The Justice of God: The Justice of God: As in the days of Noah: Holy Holy Holy Lord God Pantocrator
Jesus Christ blessed Peter when he made confession of the truth in Christ. That confession is the rock of truth upon which the ekklesia of Christ is founded. (The ekkelsia = those called out from the gates of hell.) Neither the human being Peter nor any supposed claimants on earth to any succession from Peter are the rock. What we are called out from is the "gates of hell." Those who obey and stay out of, who come out from the gates of hell, out of the realm of the ruler (the Devil) of this fallen world system are the faithful to Jesus Christ and are His church who the gates of hell will not prevail against. (The fallen world system = all the infidel religions including magic-astrology-sorcery and divination, Hinduism, Voodoo, Zoroastrianism - Parseeism, Buddhism, Jainism, Bahai, Judaism, Pantheism-Atheism-Communism, Secularism, Vatican II-ism [pretend traditionalism as an excuse to have ANYTHING to do with Vatican II], ecumenism, Christian Zionism --- ad nauseaum.)
The False Religion of the Antichrist is beneath that:
The Justice of God: Khafir kuffār Althod
Khafir kuffār Althod
Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger Praises Pope Benedict for Outreach to Jews
Says Relations Between Israel and Vatican 'Best Ever'
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ZioVaticaNazi Benediktos with his Isis (see below - The BROAD way to hell - forever) hat of sorcerers magic |
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The BROAD way to hell - forever.
The BROAD way to hell - forever.
Isis, the ancient summation and source of all the mother of harlots and Summerian-Assyro/Babylonian-Indian Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and demons and gods and goddesses. All of which are poured down upon humanity through the demon gate of Buddhism (between Jupiter [Zeus] and Saturn [Satan] in the Solar System) and have their original source in the ancient Summerian primeval sea of Nammu ('Nammu' is the first part of the black magic invocation of the demons and devils behind the idols throughout the Far East, especially in the opening of the demon eye ceremonies).

The ancient bloody worship of Gaia has been revived by the forces of Satan and his Antichrist in order to rule the world for the Devil and the Devil's One World Religion
Jesus Christ is the Sole Son of the Father in Whom alone there is Salvation.
St. Athanasius Contra Mundum
Sometimes we may be given to say “I wonder what it was like to live many centuries ago” or “we don’t really know what it was like” and other such things as men are wont to say when musing on things. We needn’t wonder. The Church Fathers give us a very clear account. When we read from St. Athanasius [feastday May 2] in his book Against the Heathen, we see the idolatry and depravity from which Jesus Christ redeemed us from to have no part in. St. Athanasius was the defender of the Church against Arianism, the attempt to return on the part of churchmen to a “reasonable” synthesis with paganism. In other words, apostasy. In fact if one looks at false ecumenism and the world wide return to paganism and moral depravity and the horror of the human sacrifice of abortion (according to Human Life International many abortion providers are training their people to offer the murdered babies to mother goddess Gaia via magic) then we are living in the time that St. Anthony of the Desert [feastday Jan. 17], in 335 A.D. foretold would happen when he thundered into Alexandria and denounced the Arians as the forerunner of the Antichrist. The question at hand is what is our duty to God in resisting heresy and sin?
The Justice of God: Satan's false prophet - Illuminati cult - assassin, HSBC, Svali and mind control and transnational Satanic Crime
Anyone who tries to obfuscate and ameliorate any of the below, including by defaming those who speak out or saying things such as don't really say anything or take any stance, just be middle of the road with "prudent skepticism" and "vigilance" is a Satanic Criminal same as Benny the Ratz and the Illuminati child Murderers.
The Justice of God: The ancient bloody worship of Gaia has been revived by the forces of Satan and his Antichrist in order to rule the world for the Devil and the Devil's One World Religion
The Justice of God: Khafir kuffār Althod
In Christ alone there is salvation.
