The 18 temple benedictions are the basis for the Jews as the race that the Antichrist will come from.
Alois Grimm S.J. (October 24, 1886 - September 11, 1944) an anti-Nazi and firm staunch witness to Christ who opposed without compromise the Judeo-Pantheist Atheist machinations and horrors of the Nazis and was martyred by them for his faith in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ fifty seven years to the day before the Neo-Nazi Vaticanista JudeNazi 'Israeli' Pan European {centered in Bavaria (the Nazi Ratzinger, now Antipope benedict xvi sprung from there) and the traitors of 'Anschluss' - Austria} cabal attacked the Twin Trade Towers and WTC7 and the Pentagon on 911.
Kulturkampf - from the Encyclopedia Brittanica
Kulturkampf, (German: “culture struggle”), the bitter struggle (c. 1871–87) on the part of the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck to subject the Roman Catholic church to state controls. The term came into use in 1873, when the scientist and Prussian liberal statesman Rudolf Virchow declared that the battle with the Roman Catholics was assuming “the character of a great struggle in the interest of humanity.”
The Kulturkampf was the predecessor of Hitler's persecution of Christians in Nazi Germany. The Nazis did not persecute the Jews but were partners with them as indeed the Judeo Illuminati were behind EVERY revolution in all of Eurasia for centuries.
Book by Father Alois Grimm with review of him as the author:
Aschaffenburger Hauserbuch (Veroffentlichungen des Geschichts- und Kunstvereins Aschaffenburg e.V) (German Edition)
Aschaffenburger Hauserbuch - Veroffentlichungen des Geschichts- und Kunstvereins Aschaffenburg e.V - German Edition
Author: Alois Grimm
ISBN-13: 9783879650637
ISBN-10: 3879650632
Pages: 824
Publisher: Geschichts- und Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
Book Type: Hardcover
Alois Grimm (* October 24, 1886 in Külsheim, Germany, hanged September 11, 1944 in Berlin) was a Martyr, Jesuit priest, Patristic scholar, educator, Grimm SJ, denunciated by SS soldiers for anti-German sentiments and sermons, was sentenced to death by the Nazis for undermining the Wehrmacht.
Early Years
After graduation, young Grimm could not decide as to whether he should follow a navy career or become a priest. Together with his father he made a retreat with Jesuits in Holland, since the order was outlawed in Germany since the Kulturkampf. In the Fall of 1907, he entered the Society of Jesus. His philosophical and theological studies were interrupted by World War I, which he spent as a nurse in military hospitals. 1920 he was consecrated priest and took on the German Speaking Catholic Mission in Florence, Italy. From 1922 until1926 he studied classic languages, Latin and Greek, and history in Vienna and Heidelberg. From 1926 on he teaches at the Jesuit school, Kolleg Stella Matutina in Feldkirch Austria and after 1934 at the Kolleg St. Blasien in Germany.
Theological Research
As patristic scholar, Grimm worked on a critical edition of the Ambrosiaster for the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum CSEL in Vienna, Austria. The Ambrosiaster is a Latin commentary on Saint Paul, dating back to the fourth century. It exists in many manuscripts and was believed to be written by Ambrose of Milan. Grimm’s research were aimed at restoring the original Ambrosiaster and to create so called “families” familiae of versions in their historical sequence. This would allow Grimm, to recreate the original version. The authenticity of the Ambrosiaster was subject of several publications of Grimm.
Confrontation with National Socialism
Alois Grimm was more than a professor for old languages and scholar. From a Christian perspective he opposed the Nazi ideology early on. This remained not unnoticed. A secular teacher at Kolleg St. Blasien, member of the NSDAP remarked, "Grimm talked in derogatory ways about our new ideology. I hope we will shut him up, for a long time, or better even, forever". Grimm was aware, that he was spied upon and its possible consequences: It would be my greatest honour and luck, if something happens to me.After the Jesuit Kolleg St. Blasien was closed by the Nazis, Father Grimm returned to Tisis, Austria, were he taught Latin in a nearby Catholic seminary and assisted in the local parish. In 1943, an SS soldier, in opposition to the Nazi regime, came to Grimm, and asked to be admitted to the Catholic Church. He attended regular private classes given by Father Grimm, had his wife and child baptized and finally presented “a friend” who wanted to enter the Church as well. October 1943, the Gestapo stopped at the rectory of the Parish , arrested Father Grimm and transferred him for interrogation to the infamous Gestapo prison in Innsbruck, Austria. There to Father Grimm’s great surprise was the “friend” a Gestapo agent, waiting for him.
Execution By Hanging
Father Grimm was interrogated and mistreated by his “convert” and other Gestapo staff. After several weeks, he was transferred to Berlin, where he underwent torture, and further interrogations. On August 12, 1944, Roland Freisler of the Volksgerichtshof stripped Father Alois Grimm of all civil rights and sentenced him to death for undermining the fighting spirit of the German Wehrmacht in two instances. The two “converts both testified against Grimm, who stated, that he was trapped. Freisler screamed at him: 'Fishes are caught in different ways. I have to be very careful to catch a trout. If I want to catch a Jesuit, I have to use special methods. You swallowed it. That proved us right". His public defender, Lingenberg, wrote afterwards: "Father Grimm’s defence was one of the most horrible events in my whole life. It is a historical truth, which should not be forgotten, especially in a time, which tends to belittle the memory of the past".
After his death sentence, Grimm wrote: "The hour has come, I am going home into eternity. In a few hours, I will stand in front of my Judge, my Redeemer and my Father. It is God’s will, to be done everywhere. Don’t mourn over me, I am returning home, you have to wait. I give my life for the kingdom of God, which knows no end, for the society of Jesus, for the youth and religion of our home land". On the same day, September 11, 1944, Father Alois Grimm was hanged.
Five years after the execution, his ashes were given a resting place at the Kolleg St. Blasien by its Superior, Otto Faller: “Dear friend, this will be our vow on your silent grave, to live for the kingdom of God, which knows no end, for the society of Jesus, for the youth and religion of our home land. Farewell, dear friend. From now on, be custodian of this house and its ever renewing youth, protect us with your spirit and pray for us, so we may keep our promises, always”.
With these words, Kolleg St. Blasien was dedicated to Alois Grimm in 1949. Afterwards, other schools, buildings, streets were named after Father Alois Grimm. Today, in his hometown Kuelsheim, there is a Father Alois Grimm school. In the Jesuit Church in Innsbruck and in Pullach near Munich, Father Grimm is honoured with memorial plaques. Last year, a new building in St. Blasien was named after him. Benedicta Kempner, the wife of US attorney Robert Kempner, war crime tribunals in Nuremberg set Alois Grimm a memorial in her book on the persecution of Catholic priests during the Nazi era.
Quotes of Father Grimm
We live in a time, in which the Church of God is under attack like never before. Not compassion or pity, honour is being demanded today. But if the orders of this world are contrary to the orders of Christ, then the orders of the World are obviously wrong. Every human authority, yes, the authority of a whole people too, has to step back, before the authority of Christ.
