the convert Pfefferkorn, who loudly demanded the destruction of the Talmud. ‘The new spirit which was to revolutionize the whole of Europe became apparent with regard to the Jews and the Talmud,’ wrote the historian Graetz.” (Pinay)
In 1517, Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” commenced the Reformation and, in 1540, the Society of Jesus was authorized by Pope Paul III to launch the Counter-Reformation. James Trager’s compendium, The People’s Chronology, includes this stunning entry: “In 1534 the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) (a Marrano) and five associates” (1979, p.176).
Perhaps the most lucid overview of the evolution of the world government is the previously cited article by Pastor John Torrell, who elaborates on the background of the founder of the Jesuits.
“The following information is going to be a ‘shock’ to all Roman Catholics. In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi-cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the ‘Jesuit Order,’ which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola’s death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations.
“Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service.” (How the World Government Rules the Nations)
The fact that the founder of the Society of Jesus, originally called “‘The Company’ of Jesus,” was a Marrano Jew, should give us pause to reflect and to reassess the official party line that the Jesuits is a “Roman Catholic” institution. As well, to wonder about the source of this propaganda campaign, which is probably the Illuminati. Pastor Torell adds, “While the Popes relied more and more on the Jesuits, they were unaware that the hardcore leadership were Jewish, and that these Jews held membership in the Illuminati Order which despised and hated the Roman Catholic Church.” This seems very generous of Rev. Torrell considering the popes of the Reformation period. [See Pope Chart] The pope who authorized formation of the Society of Jesus in 1540, as well as the Council of Trent conducted by the Jesuits from 1545 to 1563 to crush the Reformation, was quite the reprobate.
“According to Life magazine, Pope Paul III (1534-1549) as a cardinal had fathered three sons and a daughter. On the day of his coronation he celebrated the baptism of his two great-grandchildren. He appointed two of his teenage nephews as cardinals, sponsored festivals with singers, dancers and jesters, and sought advice from astrologers.”
In 2001, the Jesuit Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts sponsored “Toward a Deeper Understanding of Forgiveness,” a seminar which featured James Bernauer, S.J. as a speaker. A Professor of Philosophy at the Jesuit Boston College, Bernauer honored St. Ignatius for welcoming Jews into the Society of Jesus and lauded the fact that his successor was Jewish. (Interesting that “Bernauer” is a Jewish surname.)
“Ignatius’s devotion to the personal figure of Jesus saved him, and initially the Society, from a most common prejudice: the view that Jewish converts to Christianity and their descendants, the so called ‘New Christians’ of Spain, were more Jewish than Christian for they were of impure blood. Such tainted character justified their exclusion from Church posts and religious orders. Ignatius courageously resisted ecclesiastical and political pressures and refused to exclude Jewish converts or their descendants from the Society’s ranks and, thus, some of the most distinguished early Jesuits were Jewish... the Jesuit historian Francis Sacchini wrote in 1622 that the second general of the Society, James Laynez, had Jewish ancestry,” (“After Christendom: The Holocaust and Catholicism’s Current Search for Forgiveness”)
The early Generals of the Society of Jesus were suspected of having Jewish ancestry and “ 1593...when the 5th General Congregation was about to open...of the 27 Jesuits who proposed changes to the Constitutions, 25 were of either Jewish or Moorish descent.” This would account for the Jesuits’ partiality toward the Jews: “...the Jesuits...were then against the Inquisition... In this case the organisation of St. Ignatius founded for the defence of the Church against her enemies was led astray and occasioned to be exactly the opposite, to oppose the Inquisition, which represented the principal defence of the Church and to tolerate its enemies.” (Pinay, p.617)
Roman Catholics should ponder the fact that, if this Company of Cabalist Jews was mobilized to quash the Reformation, then the Protestants were, in reality, fleeing the High Cabal of crypto-Jewry which controlled all of Europe through their religious front, the Roman Catholic Church. That God was delivering His people, true Christians, from this Synagogue of Satan is the only honest explanation for the Reformation.
A Biography of Ignatius Loyola states that, during his lifetime, there were suspicions of Ignatius’ Hebrew ancestry which, of course, the good saint abjured:
“[The Jesuits] were begun by a group of Spanish Christians, at a time when the reconquest of Spain from the Moslems was but recently accomplished, and persons with Moorish or Jewish ancestry were under suspicion. It is accordingly much to their credit [credit by whom?] that the Jesuits were firmly opposed (particularly under Ignatius and his first three successors as Superior General of the Jesuits) to ecclesiastical anti-Semitism and to the Inquisition’s persecution of suspected Jews. When Ignatius was accused of having partly Jewish ancestry, he replied, ‘If only I did! What could be more glorious than to be of the same blood as the Apostles, the Blessed Virgin, and our Lord Himself?’”
A Chronology of the Life of St. Ignatius which reveals his devotion to the Black Virgin attests to his membership in the Illuminati: “Iñigo went continuously to Montserrat to confess...Montserrat, a Marian shrine (Black Virgin of ~) is a well known site of pilgrimage... Iñigo and his band of companions were rumoured to be Illuminists (Alumbrados), members of a movement condemned by the Inquisition. Interrogations and arrest (17 days, no explanation) followed. Spiritual Exercises suspected to be heretical.” To comprehend the devotion of the Illuminati high cabal, the Prieuré de Sion, to the Black Virgin, including Montserrat in Spain, the reader is referred to our report The False Gospel in the Stars.
Ignatius managed to escape the Inquisition probably due to the fact that, in the 15th century, the papacy was securely in the hands of the Jewish Cabalists.