Jesus Christ is the Sole Son of the Father in Whom alone there is Salvation._________________________________________________________________________
St. Athanasius Contra Mundum
Sometimes we may be given to say “I wonder what it was like to live many centuries ago” or “we don’t really know what it was like” and other such things as men are wont to say when musing on things. We needn’t wonder. The Church Fathers give us a very clear account. When we read from St. Athanasius [feastday May 2] in his book Against the Heathen, we see the idolatry and depravity from which Jesus Christ redeemed us from to have no part in. St. Athanasius was the defender of the Church against Arianism, the attempt to return on the part of churchmen to a “reasonable” synthesis with paganism. In other words, apostasy. In fact if one looks at false ecumenism and the world wide return to paganism and moral depravity and the horror of the human sacrifice of abortion (according to Human Life International many abortion providers are training their people to offer the murdered babies to mother goddess Gaia via magic) then we are living in the time that St. Anthony of the Desert [feastday Jan. 17], in 335 A.D. foretold would happen when he thundered into Alexandria and denounced the Arians as the forerunner of the Antichrist. The question at hand is what is our duty to God in resisting heresy and sin?end of excerpt
It is Human Life International that documented the fact that Abortion Providers are Offering the murdered infants to Satan-Mother Goddess Gaia as "sacrifices" via Witchcraft. Absolutely Satanic Diabolic and hell bound forever.
See: The Justice of God: John Paul II the Great Deceiver and Bishop Brom of San Diego - John Paul II Millstone
The below condemnation and warning includes those who claim to write about the truth and promote an agenda that supports the Christian revelation of Truth, but in actuality are a variety of New Age Pagans, Communists, Atheists, Anti-God Dialectical Jews etc. - for examples of such Diabolic drivel see "Noor" and Hoffman and so called Pinay.
Along with the onslaught against everyone faithful to Christ and the Diabolic drivel used to cover that up is the neighborhood gangstalking against anyone who speaks out out about this and its concomitant transnational multifarious crime shadow cartel and their death threats and attacks. (in the links use the Older Post link at right hand bottom of the articles to scroll back through the articles)
The Justice of God: Palestine Cry: The 'Nuen Kulturkampf' and the Judas knife in the back.
Vincent P. Miceli, The gods of atheism : religious atheism
Atheism in contemporary Theology
Vincent P. Miceli, The gods of atheism (Arlington: New Rochelle, NY 1971)We hope to show that atheism's vigor arises from its heroic will to create mythical gods in place of the true God. We hope to prove that its feebleness is demonstrated by its utter inability to cure the contradictory crisis it creates between man whom it would advance in freedom and its own New God whom it cannot restrain from devouring mankind. Thus, this study will maintain that no atheist chooses merely to deny God. For the atheist's spiritual posture against God is at the same time his posture in preference for some other Being above God. As he dismisses the true God he is welcoming his New God. Why must this be so? Because every personal commitment of man presupposes, deep in the metaphysical core of his being, a hunger for being and goodness. ... xiv We have said that it is terrifying to attempt to live without God. Kirilov, one of the many atheists in The devils [or The possessed by Feodor Dostoevsky] testifies to this truth. "To realize that there is no God and not to realize at the same instant that you have become God yourself--is an absurdity, for else you would certainly kill yourself. I cannot understand how an atheist could know that there is no God and not kill himself at once!" xiv-xv The aim of this work is to indicate that the great sin of contemporary atheism is that it consists, through a sustained act of Supreme Self-Will, in a total preoccupation with the human. This atheism induces man to fall down before himself in narcissistic adoration and love. In one form or another, the systems of thought expounded in this work call man to a religious allegiance solely to Man-God. ... It is hoped that this study may lead readers to reject the paths that run to the temples of the strange Gnostic Gods of humanistic atheism. xvi-xvii |
Jesus Christ said to the Jews and all who reject Him:
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
The Holy Spirit through St. John warns us!:
John 2:22
Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.