The suffering increases, the cross is getting heavier, as all seem to know. But Christ carrying his cross his our model, our consolation, even our joy. In front of us eternity full of light and the full victory of Christ, who will reign in truth forever. (1936)
We live in a difficult time. Our responsibility before God and before the coming centuries will be enormous. Our prayer, work and sacrifice must contribute, so that the present and future belong to Christ. This is a large and beautiful calling, which should fill us with joy, despite of all the sufferings. This is not the time for petty jealousies or self-pity. Everything is at stake.(1937)
Benedicta Maria Kempner: Priester vor Hitlers Tribunalen. München 1967
Günther Schüly: Pater Alois Grimm. Kolleg Brief Weihnachten 1956, Kolleg St. Blasien 1956, PP. 35 — 48
Feldkirk, Austria and Brandenburg Germany both house prisons. Notice the resemblance to the Rothschild funded landscape of Nazified pillaged Occupied Palestine where camps and walls and centers of so called "justice" are used to oppress the indigenous people by the occupiers.
Just as Germany was Occupied by the Enabling Act (Nazi equivalent of the Patriot Act) which made the NSDAP, the Nazi Party headed by Hitler, sole dictators of Germany and Austria was Occupied by Anschluss by the Austrian collaborators and France was Occupied by collaboration of the Vichy Quislings, so was Palestine Occupied by the JudeNazi invaders after World War II who had "survived" the mythical hoaxacaust and astoundingly today nearly 7 decades later continue to increase in their "survival" numbers - even outnumbering the total number of Jews of that area at that time.
NOTE in the below the role of Heroic-Materialistic Pantheistic Germany, led by the Kaiser, in opposing Christ and His Church, this and the Socialist Communist and all of the revolutionary movements of the 18th and 19th centuries (all permeated by the Illuminati) paved the way for the two outgrowths of them all in the twentieth century and both of which are still with us today in the twenty first century. Collectively they are the New World Order, they are Nazism/Neo-Nazism and Judeo/Zionist/Communism. The Gods of Atheism by Father Micelli sums up the god/gods/goddesses they serve - all of which collectively are Satan and the fallen angels and the demons. The True God and Lord, the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, at the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ will destroy all of them and their followers into the lake of fire forever.
Look up, your redemption is at hand: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Antitheotokos
Traditional and proper view of Papal primacy
Pius XI in Mortalium Animus did not allow infidel and false religions to be held in honor at all with the true profession of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Gospel. That is necessary for a Pope to be a Pope or they are only an apostate and have nothing to do with Christ nor with His Gospel nor with His faithful.
Pope St. Pius X and many Popes and Patriarchs have relied on the teaching authority of tradition untainted with modernist heresies for how they teach. In contrast the totally false base of papal ratification/infallibility is a modernist invention promulgated at Vatican II. A form of Papal Ex Cathedra pronouncement of WHAT THE CHURCH HAD ALWAYS TAUGHT ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE APOSTLES AND JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF as an infallible pronouncement was proposed at Vatican I. However, because of the enemy of Christ at that time, namely Bismarck of Germany, the council was recessed and never reopened because of the threat of Bismarck's armies. As should be noted here, Bismarck, the Chancellor of the Second Reich (Note that Adolph Hitler was Chancellor of the Third Reich.) was a proponent of the higher criticism and a sponsor of that atheism in modernist pseudo-sheep's clothing, which declared that Jesus Christ really never existed, at least not the way that the Church professed Him to be the Incarnate Son of God. Bismarck’s views came from the evolutionary Pantheism-Monism in vogue among Apostates at that time. A council that is recessed but not formally closed, as is the case with Vatican I, is not canonically declared nor any doctrines proposed there nor any pronouncements of such a council. The version of infallible pronouncement considered by Vatican I would have been the same as many general (referred to today as ecumenical) councils of the Church have declared in the past. What Pope Pius IX, because of his former liberalism which he then quite rightly rejected and rebounded very hard from and then was also threatened by Bismarck, pushed for was too much in terms of Papal infallibility and caused the schism between East and West to widen even further. The doctrine Pius IX proposed a few years earlier, namely the Immaculate Conception of Mary, rested on the acceptance of the new Papal infallibility. Without the formal closing of the Council and then the promulgation of doctrines thereby none of these doctrines were ever declared. The council was never formally closed and therefore none of the doctrines proposed then have ever been declared. Also, the council of Trent (1570 A.D.) stated unequivocally that no doctrine may be declared by anyone (this includes Popes, Patriarchs etc.) ever, then, now and in the future that does not have the support of the full consensus of the Church Fathers. No one may declare any doctine that is otherwise. This is doctrine and tradition and can not be compromised and is to be held by all the faithful until and at the time of Jesus Christ's return from heaven in the flesh He ascended into heaven with.
Papal ratification/infallibilty is totally different. It states that a pope by virtue of being the pope can declare whatever he wants and God will ratify it at the pope's command. This is blasphemy and total apostate heresy for it is nothing other than the ancient pagan theurgy whereby pharaohs and kings and Caesars etc. of pagan nations declared themselves living gods served by the pagan gods and as absolute tyrannical dictators over the people. The Roman Caesars who lived this way were totally rejected by the early Church. Christians were martyred rather than offer incense to Caesar. This included several Popes of early Rome who were martyred for this reason. The early Church, including these Popes, also totally rejected and anathematized anyone, especially the Gnostics who did say this, who suggested that any Bishop, including the Pope of Rome, had the authority to cause God to accept any doctrine they would tell God He must accept.
No ukase by any Caesar including and especially the current pretenders to the papacy can change this doctrine of the faith: 'that to be a Christian one will and must and shall at all times reject all other gods and worship and serve the True God alone - The Father and the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.' The first major transgression of this in Rome, in the recent centuries, was by a Pope who started out as an orthodox proponent of the Faith. When Pius XII (who wrote faithfully and brilliantly to defend the faith on many occasions) forced the acceptance of the assumption of Mary body and soul, based on the never declared doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, into heaven at the end of her earthly life (which would have been in the first century A.D.), he forced absolute heresy on the Church. The Masonic provoked apparitions of Mary were all banned until, unlawfully, Antipope Paul VI lifted the ban in 1969. The apparitions were the main force behind the push to approve the heretical doctrines of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of Mary. The apparition at Fatima of the Sun being turned around was prophesied by St. Hippolytus (martyred 236 A.D.) as Diabolic and of the Antichrist. When those two false doctrines of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of Mary were combined, at Vatican II and after, with the arch heretic and Communist Sergei Bulgakov’s heresies concerning Mary being a fourth hypostasis of God - then this false Mary was transformed into the Antitheotokos which is the consort of the Antichrist, who will come to oppose the Church. The faithful of the Church must not and will not accept any of this. Christ alone is the Immaculate Conception by the Holy Spirit and the blessed virgin Mary and Christ alone is the first born from the dead in the flesh. Any early resurrection of Mary would make her a goddess which God will never do and she is not nor would she ever agree with or want such an abomination in her name. In Divine response to Pius XII’s immense and unacceptable blunder in eight years he was dead and the conclave in that year, 1958, saw the election of the first of several Antipopes, John XXIII, which ushered in the Great Apostasy of Vatican II; Cardinal Siri was rightfully elected at the 1958 conclave and was Pope Gregory XVII, but reigned in exile in silence due to the death threat against his family by the partisans of Antipope John XXIII and those Antipopes after John XXIII. Now that Siri has died in 1988, truly the throne is vacant. The Antipopes were and are John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
The Church Fathers, especially as referred to here, are by definition an exact group ending with and not later than St. John Damascene in the East in the eighth century A.D. and in the West in the seventh century A.D. St. Isadore of Seville and Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome (who said that any bishop who declared himself in charge of the whole Church, instead of all bishops, including the Pope of Rome, having no more than equal authority, with Rome among other Patriarchal sees and none of them coercing others, was in fact, the precursor of the Antichrist).
