Jesus Christ speaking to the Jews and defining them to themselves and to all men throughout the world in absolute condemnation of damnation of them, the Jews. Douay-Rheims Bible, Gospel of St. John, Chapter 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
Only individual Jews, if they absolutely renounce Judaism and confess Jesus Christ from the heart and with the mouth, and are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, can be saved.
Zionist terror, murder
- it continues today - God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Triad - Targets Palestine and the United States of America - Triad's hidden out in wide open plan - 7 articles, scroll back through

Judaist lies
The Justice of God: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Final Trial of the evil onslaught is upon us which began with the destruction of the Apostate Temple of the Jews in 70 A.D. and will increase until the end of this age - only God knows when that will be.
The Satanic evil that continues to fester in the secret councils of the Jews was seen massively here: Poppea was the predecessor to the Jews' Antichrist genocidal bloodletting of the Noahide Laws planned out in the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch to come in the future.
Talmud, [see especially here: Babylonian Talmud] and its summary, the Shulkan Aruk
The "law" of the Antichrist, the Noahide lie:
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: THE LAW OF NOAH: ONE WORLD RELIGION part 1
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: THE LAW OF NOAH: ONE WORLD RELIGION part 2
Nostra Aetate connects the False Prophet and the Antichrist.
Likkutei Amarim or "Tanya" is the Chabad child molestors' evil document written by the criminal Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812) which they add to the Shulchan Aruch and the Talmud.
The Rabbis who control the evil Satan worshipping Likkudnik terrorists are the controlling force behind Bugsy Milikovsky (aka Benji Netanyahu - whose history includes the worst backstabbing assassins of the Mossad, Sayeret Matkal); these Rabbis are the Chabad Rabbis of an exact fanatic system which aims to bring the Antichrist to rule from a rebuilt temple of Remphan in Jerusalem and to destroy all the Gentiles of the world completely.
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Shulchan Aruch
Shulchan Aruch
The most evil document of the entire history of the world. Hatred of the human race. Jews - the "higher beings". Goyim are animals. "Right" to rule the world. Enemies of the Judeans will be destroyed.
Translator's notes:
[Keep in mind that these laws are the standing laws of Judaists regardless of where they reside or what is their citizenship and are to be followed regardless of anything else.
Furthermore, they supersede the laws of the land, and, in case there is some conflict between them and the law of the land, the law of the land is considered inapplicable and has no force or effect.
The punishment for not following them is excommunication and damnation, which is equivalent to the death sentence in Judaic tradition, and so anyone performs a good deed when he deprives such "violators" of their life.
Furthermore, Shulchan Aruch as such is what has been the main set of religious documents guiding the Judaists, for the last 300 years. The Talmud nowadays mostly belongs to archives as a historical document and is no longer considered as something current or widely used.
"At the present time, the Schulchan Arukh is regarded as the obligatory Law Code of the Jews, and they use it principally in their studies. Many commentaries have been written on each part of this book.
"An important point to note is that this work has always been regarded by the Jews as holy. They have always held it, and still hold it, as more important than the Sacred Scriptures. The Talmud itself shows this very clearly..."
The Talmud Unmasked
There is also a collection of teachings called Tanya, which is the Chabad's "bible" of sorts, used by the most extremist and racist/fascist ZioNazi sect called Chabad Lubavitch, the most influential, most evil, most rootless and destructive force on this planet today controlling all the governments of all the "civilized" countries of "free world". The evil, the likes of which the world has never know in its entire history.]
"Probably the most evil document of the entire history of the world"
Let us proceed directly to analysis of perhaps the most evil document in the entire history of the world, the basic laws of the Talmud, as collected in the Shulchan Aruch.
These anti-human laws have caused many tragedies for the Jewish people because, in essence, they turned a part of them into an informal criminal organization, opposing on the basis of racial considerations the rest of humanity.
"I think, wrote Fichte, that Judaism is so evil because it is based and built on a deep hatred of the entire humanity."
The racial, man-hating nature of the laws of Judaism can be compared only with some racist documents of Nazi Germany.
Contrary to those who claim otherwise, the Jews read their own compilation of the Old Testament based on the extremely skewed and even falsified Massoretic text (completed 500 A.D. to 900 A.D.), which they then again put in an order of their own and change the words and therefore the meaning again to reflect the Rabbis' countless wild hatreds and speculations and most specifically to then use it as a prop for the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch and the Tanya. This prop looks superficially to the Gentile eye that does not open its pages as if the Jews actually read and followed Moses; they emphatically DON'T. But this prop is basically for deceiving the Jews. The Stuttgartensis (see next paragraph) is the cover the Jews will claim to deceive the Gentiles.The most evil document of the entire history of the world. Hatred of the human race. Jews - the "higher beings". Goyim are animals. "Right" to rule the world. Enemies of the Judeans will be destroyed.
[Keep in mind that these laws are the standing laws of Judaists regardless of where they reside or what is their citizenship and are to be followed regardless of anything else.
Furthermore, they supersede the laws of the land, and, in case there is some conflict between them and the law of the land, the law of the land is considered inapplicable and has no force or effect.
The punishment for not following them is excommunication and damnation, which is equivalent to the death sentence in Judaic tradition, and so anyone performs a good deed when he deprives such "violators" of their life.
Furthermore, Shulchan Aruch as such is what has been the main set of religious documents guiding the Judaists, for the last 300 years. The Talmud nowadays mostly belongs to archives as a historical document and is no longer considered as something current or widely used.
"An important point to note is that this work has always been regarded by the Jews as holy. They have always held it, and still hold it, as more important than the Sacred Scriptures. The Talmud itself shows this very clearly..."
The Talmud Unmasked
"Probably the most evil document of the entire history of the world"
To make matters even more full of their back alley deceit and every lie imaginable with a cover to claim it isn't so, they masquerade for Gentile consumption only the so called approved Hebrew Bible, its translation and order of books. The Stuttgartensis in fact is a most excellent Old Testament translation from existing Hebrew texts, even with their alterations. Its Hebrew is basically real Old Testament Hebrew. But it is for Gentiles, not the Jews, by full knowing choice of the Jews. The only fully reliable Old Testament is the Septuagint, which is why all Christian translations worth their salt always compare to and thoroughly consult the Septuagint.
The prop for the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch and the Tanya. The Judaist books of the Jews' Tanakh, their plagiarized false Old Testament:
Torah - The Pentatuach
Bereishit - Genesis
Shemot - Exodus
Vayikra - Leviticus
Bamidbar - Numbers
Devarim - Deuteronomy
Nevi'im - Prophets
Yehoshua - Joshua
Shoftim - Judges
Shmuel I - I Samuel
Shmuel II - II Samuel
Melachim I - I Kings
Melachim II - II Kings
Yeshayahu- Isaiah
Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah
Yechezkel - Ezekiel
Hoshea - Hosea
Yoel - Joel
Ovadiah - Obadiah
Yonah - Jonah
Michah - Micah
Nachum - Nahum
Chavakuk - Habakkuk
Tzefaniah - Zephaniah
Chaggai - Haggai
K'tuvim - Scriptures
Tehillim - Psalms
Mishlei - Proverbs
Iyov - Job
Shir Hashirim - Song of Songs
Rut - Ruth
Eichah - Lamentations
Kohelet - Ecclesiastes
Nechemiah - Nehemiah
Divrei Hayamim I - I Chronicles
Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles
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