The Gods of Atheism
Hardcover, 490 pages
Militant Atheism and the Pathetic God Fallacy
Militant Atheism and the Pathetic God Fallacy
Gods of Atheism by Fr. Vincent P Miceli
Gods of Atheism
by Fr. Vincent P Miceli Foreword by John Cardinal Wright
Code: 091214100X
On backorder
"One of the truly outstanding books of our time."-The Wanderer "As complete a study of atheism as exists in any language."-Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen "An invaluable guide to the theological climate of the hour, so baffling to the average Christian. It sets our neo-modernism firmly in its historical context; it reveals the influence of past systems. It disabuses us of the notion that right now we have some dispensation of the Holy Spirit. And Miceli's critical faculties come into full play, establishing him as a considerable defender of orthodoxy." -Christian Order "Remarkable....the Miceli style clearly comes into its own in this major study." -Frederick Wilhelmsen, Triumph "A work in the great tradition of Catholic intellectual life. By providing such a studied and readable analysis...Miceli has given us a valuable tool in the ongoing conversation with the non-believer." -(Bishop) Donald Wuerl, Catholic Currents, 1971 "Shows why atheism today does not and cannot leave in peace those who are not atheists..Explains with dreadful eloquence the causes of modern atheism and the inflamed wound it has left upon the worldƒExplains difficult writers lucidly and makes only too clear the doom that threatens if their ideas win final victory." -Paul Hallet, National Catholic Register "Fr. Miceli is the type of priest we need so much in this crisis of the Church. He is equipped with the intellectual weapons that enable him to be a defensor fidei. And he provides clear answers to this threat, which has even infiltrated the Church!" -Dietrich von Hildebrand Over 40,000 copies sold
Code: 091214100X
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For eschatology and scriptural teaching on prophecy and the Book of the Revelation go here: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation
This is extracted here for its salient comments on the Devil's incursion into philosophy and the resultant Satanic false light of the Illuminati.
The revolutionary philosophy of hell designed to appeal to the rebellious nature of man’s pride in himself and aversion to God’s rule revolved around words like "liberty" and "equality." It asserted that everyone is "destined," by the god-hunger in them to be "free from the rule of others" and "equal to all others", therefore, there can be no ruling government, other than the temporary "government" of Anarchy, which destroys "the rule of others" with the rule of others, the elite revolutionary zealots who are licensed by ideology to destroy in the name of "Freedom." These unqualified "democratic" principles of liberty and equality lead to chaos, moral and civil disintegration, even the disintegration of the mind. But this end result, total destruction (Hell), is never put forward by the enemy, only utopian promises of a better world, advanced civilization, the solution of age-old problems, nirvana, peace, etc. They propose a transfer of power from the few to the many. They propose what will accomplish the destruction of the existing order, whether that be a monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, republic, or democracy. When that order is destroyed, they are soon proposing the destruction of that order which took its place, until the principle of chaos or disorder is enshrined in the death of all order, the negation of all evidence of intelligent life, that is, the reign of Satan, which is death and Hell.
The French Revolution celebrated the destruction of monarchy, in order to replace it with an oligarchy of powerful men who were replaced by a popular dictator, who was ruled by their secret government. Many years later, after having acquired near complete control of the medias of information and education, constitutional republics or so-called "democracies" could be controlled by the enemy effectively. Successively, rule appears to go into the hands of common, uneducated or miseducated men, but the reality is that they must actually depend on someone to tell them what their choices are, and these are the real, yet hidden, rulers. These uneducated or, better yet, poorly educated masses are more or less easily led by the manipulators of popular opinion. And who would dare revolt against the apparent majority of their fellow men. The most absolute dictatorship is the dictatorship of the proletariat, the common working man. Speak for him or pretend to speak for all such men, and you will have an insurmountable mandate.
When universal education became mandatory by law in the 20th century and fell, of course, into the hands of the State, the full education of men in the ungodly and anti-traditional principles could begin. Then Christian society could be thoroughly denigrated and misshapen with all manner of error, until the very idea of God’s rule over man could be erased from the minds of a whole generation.
[keep in mind who it was that took charge in the early 19th century of all school book publishing. The Rockerfellers, and the Rothchild families!]