The Arch Evil Council of Vatican II proposed a meaningless cosmic Adam and non-literal creation by a nonexistent pantheistic non-God ruled over by a cosmic Jesus Christ (Gnostic false Christ - actually Satan) and the Antitheotokos (Mary as premature resurrected and ascended goddess - Christ alone is resurrected and ascended until His return - John 3:13 And no one [nemo in Latin, oudeis in Greek - literally 'no one'] hath ascended into heaven, but He that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.). All of this was based on their ultimate Antichrist Judeo Mason document of Nostra Aetate which put the eternal enemies of Christ, the apostate perfidious nation of Jews guilty of Deicide, as gods above all infidel pagan religions. They put that abomination in place of the Gospel of Christ and all of this as the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place of Our Lord Jesus Christ's Church, His Body, which He died for.
The Antipopes, in addition to pretending to authority over the entire Church - which they could never have, spew forth the Satanic nonsense of Nostra Aetate. They and all who follow them will go into hell at the return of Christ.
Look up, your redemption is at hand: Nuzul i Isa, the Parousia of Isa al-Maseeh
075.040 Has not He [Allah, God], (the same), the power to give life to the dead? [the Resurrection]
In vain, then, do some babble with most empty presumption, who say that Egyptian astronomy has a history of more than a hundred thousand years! For in what books have theycollected that number who learned letters from Isis their mistress, not much more than two thousand years ago? Varro, who has declared this, is no small authority in history, and it does not disagree with the truth of the divine books. For since six thousand years have not yet elapsed from the days of Adam, the first man, are not those to be ridiculed rather than refuted who try to persuade us of anything regarding a space of time so different from, and contrary to, the ascertained truth? For what historian of the past should we credit more than him who has also predicted things to come which we now see fulfilled? (referring to the biblical authors, not even Varro) And the very disagreement of the historians among themselves furnishes a good reason why we ought rather to believe him who does not contradict the divine history which we hold. But, on the other hand, the citizens of the impious city, scattered everywhere through the earth, when they read the most learned writers, none of whom seems to be of contemptible authority, and find them disagreeing among themselves about affairs most remote from the memory of our age, cannot find out whom they ought to trust. But we, being sustained by divine authority in the history of our religion, have no doubt that whatever is opposed to it is wholly false, while in regard to other things in secular books we remain indifferent. For, whether true or false, they make no important contribution to our living righteous and happy lives.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: A prayer for conversion
Traditional Catholic Prayers: August 2011
Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord
The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 13.
2 … Scripture reference –
3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
4 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
5 … Scripture reference –
6 … Scripture reference –
7 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; 12:17
8 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8; 20:15!; 21:27; Ps.: 68:29!; Rev.: 14:12
9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:7!
10 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 43:11; Mt.: 26:52; Rev.: 14:12
11 … Scripture reference –
12 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13: 3,4
13 … Scripture reference –
14 … Scripture reference –
15 … Scripture reference –
16 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:9; 20:4
17 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:11!
18 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:9
1 ¶ (12-18) And he stood upon the sand of the sea. (13-1) And I saw a beast [1] coming up out the sea, having seven heads and ten horns: and upon his horns, ten diadems: and upon his heads, names of blasphemy. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; Dan.: 7:3; Rev.: 12:3; 17:3
2 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard: and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. … Scripture reference –
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death’s wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
4 And they adored the dragon which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him? … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
5 And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies: and power was given to him to do, two and forty months.
6 And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; 12:17
8 And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8; 20:15!; 21:27; Ps.: 68:29!; Rev.: 14:12
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:7!
10 He that shall lead into captivity shall go into captivity: he that shall kill by the sword must be killed by the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. [2] … Scripture reference – Jer.: 43:11; Mt.: 26:52; Rev.: 14:12
12 And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight. And he caused the earth and them that dwell therein to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13: 3,4
13 And he did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth, in the sight of men.
14 And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs which were given him to do in the sight of the beast: saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make the image of the beast which had the wound by the sword and lived.
15 And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast: and that the image of the beast should speak: and should cause that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast should be slain.
16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character [3] in their right hand or on their foreheads: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:9; 20:4
17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:11!
18 Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six. {See this link - 666 -} [4] … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:9
selfishness, which in every age are antagonistic to Christ and seek to oppress the ,servants of God. Imperial
[2] -Ver. 10. The weapons of the saints are faith and patience; they must accept sufferings and persecution as Christ did His cross.
[3] -Ver. 16. Character (mark): as slaves received a brand or a mark in their flesh, indicating to whom they belonged, so in the spiritual conflict there is on the side of good and of evil a
brand or mark.
[4] -Ver. 18. Six hundred and sixty-six: the original type of the number is that it represents the name Caesar Neron, which in Hebrew characters make up the number 666. (Hebrew words read right to left) — Hebrew letters for Kaiser (Caesar) Neron (Nero) = nrwn ksr = (Hebrew in parentheses) 100 (Kop)+ 60 (Samek)+ 200 (Res)+ 50 (Nun)+ 200 (Res)+ 6 (Waw)+ 50 (Nun) = 666. {Additional source for nrwn ksr and each numeric equivalent: The Anchor Bible Dictionary volume IV – page 1145.} The final Gematria/Isosephia alpha-numeric name is known to God. It symbolizes extreme imperfection, for each digit is one short of seven, the number that signifies perfection; it tells us, as the Church Fathers and Doctors all agree, prophetically, of the name the Antichrist will bear. The Fathers concur emphatically that the number is 666 and not 616 as some corrupt manuscripts mistakenly read.
Pax et Securitatis
St. Paul foretells the death and destruction of Dajjal and his corrupt empire by 'Isa al-Maseeh.
Romania is named Romania after the ancient Latin speaking Romans who settled there. Romania is still torn by Pax et Securitatis.
Palestine Cry: Romania: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
Iraq Cry: Execution of Romanian Marshal Antonescu 1946, German POWs 1945 by Soviet Jews.
Iraq Cry: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Look up, your redemption is at hand: The Apocalypse - The Book of the Revelation - The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ
Sowing the Seeds of Global Government: The Vatican’s Quest for a World Political Authority
See these articles: Vatican (9)
' While Pope Benedict’s perspective on the global economy was a perplexing blend of free-market and social welfare ideals, what raised eyebrows were his thoughts on international politics. In section 67 of Caritas in Veritate, the Pope dropped an ideological bombshell – a world authority to "manage the economy," bring about "timely disarmament," and ensure "food security and peace." '
Sowing the Seeds of Global Government: The Vatican’s Quest for a World Political Authority
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Sowing the Seeds of Global Government:
The Vatican’s Quest for a World Political Authority
By Carl Teichrib, Chief Editor
Forcing Change, Volume 3, Issue 8. September, 2009
Emphasis added
In 1990, a former Vatican-insider claimed that a titanic struggle was being waged to bring about a world political system. This contest, the now deceased Jesuit explained, was primarily between three players: international Leninism, transnational business elites, and the hand of the Vatican.