Italy under Pius XI in the 1920's. Pius XI later disbanded that party, to put his full support behind Benito Mussolini and his Fascists. The leader of the Christian Democrat party was then forced into exile, though he and
Pope XI remained on good speaking terms. It was in London that this leader met a fellow exile - Avro Manhattan.
Latin America were going fully Marxist-Leninist in ideology, as both Avro Manhattan and a former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, well document. Malachi Martin documents how that, in 1963, the Jesuits became fanatic,
left-wing Communists, under Pedro Arrupe, himself a Marxist, and a great advocate of Fidel Castro. Martin documents in his book: "The Jesuits and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church" how the Jesuits proceeded to foment Communist revolutions throughout Latin America and Africa, with Castro's aid.
Paul's Cathedral.) During this Black Mass, these cardinals and other Jesuits "installed" Lucifer as head of the Church of Rome. It was Malachi Martin's belief that many of the Roman clergy at that time began practicing
child molestation as part of their Satanic rites of worship.




Semitic languages. A picture of Malachi Martin sitting between Pope John Paul I, the murdered Pope, and the Pope's assistant, Diego Lorenzi. That picture was taken in 1978, long after Martin had left the Jesuits. The picture is in David Yallop's excellent expose of the murder of John Paul I and the Vatican Bank scandal, called "In God's Name."
went to court and charged the dictator with violating the constitution. The court rejected Castro's petition. With no legal recourse left, Castro organized an armed attack by 165 men on the Moncada Barracks in Oriente
province on July 26, 1953. That attack and the one on Bayamo garrison failed completely. Half the attackers were killed; Castro and his brother Raul were taken prisoner and given a trial. He made his famous speech,
"History Will Absolve Me". Sentenced to 15 years, he was pardoned after just two in a general amnesty on May 15, 1955.
before leaving aboard the Granma to invade Cuba in 1956. Returning to Cuba, the revolutionaries hid in the Sierra Maestra mountains, gaining support among the peasants. Eventually, Batista was forced to flee in 1959 and Castro took over. Castro became a committed Marxist-Leninist who nationalized industry, confiscated property owned by non-Cubans, collectivized agriculture, and enacted policies to benefit laborers and peasants. Many of the middle class fled the country, some establishing a large, active anti-Castro community in Miami, Florida. The United States Government tried various schemes to assassinate Fidel Castro. CIA made an unsuccessful attempt to destabilize the Castro government. On April 17, 1961, a force of 1,300 Cuban exiles, supported by the CIA, made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Cuba at a southern coastal area called the Bay of Pigs. The assumption was that the invasion would inspire the Cuban population to rise up and overthrow Castro. It was a U.S. miscalculation; the Cuban population supported him. In October, 1962 the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis occurred when the U.S. government discovered the Soviet Union was setting up long-range ballistic missiles in Cuba. These were perceived by the United States as a threat. President Kennedy instituted a naval blockade of Cuba that lasted until Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles. Thereafter, U.S.-Cuban relations remained mutually hostile.
has left Cuba in a difficult position and Castro less of an international figure, though he remains President of Cuba.



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