Now let us look at a history of modern philosophy to see how the most basic thinking of mankind, which is the subject of philosophy, was slowly but radically disrupted and rendered absurd. The evil control achieved over mankind could not have taken place without the perversion of basic ideas upon which our whole viewpoint depends. In the perversion of the philosophical sciences of ontology (the study of being) and epistemology (the study of knowledge) we see the "inspiration" of Satan.
The corruption of Philosophy, "Queen of Sciences", by the enemy began with the nominalism of certain medieval philosophers, like William of Occam, arguing against the moderate realism taught by the Church, especially through St. Thomas Aquinas, who built upon the metaphysics of Aristotle.
The St. Thomas' teaching tells us that "Realism is a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind and that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality." What could be more natural? But nominalism is "a theory that there are no universal essences in reality and that the mind can frame no single concept or image corresponding to any universal or general term."
Much later Emmanuel Kant picked up the inference of nominalism and fashioned the theory of idealism, which supposes … "that "the essential nature of reality lies in our consciousness, in the mind or reason," not in the real world outside the mind! Now it’s not only that we cannot know reality, but that it isn’t even out there; "it" is just subjective ideas in our mind. Consider the implications here: If man’s mind is now empowered with the creation of the only reality "knowable," man is one step closer to appearing as God-like. He is not only liberated from God by this notion but also from the reality God made, and principally, the reality of his own created nature as man. This leads to complete amorality and immorality. And, Kant has led us to agnosticism, because we can't know God, only our own arbitrary mental constructs. But this describes the insane mind. [this is where society is today! the lunatics are in charge of the Asylum!!!]
The 18th Century Enlightenment popularized the arguments that would lead to dispensing with God. The mass distribution of works by cynical utopians like Voltaire and Rousseau helped accomplish this. The French Revolution was the political result of the Enlightenment – two deliberately coordinated events. And the next step of the World Revolutionary Movement would be the Russian Revolution, and its philosophical accompaniment would be various atheists.
Voltaire specialized in defining the non-churched believer in God who has graduated from organized religion by rejecting the sects of all religions.
When the Spirit of God is taken out of human thinking, that thinking disintegrates progressively like any material substance abandoned by the principle of life, the soul. The philosophical trend we are illustrating,is nothing more or less than a description of the decay of rationality itself.
Let us continue our little history of philosophy. Although not an atheist like his student Fuererbach, the "intellectual forerunner of Communism, atheism and religious modernism is a German professor named Hegel, a Rationalist. In noting that human reason apprehends universal absolutes and the attributes of god, he raised Reason to being these absolutes and attributes. What does this make man to be but a god himself. Let me read from the 'Gods of Atheism' by Fr. Miceli.
"Now Hegel, the progenitor of a famous brood that split into two factions at war with each other, was far from being an atheist himself. Nevertheless, he set the stage for the assault upon god. It was generally agreed that God was the object of both philosophy and theology; of the former by the light of reason, of the latter by the light of revelation. But Hegel questioned whether the philosophers or the theologians had succeeded in attaining the real God. He protested that the God of Christian experience was an inadequate, a premature, not-yet-developed God. Hegel set himself the task of completing the good news of the Gospels; he would go beyond Christianity by demonstrating that the only valid God was dialectically evolving Thought or Spirit Which gradually, inevitably attains and reveals Itself in conceptual clarity and complete self-consciousness through the entire scope of cosmic and human history. Hegel set himself the mission of rescuing the God of Christianity from the vagueness of imagery, the symbolism of myths, the simplistic charm of parables.