Almost twenty years have passed since Malachi Martin drew attention to this three-way quest. At the time his assertions seemed over-the-top. Granted, the idea of a world government via communism wasn’t new as decades of Cold War posturing still played in our minds. And the writing was on the wall in respect to the growing power of international corporate and financial elites, exemplified by the likes of David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission.
But the Vatican?
For many, the belief that the Holy See was pursing a vision of world government was simply too much. After all, this ancient hub of Roman Catholicism had a reputation – especially among Europe’s agnostic youth – as an institution of old men, steeped in tradition, procession and ceremony. Never mind that the history of the Continent, more often than not, revolved around the Vatican’s political prowess.
In the summer of 2009, the Holy See’s political cards were revealed in a major papal document. Harkening back to Malachi Martin’s talk of world government, the most powerful religious office on the planet had promoted a world political authority to manage the global economy. Food security, disarmament, and peace would follow suit.
[ See The Justice of God: Pax et Securitatis and God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Pax et Securitatis ]A sound global economy and world peace are noble sounding goals, to be sure. But the danger lurks in that the seeds of tyranny are often buried in the soil of good intentions.
On July 7th, Pope Benedict released his new encyclical titled Caritas in Veritate, or "Charity in Truth." Two years in the making, this document was disclosed on the eve of the G8 Summit in Italy and the Pope’s meeting with US President Barack Obama. Some 30,000 words long, this encyclical outlined the Pope’s concerns regarding globalization and economics, corporate ethics, and the role of the Catholic Church in promoting social doctrine.
Commenting on the encyclical, The New York Times noted that, "sometimes Benedict sounds like an old-school European socialist…"2 And The San Francisco Chronicleexplained that,
"Caritas in Veritate addresses very modern issues such as globalization, market economy, hedge funds, outsourcing, and alternative energy, calling for people to put aside greed and let their consciences guide them in economic and environmental decisions. Many of the ideas put forward would likely rankle conservatives…"3
E.J. Dionne, a columnist for The Washington Post, gushed that Benedict is "well to Obama’s left on economics."4
While Pope Benedict’s perspective on the global economy was a perplexing blend of free-market and social welfare ideals, what raised eyebrows were his thoughts on international politics. In section 67 of Caritas in Veritate, the Pope dropped an ideological bombshell – a world authority to "manage the economy," bring about "timely disarmament," and ensure "food security and peace."
Here is a major part of section 67. The reference to a "world political authority" is very clear, and Pope Benedict explains that this international agency should be given thepower of enforcement... "real teeth."
"In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth."One also senses the urgent need to find innovative ways of implementing the principle of the responsibility to protect and of giving poorer nations an effective voice in shared decision-making. This seems necessary in order to arrive at a political, juridical and economic order which can increase and give direction to international cooperation for the development of all peoples in solidarity."To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority, as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII indicated some years ago."Such an authority would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good, and to make a commitment to securing authentic integral human development inspired by the values of charity in truth. Furthermore, such an authority would need to be universally recognized and to be vested with the effective power to ensure security for all, regard for justice, and respect for rights. Obviously it would have to have the authority to ensure compliance with its decisions from all parties, and also with the coordinated measures adopted in various international forums."Immediate controversy surrounded this paragraph, with some Catholics quickly attempting to distance the idea that the Holy See would support world government.
Hierarchy Of Power
John-Henry Westen, writing for LifeSiteNews, stated unequivocally that the Pope was speaking "directly against a one-world government." Westen’s justification for this position was the Pope’s call for a "dispersed political authority" in paragraph 41 – a reference to the role of States in the international system. Westen also brought up the use of the word "subsidiarity" in section 57 as a strike against world government.
This is an important point: Subsidiarity is the Catholic social teaching that issues should be dealt with at the lowest level possible. In many respects it builds on the theme of self-determination, and in this sense it would seem antithetical to a world authority.
Section 57 of Caritas in Veritate says,
"In order not to produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature, the governance of globalization must be marked by subsidiarity, articulated into several layers and involving different levels that can work together. Globalization certainly requires authority, insofar as it poses the problem of a global common good that needs to be pursued. This authority, however, must be organized in a subsidiary and stratified way, if it is not to infringe upon freedom and if it is to yield effective results in practice."
Mr. Westen, who claims that Benedict’s use of subsidiarity opposes world government, has misdiagnosed this section. The Pope is not speaking against one-world government by evoking subsidiarity; instead he’s offering a hierarchical model upon which to build an international authority. Essentially, where issues can be dealt with at the local or national level, let them be handled in this domain. And where issues are global and cannot be adequately addressed at a lower level, then a world authority is necessary.
Pope Benedict also suggested that subsidiarity could be a safety value that checks the power of a universal government against taking on tyrannical traits. But to propose that subsidiarity is a counter to tyranny is unconvincing – it can’t even check the expansion of over-government today.
John Laughland, author of The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea, noted that, "…the German constitution has become increasingly centralised as a result of its subsidiarity clause." The European Union also incorporates this concept, yet that hasn’t stopped the EU from centralizing political power and amassing a super-bloated bureaucracy. Subsidiarity, according to Laughland, is a model that assumes a "unitarian, pyramidal hierarchy of executive functions" with a decidedly corporatist doctrine.6
Subsidiarity can even be found in the UN system. Professor Robert Araujo explains that, "the principle of subsidiarity is recognized as a fundamental principle of the United Nations Organization."7 Here, the concept is centered on self-determination under article 1, paragraph 2 of the UN Charter. Yet this doesn’t stop the UN from seeking empowered international jurisdiction under the banner of "reform."
It’s important to note that subsidiarity does allow for grassroots decision-making and self-direction, but it’s within the context of a broader perspective. Professor Araujo explains that it’s a "a concept synthesizing the interests of the individual with those of the community." Hence, it’s not difficult to see how this principle can align itself with a world authority – you can pursue local political direction, but where local involvement ends then other levels of government step up for the "common good."
To say that Pope Benedict opposes world government because he evoked subsidiarity misses the point: subsidiarity plays a functioning role in a hierarchy of increasing political powers. What paragraph 57 demonstrates is not an aversion to world government, but the order of decision-making Benedict believes it should be based upon.
Reform And World AuthorityParagraph 67 of Caritas in Veritate is overtly political in nature. Here’s a breakdown of some key points.
n "Reform the United Nations" – UN reform centers on more than just "voting changes" or "transparency." Rather, reform is connected to world taxation, a global enforcement component, and the creation of an international parliament. A small mountain of reports and documents that support this version of reform already exist, supported by the United Nations, national governments, and pro-UN groups such as the World Federalist Movement and the Club of Rome.8 In fact, this platform of international taxation, enforcement, and a world parliament were major discussion points at the UN Millennium Forum – particularly during the sessions hosted by the working group on "Strengthening and Democratizing the United Nations."9
Cliff Kincaid, the editor of Accuracy in Media, noted the linkages between reform and global governance in section 67 of the papal text.
"…he ‘reform’ of the U.N. is designed to strengthen it. Hence, the U.N. is clearly destined, from the Vatican point of view, to become the World Political Authority."10
Reform of the UN goes far beyond new office furniture.
n "Responsibility to protect" – Known as R2P, this is a world federalist ideal that would give the UN a mandate to intervene domestically when a nation commits human rights violations. It sounds good on the surface, but critics – and even some advocates – realize that such a mandate may open Pandora’s Box.
