Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

by Kevin Barrett
Update: The authorities now claim the Boston bombing suspects are Chechnyan Muslims. How odd! The US and Israel are allies of the Chechnyan Muslims in their fight against Russia. In fact, the US and Israel create and fund Chechyan “al-Qaeda” cells to conduct terror attacks against Russia.
So maybe these suspects are the usual al-CIA-duh patsies. And maybe Israeli “terror experts”were flown to the US to oversee the framing of the Muslim patsies.
The father of the suspects, like Mohamed Atta’s father, understands this all too well:
Father of suspected bombers: ‘My sons were set-up’
Posted Friday morning, April 19th, 2013
Were Israeli false-flag terror experts – maybe even some who helped pull off 9/11, the operation that Mossad operative Mike Harari bragged about – flown in to Boston to set up a shoot-out as dénouement to the Boston Marathon bombing?
At this point it’s just a hypothesis. But suspicions were aroused two days ago, when Israeli Police Chief Yohanan Danino announced that his officers had flown to Boston to “meet with Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and other authorities” to participate in the investigation of the Boston bombing. As RT reported, Danino dispatched police officers to participate in discussions that “will center on the Boston Marathon bombings and deepening professional cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both countries.”
But wait a minute…why would American police need Israelis, or other foreigners, to investigate an American crime? And more pertinently: How did Danino know that there would be any Boston Marathon bombings for his team to investigate? According to RT, “Israeli law enforcement planned the trip before the deadly pair of bombings on Monday that has so far claimed three lives.”
When government agents pre-plan their trip to a crime scene, it means they – or their governments – had foreknowledge of the crime. One notorious example: Just a few minutes after the Pentagon was devastated by explosions on 9/11, FBI agents showed up at the gas station and hotel across the street and confiscated security videos showing what had happened. Obviously those agents were sent to confiscate the videos before the Pentagon had been attacked, by people who orchestrated the attack. It was a crime scene clean-up, not an investigation.
Another example: FBI agents left their offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota to drive to Duluth to investigate the scene of Senator Paul Wellstone’s plane crash. The problem: When the agents left, Wellstone’s plane had not yet crashed. They arrived at the crash site far too early – and proceeded to cover up the crime rather than investigating it.
Israelis, even more than the FBI, have a habit of “showing up too early” for terror events. The notorious dancing Israelis, Mossad agents who were arrested on 9/11 for filming and celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center, had their cameras in place, trained on the Twin Towers, before the first plane hit. They even admitted their foreknowledge on Israeli national television, saying “Our purpose was to document the event.”
Within minutes of the airplane crashes on 9-11, Ehud Barak (the founder and master of the Israeli military’s covert operation force, the Sayeret Matkal) was in the London studio of the BBC World ready to provide a plausible (and political) explanation to the world. Barak, the real mastermind of 9-11, was the first person to call for a “War on Terror” – and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Another example of Israel’s overly-rapid response to disasters: The Israeli team sent to offer “humanitarian aid” to Haiti after the earthquake was dispatched almost before the aftershocks had subsided. How were they organized so quickly? Perhaps the recently-assassinated President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela was right when he charged that the Haitian earthquake was created by HAARP or other artificial means.
Yet another amazingly rapid Israeli response: Netanyahu fled the scene of the 7/7 London bombings…before they even happened. Now THAT is a rapid response! The Mossad itself has confirmed that Netanyahu received a prior warning about the London bombings, and canceled his trip to a conference that took place next to Liverpool Station, where one of the bombs exploded.
So when Israeli “terror experts” get ready to fly to Boston to investigate a bombing, before the bombing has even happened, it does give one pause.
What could be the role of the Israeli team deployed to Boston?
Perhaps the bombing itself was set up by Israeli-linked organized crime assets, or Israeli-linked private military contractors. (One report implicates Craft International Private Military Forces.) Such people might not be in a position to completely control the investigation by US authorities, including the Boston police and FBI. So the Israelis would need to have another team, made up of police officials and “terror experts,” to interface with the US investigators, set up the patsies, and organize a dénouement. Their trip to the US would have been planned before the bombing, so they could “hit the ground running” in its immediate aftermath.
The fact that US investigators have put out two different, conflicting IDs of the bombing suspects indicates the possibility of such subterfuge. As the shoot-out reports began this morning, the AP headline reported: “Surviving Boston Bomb Suspect Identified as A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Massachusetts.” But other media reports identified the two suspects as Mike Mulugeta and Sunil Tripathi.
Problems like this in keeping suspects’ (or patsies’) identities straight are a regular feature of the aftermath of false-flag events. Many readers will be familiar with the case of the second Oswald involved in the JFK assassination. Another recent example: Confusion about whether the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook was Adam Lanza or his brother, Ryan Lanza. Another, less-well-known example is the way the original list of 19 suspected 9/11 hijackers was miraculously produced, hastily revised, and finally admitted by the FBI to be dubious. The original list of patsies, apparently prepared in advance by the perpetrators and produced even before the World Trade Center dust had settled, seems to have been primarily made up of identity theft victims. It included the names Adnan and Ameer Bukhari – whose names had to be hastily removed, and replaced by those of other identity-theft victims, when one turned up alive and the other had been dead for a year. But the new list was never subsequently revised – even after half the people on the list turned up alive and were obviously innocent. (The source of this information, by the way, is not a “conspiracy web site” – it’s a scholarly article published by Elsevier, Europe’s leading academic publisher.)
As of this writing, one of the Boston bombing suspects has been “killed in a shoot-out” while the other is still being pursued and/or shot at. Dead patsies are always convenient – it makes a trial unnecessary. And a trial, in which the suspect is presumed innocent, and in which the defense can use discovery, is not what false-flag terrorists want. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot down by mob hit-man Jack Ruby, and then Ruby injected with cancer, to prevent either case from coming to trial. The alleged 19 hijackers were rubbed out, one way or another. Adam Lanza is dead. That way, William Pepper and other truth-seeking lawyers can’t step in and represent innocent patsies like James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan, thereby opening the cans of worms that the perps wish to keep closed.
The Israeli Mossad, the world-class A Team of false-flag terror, has admitted to bombing US targets in Egypt during the Lavon Affair. (Admitted, hell – they actually lavished honors on the perpetrators!) Mossad defectors like Victor Ostrovsky and Ari Ben-Menashe have revealed that virtually all of the high-profile terror incidents affecting Israel, from the Achille Lauro incident to the Entebbe hijacking, have been arranged by the Mossad. And, as mentioned before, legendary Mossad operative Mike Harari has openly bragged of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.
And then there is the USS Liberty attack. Israelis obviously have no scruples about mass-murdering Americans.
If you don’t want people to suspect you of every terror attack, you should stop committing so much false flag terrorism.
Yowling about “anti-Semitism” isn’t going to cut it much longer.
And while you’re at it, maybe you should change your motto.
“By way of deception thou shalt do war” is a dead giveaway.
It almost sounds like a confession.
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