Moreover, Hegel had a bill of particulars against the Christian God. The trouble with the Christian God is that He is only experienced and remembered when the human conscience is sick or in trouble. But this Jewish-Christian god, Who is unapproachable and inscrutable in His aloof transcendence and unattainable by the imagination, mind or heart of men, arouses in man resentment against the only choice he is offered by this mysterious God – obedience or revolt. Frustrated by the demoralizing experience of failing futilely to satisfy his hunger for communion with the transcendent god, humbled by the degrading knowledge of his abject powerlessness, man resents the situation that equates God’s glorification with his own depreciation. The transcendent God of the Old and New Testament thus succeeds in enslaving and alienating His worshippers. He sets before them the face-to-face eternal embrace of Himself as a goal that is actually beyond man’s personal achievement. Yet He continually tortures man’s metaphysical hunger as if this human aspiration for complete communion were actually attainable.
… All modern atheism will thus be seen to be rooted in Hegel’s rejection of the God of the master-slave relationship, the God who begets an "unhappy conscience" in man, the God who reduces man from being a hero to being a "beautiful soul."
Freuerbach saw the inevitable outcome of Hegel’s reduction of God from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus to the God of the philosophers and scientists. He saw that the God of the fifth Gospel – the gospel of reason according to Hegel – was merely a man-made God, sprung full-blown from the Hegelian head. Taking his inspiration, however, from Hegel’s work as a beginning which was going in the right direction, Feuerbach set himself to account psychologically for the illusion of all religion. He realized that Hegel had already demolished God without even suspecting his own great accomplishment. Feuerbach successfully drew the logical conclusions of Hegel’s work in his book The Essence of Christianity. In an heroic manner he continued the process of all theology to anthropology.
… In his Essence of Religion, Feuerbach reached a similar conclusion in his field of endeavor, proclaiming that God is merely a myth which embodies the highest aspirations of the human consciousness. "Those who have no desires," he wrote, "have no Gods … Gods are men’s wishes in corporeal form."
… Feuerbach was acclaimed for having swept the heavens clean of the phantom of God, exorcised this sacred sorcerer from the consciousness of his age, broken forever this theological tyrant’s fatalistic, master-slave domination of men, restored divinity to its rightful owner – liberated Humanity – and rendered the thousands of years’ discussions about God henceforth pointless." [This is what Stephen Hawkings is attempting to do today through his false teachings.]
Thus atheistic humanism was born. Man was offered a new heart and mind, a new hope in Himself. Satan could obviously work great evils with men who accepted such conceits. He could more completely possess them. And so it has happened, the inhuman face of Satan has become more and more visible in the actions of men given into his service. Now we do not just have pretended reformers of the Christian Church and its society, we have those who totally discount Christianity and religion in order to achieve man’s "New Consciousness," which is that "God" is a mere notion, that is, "God" is dead.
They (the Illuminati) both create the problem and provide their chosen solution, through the Hegelian Dialectic.
The only change intended in the Protestant, French and Russian Revolutions was to pass the reins of power into the hands of the Revolutionary Party. Destroy the old order and keep it destroyed. Take over capital and the means of production, and retain it. But use as your excuse this sob story about the poor proletariat rising up to take what is theirs by the supposed right of all to have Equality. Sheer subterfuge! Manipulate the masses to destroy the good order they had; then enslave them in a totalitarian State, which, like Rousseau’s "common will," has the right to control all men in the name of their (dictated) "common good." Naked power Play! Thinly disguised by pure hype. The common man never believed this bologna, but he was told the common man believed it, and those who took over his government pretended to do it on the basis of this mandate. All "classes" and all individuals suffered the consequences of Communist takeovers in the 20th Century, but the same hype about the people claiming their rights was maintained for public relations purposes.
The Communist Revolution in 1917 and the subsequent buildup of Russia as an atheistic slave-state importing revolution to every corner of the globe was the work of the conspirators’ secret governments in the USA, Britain, Germany and elsewhere. All was financed by Zionist bankers milking U.S. taxpayers, through unconstitutional legislation and traitorous agents in our government. Yes, we financed Communist Russia and all its revolutions throughout the world from the very beginning.
The traitors in the Vatican at the 1958 Conclave and Vatican II have fully implemented this, which is the Great Apostasy; the faithful are commanded to come out and have NOTHING to do with this upon pain of eternal damnation by God into the lake of fire forever. Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord
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