José E. Alvarez, President of the American Society of International Law, recognized this situation while addressing a conference on international law at The Hague in 2007. R2P, he suggested, could be used as a pretext to engage in all sorts of questionable, interventionist actions.11
Nobody in their right mind wishes for any people group to experience genocide or gross injustices. R2P, however, is a seriously flawed concept that has the potential for grave abuses. From a world management perspective, the Right to Protect becomes the legal justification for a world political authority to act militarily. The danger lurks in that the seeds of tyranny are often buried in the soil of good intentions.For more on the R2P concept see Volume 2, Issue 7 of Forcing Change ( – "Kosovo and the International Community: Just Another Pawn in the Game."
n "To manage the global economy" – This is already being discussed within the international community, and it’s looking like the new world financial order will be a top-down power structure that will greatly empower existing global institutions:
Bank for International Settlements – to become the global banking regulator. The BIS is fast setting itself up as the international banking manager, a body that will oversee the world’s banks and financial system, including the regulation of international capital. An entity of this kind would be equivalent to a banker’s "king of the hill." The Los Angeles Times wrote last year that,
"…such a system would force countries to give up a measure of national sovereignty over banks operating within their borders. It also could lead to international bureaucrats trying to shape financial policy and possibly taking punitive action."
International Monetary Fund – to become the world reserve currency bank. Under this scheme, the IMF would be charged with regulating a new global currency to be used in world trade, including the energy sector. Collaborating with the World Bank, the IMF would likewise use this new currency unit for international loans and debt obligations. National and regional currencies would still exist, at least for the interim, but values would react and adjust according to new global benchmarks.
World Trade Organization – becoming the global trade regulator. The WTO would establish the rules for the trading of goods and services via a globally organized set of standard, a process it’s currently working through. National trade policies would hereafter line up with accepted world practices. All of this is already happening, but there’s a further link between global free trade and a new international financial system. Richard Cooper, while advocating a single global reserve currency, noted the following in a 1984 conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
"It would be logical if free [world] trade accompanied this single currency regime. That would also be consistent with the collaborative political spirit that would be required to establish the single currency regime. Free trade would insure one market in goods as well as in financial instruments."12
United Nations – fast becoming the global ethics and governance agency. The UN would give moral input and political guidance to the newly managed world economy. In essence, this body would become the "planetary consciousness," shaping consumer and political attitudes, values, and behaviors. This too is already happening. At the end of June, the UN hosted a conference that outlined an accepted social norm for the global economy: an Earth-centric worldview, international socialism, and a New Age vision of planetary evolution.
Remember, Benedict’s world political authority is supposed to manage the global economy. How will the execution of this mandate happen? Will the world authority operate as an umbrella to the above-mentioned groups? Can the United Nations reform to the point of being this global economic manager?
Caritas in Veritate gave us a glimpse into the world authority’s directives, but it didn’t give operational specifics. Has the Holy See actually fleshed out the details: maybe outlining the process through an internal working document? If so, it would be a very interesting read! Or, in only offering generalities, does the Vatican expect other major players – such as the United Nations or World Federalist Movement – to hammer out the particulars? If so, where does that place the Vatican in this world government framework? Observer? Advisor? Overseer?
A lot of perplexing questions arise, and so they should.
NOTE: For information and analysis on the above-mentioned UN conference, check out the Forcing Change ( report, "Building a New Common Future: Twisting Faith and Finance in a Global Order" (July, 2009). For more on the move to a single global currency, see the Forcing Change articles, "One World, One Money" (Volume 1, Issue 12), and "The Joseph Principle and Crisis Economics" (Volume 2, Issue 9).
n "An authority… regulated by law" – Governments the world over are regulated by internal laws and accountability measures, yet this doesn’t stop abuses, corruption, or even tyranny from entering the picture. The idea that a world authority could be kept in check by a system of world law doesn’t hold water.
n "True world political authority" – This isn’t a moral or spiritual ideal propagated by the Holy See, but the vision of an actual world government. This is evident in the overall context of section 67 and in the wording itself: a "world political authority."
No doubt the papal office desires to see a spiritual standard incorporated into this political entity, based in large part on the social teachings of the Catholic Church. However, this in no way guarantees that a world authority will act in good will. As history bears out, the Vatican itself is far from immune in this regard, and "holders of power" tend to amass power.
Remember the words of Lord Acton, a Catholic historian who penned the following in response to the Vatican’s unquestioning authority: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."13
Following A TraditionPope Benedict’s promotion of world government didn’t happen in a vacuum. Since the 1950s the Holy See has consistently moved to support an empowered United Nations and world political authority.
Pope Pius XII: On April 6, 1951, Pope Pius XII had a meeting in the Vatican with the World Movement for World Federal Government – a precursor to the World Federalist Movement. During that meeting, Pope Pius encouraged his "world government" audience to continue in this quest.
"Your movement, Gentlemen, has the task of creating an effective political organization of the world. There is nothing more in keeping with the traditional doctrines of the Church, or better adapted to her teachings on the rightful or unjust war, especially in the present world situation. An organization of this nature must, therefore, be set up…"The Pope then explained, rightly so, that the "deadly germs of mechanical totalitarianism" might infect this "world political organization." However, in noting this possibility, he reminded the attendees to pursue a morally firm world federalist approach. Ending his meeting, the Pope encouraged his audience to pursue this grand idea.
"…you have the courage to give yourself to this cause. We congratulate you. We would express to you Our wishes for your entire success and with all Our heart We will pray to God to grant you His wisdom and help in the performance of your task."14
Pope John XXIII: In his 1963 encyclical, Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII called for an international public authority with a "world-wide sphere of activity" to deal with global problems. This authority would be "equipped with world-wide power and adequate means for achieving the universal common good," although it could not establish itself through force: "it must be set up with the consent of all nations."
In contemplating how this system would work, John XXIII called upon the principle of subsidiarity, saying that this should be applied "to the relations between the public authority of the world community and the public authorities of each political community."
Subsidiarity here, like Benedict’s use of the term, doesn’t negate a world authority – it simply imposes a hierarchical structure that recognizes each level, from the bottom-to-the-top, as a key to the process.15
Pope Paul VI: While speaking at the United Nations in 1965, the adulation coming from the pope was palatable. During his talk he praised the UN system as "the obligatory path of modern civilization and world peace."
"The edifice which you have constructed must never fall; it must be perfected, and made equal to the needs which world history will present. You mark a stage in the development of mankind, from which retreat must never be admitted…Advance always! ...Let unanimous trust in this Institution grow, let its authority increase."Alas, Pope Paul VI called for a world government.
"Is there anyone who does not see the necessity of coming thus progressively to the establishment of a world authority, able to act efficaciously on the juridical and political levels?"16
Pope John Paul II: In his 1995 speech to the UN, John Paul reflected on the historical connections between the Vatican and the world body.
