Rahner's absolute apostate heresies included in his Satanic counsel as a Diabolic peritus (so called expert) the Antichristian neo-pagan/Gnostic idea of the "Anonymous Christian." Lifted in part out of the Judeo-Masonic claptrap of Jean Chauvain - actual Jew name of Yôḥanan Cohane or Jean Cohen - known as John Calvin.
Bergoglio: newguy and newpope in newrome | Watching the Wicked Seed
Bergoglio: Newguy as newpope in newrome
From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Violates 2000 Years of Catholic Tradition
To Wash the Feet of Two Females and Two Infidels
In the Holy Thursday Maundy Rite
Which Is Supposed to Represent Christ's Washing
Of His Twelve (Male) Apostles' Feet
Is Bergoglio Softening up His New Order Sect
For Deaconnesses, and Even Priestesses
Newvatican's propaganda machine is defending Bergoglio's action as "absolutely licit." Yeah, sure. It does not take a brilliant intellect to see where Begoglio is going: softening up the New Order sect for the introduction of deaconnesses, and even priestesses.
Sources from Bergoglio's former Newarchdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina, have reported that Bergoglio spurned even the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess there and described Bergoglio as a "horror" even for conservatives in the New Order sect. Not surprisingly, these same local sources indicate that under Bergoglio, the state of the Newclergy there is "dilapidated," and its seminary is a "disaster."
Bergoglio's latest Modernist abomination follows on his rejection of the papal mozzetta after his election was announced on the Newvatican loggia. He also has rejected the title "pope," instructing his curia and staff to call him "Jorge." At the Good Friday Stations of the Cross in the Roman Colosseum, he called Mohammedan [Ed. note - "Mohammedan" see below] infidels "brothers and sisters." It is widely rumored that Bergoglio is about to fire the relatively-conservative Newmonsignor Guido Marini, the current Newpapal Master of Ceremonies, to appoint a thoroughly Modernist "Millie." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
The Final Trial
Freemasonry Condemned
Traditional Catholic Prayers: False prophecy - terrible damage done and nothing else
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