"The Holy See, in virtue of its specifically spiritual mission, which makes it concerned for the integral good of every human being, has supported the ideals and goals of the United Nations Organization from the very beginning. Although their respective purposes and operative approaches are obviously different, the Church and the United Nations constantly find wide areas of cooperation on the basis of their common concern for the human family."17
Although Pope John Paul II butted heads with the United Nations over family issues, he did place enormous importance on pursuing political systems of world law. In 1985 he spoke to judges at the International Court of Justice, telling them that,
"The Holy See attaches great importance to its collaboration with the United Nations Organization and the various organisms which are a vital part of its work. The Church’s interest in the International Court of Justice goes back to the very beginnings of this Tribunal and to the events that were linked to its establishment…
"The Church has consistently supported the development of an international administration of justice and arbitration as a way of peace fully resolving conflicts and as part of the evolution of a world legal system…
"Strictly speaking, the present Court is no more – but it is also no less – than an initial step towards what we hope will one day be a totally effective judicial authority in a peaceful world."18 [italics in original]
In other speeches and writings, such as his encyclical Sollicitudo rei Socialis, John Paul called for a strengthening of world law and a "greater degree of international ordering."19None of this has the same blatancy as Pope Benedict’s recommendation for a "world political authority," but it does follow a common political theme – enlarged and enhanced global governance.
Pope Benedict’s idea of a "world political authority" didn’t spring out of thin air. Rather, through successive papal offices stretching back to at least Pius XII,20 the Holy See has nurtured visions of an international politic.
Influencing Princes and Paupers
The fact that a religious leader has called for a world authority is interesting in itself, but because this emanates from the papal office, an extra measure of attention is warranted.
We cannot overlook the influence wielded by the Holy See. The Pope is vastly different in relation to other religious figures when it comes to global significance. It’s true that some Protestant and evangelical leaders are consulted by political elites; and government officials often court the heads of other religions, such as the Dalai Lama. But all of this pales to the historical and contemporary powers of the papal office.
For centuries the Holy See has been the centerpiece of European political affairs.
Its history is replete with geo-political intrigues, papal wars, and the rise and fall of national powers. Royalty from every corner of the Continent have traveled to Rome seeking an audience with the Pope, hoping for papal favor. Moreover, the Vatican has been ahub for banking interests, espionage, and transnational business dealings.21 And today, just as in the past, Presidents and Prime Ministers bow before the Pope, seeking his counsel, and privately discussing matters of great political, economic, and social importance.
Eric Frattini, the author of The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage, gives us a window into this geo-political world.
"The papacy, the supreme authority at the head of the Catholic Church, is the oldest established institution in the world. It was the only institution to flourish during the Middle Ages, a leading actor in the Renaissance, and a protagonist in the battles of the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation, the French Revolution, the industrial era, and the rise and fall of communism. For centuries, making full use of their famous ‘infallibility,’ popes brought their centralized power to bear on the social outcomes of unfolding historical events…
"…throughout history, the papacy has always displayed two faces: that of the worldwide leadership of the Catholic Church and that of one of the planet’s bestpolitical organizations. While the popes were blessing their faithful on the one hand, on the other, they were receiving foreign ambassadors and heads of states and dispatching legates and nuncios on special missions."22
And standing behind the Pope is a worldwide following of devout Catholics, who may not agree with world government, but who are nevertheless committed to the Roman Catholic Church – thus supportive of the Pontiff. Avro Manhattan, a critic of the Holy See, correctly made the correlation between the Vatican’s power and it’s faithful.
"What gives the Vatican its tremendous power is not its diplomacy as such, but the fact that behind its diplomacy stands the Church, with all its manifold world-embracing activities…
"…The Vatican diplomacy is so influential and can exert such great power in the diplomatic-political field because it has at its disposal the tremendous machinery of a spiritual organization with ramifications in every country of the planet. In other words, the Vatican, as a political power, employs the Catholic Church as a religious institution to assist the attainment of its goals. These goals, in turn, are sought mainly to further the spiritual interests of the Catholic Church.
"…the Catholic Hierarchy automatically reacts upon those innumerable religious, cultural, social, and finally political, organizations connected with the Catholic Church, which although tied to the Church primarily on religious grounds, can at given moments be made either directly or indirectly to serve political ends."23
The point is this: No other religious leader on the planet holds such political and economic influence within a religious framework. Consider just the number of adherents that make up the backbone of the Church of Roman: In the US, Catholics make up approximately 22% of the populace, and of the world’s total, 17% – or about 1.14 billion people.24That’s why Pope Benedict’s call for a "world political authority" is so significant; what he says influences leaders and laymen alike by the hundreds of millions.
If the local Baptist pastor or Mennonite preacher, with a flock of a few dozen or a few hundred, appealed for a UN-styled "world political authority" it wouldn’t mean much beyond the pews of that particular church. The congregants would either cheer the minister or, hopefully, challenge his assumptions. But generally speaking it wouldn’t cause a ripple beyond the local community. However, when the "Holy Father" – a Catholic title that denotes more than just a "leader" – makes such a recommendation, and has the backing of earlier papal appeals, the waves of influence travel worldwide.
- That the Holy See has, for at least six decades, supported the quest for a global political structure.
- That Pope Benedict has, through his recent encyclical, explicitly supported the idea of a world political authority; and that this world government should be designed to incorporate the principle of subsidiarity. Further point: That subsidiarity in a universal political structure would be akin to the slogan, "think global, act local."
- That the influence of the Holy See upon the international community is substantial, and that the Papacy has the backing and general support of hundreds of millions around the world, adding "local-to-global" support for the Vatican’s geo-political visions.
- That advocates for world government – such as the World Federalist Movement – will pick up on Pope Benedict’s recommendations and use it to parade the idea of world management.
- That many Roman Catholics and Catholic organizations will subsequently endorse the proposal for a world political authority, and hence support various movements for global governance.
- That individuals and organizations within and outside the Catholic Church will defend the Pope’s encyclical by seeking to spiritualize or moralize the text, thereby attempting to soften the controversy. Yet, the Pope’s intent for a world political authority remains.
- That a minority of Catholics will vocally oppose the Vatican’s call for UN empowerment and international government (many more will be indifferent). Ridicule may occur for those who publically speak against Benedict’s political ideals. Expect rifts between those who oppose and those who advocate global governance.
- That non-Catholic faith groups will support Pope Benedict’s encyclical. Already an evangelical response document has been issued by a group of professors and national evangelical leaders. Titled, Doing the Truth in Love, this text agrees that new forms of global authority are necessary, but that it "must secure increased participation, transparency and accountability, and help strengthen the nation state relative to the power of global finance."25 Such a view is more utopian than practical, as few real incentives would compel a world government to operate this openly.
- That new alliances and networks will be formed to increase political and social pressure in support of world management, and that these networks will incorporate Catholic/Vatican groups, non-governmental organizations, and elements from the United Nations.
When the Holy See raises the specter of world government it should jolt Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Even if a world political authority doesn’t come to fruition, such advocacy is stunning. Here we have the planet’s most influential religious office – itself politically structured as a top-down authority – promoting a top-down system of international management. The perception alone is deeply troubling.
And if a world political authority does come into play, what will keep it from morphing into an autocratic regime? Even in this we are assuming that the global authority will be introduced as a limited government. The ultimate contradiction, of course, is a toothless world authority. Without enforcement capabilities it would be little more than an advisory board. To be effective, therefore, it must be a centralist power with clout: Anything less would be meaningless.
But is this what the world needs to ensure global order?
Consider for a moment the last one hundred years, a century rife with examples of "well-meaning" centralist governments – they were always well meaning to somebody. In the name of "peace and security" these regimes crushed domestic opponents, often liquidating their own supporters in the process. From Chile to China the unofficial motto, "peace is the destruction of all opposition," was translated into action. And in the case of Nazi Germany, the government rose to power through the democratic process. Sadly, in some cases the Vatican itself held the hands of those who perpetrated such crimes, as in Croatia during the 1940s.26
Does all of this mean that the Holy See supports a dictatorial world regime? Not according to Pope Benedict’s encyclical, as he openly recognized the dangerous possibility of a "universal power of a tyrannical nature." His hope, as outlined in Caritas in Veritate, is a world political authority checked by legal boundaries so as not to "infringe upon freedom." Government overstep would be offset by accountability measures.
A fine concept in theory, but it rests on a shaky assumption: That the world political authority will remain content to live within prescribed limitations; satisfied to operate within tight social, economic, and political constraints. Here’s the snag: our advanced, democratic nations – and even the Vatican – haven’t and can’t live up to this basic standard.
While Pope Benedict tries to soft-sell Catholics and national leaders on the idea of world government, the sobering words of Lord Acton drift-in from a nearly forgotten past: "Power corrupts…" FC
Carl Teichrib is the editor of Forcing Change (, a monthly digest on global affairs from a Christian perspective.
1 Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood (Touchstone, 1990), p.15.
2 The New York Times, "Pope Urges Forming New World Economic Order to Work for the ‘Common Good’," July 8, 2009. Online edition.
3 David Ian Miller, "The Pope pays the economy some attention," The San Francisco Chronicle, July 13, 2009. Online edition.
4 E.J. Dionne Jr. "To the Right of the Pope," The Washington Post, July 8, 2009, online edition.
5 John-Henry Westen, "Pope’s New Encyclical Speaks Against, not for On-World Government and New World Order,", July 8, 2009.
6 John Laughland, The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea (Little, Brown & Company, 1997), pp.154-155.
7 Robert John Arujo, "International Law Clients: The Wisdom of Natural Law," Fordham Urban Law Journal, August, 2001.
8 For a few examples among many, see the following reports: Our Global Neighborhood (The Commission on Global Governance, Oxford University Press, 1995 – directly supported and endorsed by the UN Secretary General); Toward a Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations (Government of Canada, 1995); Rethinking Basic Assumptions About the United Nations (World Federalist Association, 1992); Reshaping the International Order (Club of Rome, 1976).
9 UN Millennium Forum, May 22-26, 2000. See the final document, Millennium Forum Declaration and Agenda for Action.
10 Cliff Kincaid, "Who Will Probe the UN-Vatican Connection?" Accuracy in Media, August 4, 2009. (
11 José E. Alvarez, The Schizophrenias of R2P, Panel Presentation at the 2007 Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law: Criminal Jurisdiction 100 Years After the 1907 Hague Peace Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 30, 2007.
12 Richard N. Cooper, "Is There a Need to Reform?" The International Monetary System: Forty Years After Bretton Woods (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1984), p.33.
13 Reprinted in Eric Frattini’s book, The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage (St. Martin’s Press, 2008), p.2.
14 Address by His Holiness Pope Pius XII During an Audience with Delegates of the Fourth Congress of the World Movement for World Federal Government, 6 April 1951. A copy of this speech is in the author’s library. It is reprinted in its entirety in The Power Puzzle: A Compilation of Documents and Resources on Global Governance (2004, can be obtained at the Forcing Change website,
15 Pope John XXIII, Pacem in Terris, paragraphs 137 to 141.
16 Holy Father’s Talk at United Nations, October 4, 1965. Reprinted in its entirety in The Power Puzzle: A Compilation of Documents and Resources on Global Governance(
17 Address of His Holiness John Paul II, United Nations Headquarters, Thursday, 5 October 1995.
18 Address of John Paul II to the International Court of Justice during the Meeting at the Peace Palace, The Hague, 13 May 1985.
19 Sollicitudo rei socialis, paragraph 43.
20 Pope John Paul I was in office for only 33 days before being murdered in 1978. During that time he made a number of speeches, but I have found none that directly support global governance.
21 Volumes have been published on the role of the Holy See in global dealings, including banking, espionage, and international diplomacy. One of the most recent books on this subject is The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage, by Eric Frattini (St. Martin’s Press, 2008).
22 Eric Frattini The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage (St. Martin’s Press, 2008), p.1.
23 Avro Manhattan, The Vatican in World Politics (Gaer Associates, 1949), pp.28-29.
24 "Frequently Requested Catholic Church Statistics," Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University, statistics are for 2009;
25 Doing the Truth in Love. A copy of the document, along with signers, can be found at
26 The Croat liquidation of Orthodox Serbs was one of the most horrific examples of genocide in modern history. So gruesome were the attacks that "even hardened German troops registered their horror." See John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (Viking, 1999), pp.248-260. See also Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks by Mark Aarons and John Loftus (St. Martin’s Griffin, 1998); and Avro Manhattan, The Vatican’s Holocaust (Ozark Books, 1986). Mark Aarons and John Loftus attest to Manhattan’s credibility, explaining; "he was very well informed, having worked for British intelligence during the war" (Unholy Trinity, p.86).
Father Alois Grimm
Mit der Traumnote Eins im Abitur stand er vor der Wahl, Marineoffizier, Altphilologe oder Jesuit zu werden. Gegen den Willen des Vaters entschied er sich für den Jesuitenorden.
1920 wurde er zum Priester geweiht. Er wurde nach der Ordensausbildung Latein-, Deutsch-, Geschichts- und Griechischlehrer. Acht Jahre war er Lehrer im Jesuitenkolleg in Feldkirch (Österreich) und kam nach der Verlegung der deutschen Abteilung nach ST. Blasien. Dort war er bis zur Aufhebung des Kollegs durch die Nationalsozialisten Lehrer, bis auch dieses Kolleg durch die SS 1939 ganz geschlossen wurde. Pater Grimm ging nach Feldkirch zurück, um dort den jungen Jesuiten Lehrer zu sein. Auch dieses Haus wurde geschlossen. Pater Grimm stand damals schon als Staatsfeind unter Beobachtung. Man verfolgte seine mutigen Predigten und seine "verbotene" Arbeit mit der Jugend. Pater Grimm hat die Fronten scharf gesehen und öffentlich benannt. "Christus ist der einzige Gesetzgeber, dem der Mensch verpflichtet ist."
Man wollte diesen Störfaktor loshaben und stellte ihm eine Falle. Im Frühjahr 1943 meldete sich ein Soldat, in Wirklichkeit ein Spitzel der geheimen Staatspolizei, um Unterricht bei Pater Grimm zu nehmen. Er wollte angeblich katholisch werde. Nach einem halben Jahr brachte der "neue Gläubige" noch einen Freund mit, kurz darauf wurde Pater Grimm im Oktober 1943 verhaftet.
Im Polizeipräsidium in Innsbruck begegnete er seinen "Glaubens-schülern", die ihn mit der höhnischen Bemerkung begrüßten: "Da ist er, der Sauhund, so muss man es mit euch Saukerlen machen, sonst kriegt man euch ja nicht."
Pater Grimm wurde nach Berlin überstellt und vom Volksgericht wegen Wehrkraftzersetzung und defätistischen Äußerungen zum Tode durch das Fallbeil verurteilt. Sein Todestag ist der 11.September 1944. In seinem letzten Brief schrieb er: "Trauert nicht über mich. Ich gehe heim, ihr müsst noch ausharren. Ich gebe mein Leben für das Reich Gottes, das kein Ende nimmt, für die Gesellschaft Jesu, für die Jugend, für die Religion unserer Heimat. Ich bemühe mich, durch mein Sterben den Tod des Heilands zu verherrlichen und ihm ähnlich zu werden."
With the perfect score of one in high school he was to be before the election, naval officer, a classicist or a Jesuit. Against the will of the Father, he opted for the Jesuit Order.
In 1920 he was ordained a priest. It was after the Jesuit training in Latin, German, Greek historian and teacher. For eight years he was a teacher at the Jesuit College in Feldkirch (Austria) and came to the relocation of the German department to ST. Blaise. He had been closed until the abolition of the college teachers by the Nazis, even to this college by the year SS 1939. Father Grimm returned to Feldkirch to be the young Jesuit teacher there. This house has been closed. Father Grimm was back then as a public enemy under observation. We followed his courageous sermons and his "illegal" work with youth. Father Grimm has seen the sharp fronts and named publicly. "Christ is the only legislator, the man is committed."
They wanted to be rid of this nuisance and set a trap for him. In the spring of 1943, reported a soldier, to take reality into an informer for the secret state police to lessons with Father Grimm. He reportedly wanted to become Catholic. . After six months, brought the "new believers" with another friend, shortly thereafter, Father Grimm was arrested in October 1943
the police headquarters in Innsbruck, he met his "students of religion" who greeted him with the scornful remark: "There he is , the bastard, so you have to do it with you Saukerlen, otherwise you're gonna get you, not so. "
Father Grimm was transferred to Berlin and from the People's Court for undermining military morale and defeatist statements sentenced to death by guillotine. His death is the September 11, 1944th In his last letter he wrote:.. "Mourn not for me I'm going home, you'll have to endure yet I give my life for the kingdom of God, which has no end, for the Society of Jesus, for the youth, for the religion of our country . I am trying to glorify my dying the death of Christ and to be like him. "

Since 1967, the street is the birthplace in Külsheim "Father Grimm Street", was the 20th anniversary of the death there unveiled a commemorative plaque. A memorial to the victims of the war memorial at the Church also recalls Father Grimm.
Alois Grimm - Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon

Alois Grimm

Stella Matutina, dem Gymnasium des Jesuitenordens in Feldkirch, ab 1928 am Kolleg in St. Blasien im Schwarzwald. Nach dessen Aufhebung kehrte er nach Feldkirch zurück und wirkte als Prediger und Seelsorger. Seine Kontakte zu Jugendlichen, die er über das gewaltsame Wesen des NS-Regimes aufzuklären versuchte, sowie sein offenes Kanzelwort in der Nikolauskirche waren den Nazis ein Dorn im Auge. Zwei als Konversionsbewerber verkappte Spitzel der Gestapo missbrauchten sein Vertrauen und lieferten ihn aus. Im Oktober 1943 wurde Pater Grimm nach der Messe in der Antoniuskapelle verhaftet unter der damals üblichen Anschuldigung der
Wehrkraftzersetzungund zunächst ins Gestapo-Gefängnis nach Innsbruck, dann gleich weiter nach München und später nach Berlinüberstellt. Im August 1944 fand die Verhandlung vor dem Volksgerichtshof statt. Er wurde er mit 24 anderen Verurteilten in Brandenburg-Görden zum Schafott geführt.
Trauert nicht über mich. Ich gehe heim, ihr müsst noch ausharren. Ich gebe mein Leben für das Reich Gottes, das kein Ende nimmt, für dieGesellschaft Jesu, für die Jugend, für die Religion unserer Heimat. Ich bemühe mich, durch mein Sterben den Tod des Heilands zu verherrlichen und ihm ähnlich zu werden.
Alois Grimm

Stella Matutina, the high school of the Jesuits in Feldkirch, 1928 at the College of St. Blah-de-si in the Black Forest. After its cancellation, he returned to Feldkirch and worked as a preacher and pastor. His contacts with young people, which he tried to explain about the violent nature of the Nazi regime, and his open cockpit word in the church of St. Nicholas was a thorn in the Nazis. Two blocked as conversion candidates of the Gestapo spy abused his trust and handed him. In October 1943 Father Grimm was arrested after the Mass in the chapel of St. Anthony with the then customary charges of
undermining the war effort, and first to the Gestapo prison in Innsbruck , then straight on toMunich and later to Berlin is over. In August 1944 the trial took place before the people's court. It was he with 24 other convicts in Brandenburg -Gorden led to the scaffold.
In his last letter Alois Grimm wrote:
Do not mourn me. I go home, you have to endure yet. I give my life for the kingdom of God, which has no end, for the Society of Jesus , for the youth, for the religion of our country. I am trying through my dying the death of the Savior and glorify to be like him.
Vincent P. Miceli, The gods of atheism : religious atheism
Atheism in contemporary Theology
Vincent P. Miceli, The gods of atheism (Arlington: New Rochelle, NY 1971)We hope to show that atheism's vigor arises from its heroic will to create mythical gods in place of the true God. We hope to prove that its feebleness is demonstrated by its utter inability to cure the contradictory crisis it creates between man whom it would advance in freedom and its own New God whom it cannot restrain from devouring mankind. Thus, this study will maintain that no atheist chooses merely to deny God. For the atheist's spiritual posture against God is at the same time his posture in preference for some other Being above God. As he dismisses the true God he is welcoming his New God. Why must this be so? Because every personal commitment of man presupposes, deep in the metaphysical core of his being, a hunger for being and goodness. ... xiv We have said that it is terrifying to attempt to live without God. Kirilov, one of the many atheists in The devils [or The possessed by Feodor Dostoevsky] testifies to this truth. "To realize that there is no God and not to realize at the same instant that you have become God yourself--is an absurdity, for else you would certainly kill yourself. I cannot understand how an atheist could know that there is no God and not kill himself at once!" xiv-xv The aim of this work is to indicate that the great sin of contemporary atheism is that it consists, through a sustained act of Supreme Self-Will, in a total preoccupation with the human. This atheism induces man to fall down before himself in narcissistic adoration and love. In one form or another, the systems of thought expounded in this work call man to a religious allegiance solely to Man-God. ... It is hoped that this study may lead readers to reject the paths that run to the temples of the strange Gnostic Gods of humanistic atheism. xvi-xvii |
Jesus Christ said to the Jews and all who reject Him:
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
The Holy Spirit through St. John warns us!:
John 2:22
Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.
The Gods of Atheism
Hardcover, 490 pages
Militant Atheism and the Pathetic God Fallacy
Militant Atheism and the Pathetic God Fallacy
Gods of Atheism by Fr. Vincent P Miceli
Gods of Atheism
by Fr. Vincent P Miceli Foreword by John Cardinal Wright
Code: 091214100X
On backorder
"One of the truly outstanding books of our time."-The Wanderer "As complete a study of atheism as exists in any language."-Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen "An invaluable guide to the theological climate of the hour, so baffling to the average Christian. It sets our neo-modernism firmly in its historical context; it reveals the influence of past systems. It disabuses us of the notion that right now we have some dispensation of the Holy Spirit. And Miceli's critical faculties come into full play, establishing him as a considerable defender of orthodoxy." -Christian Order "Remarkable....the Miceli style clearly comes into its own in this major study." -Frederick Wilhelmsen, Triumph "A work in the great tradition of Catholic intellectual life. By providing such a studied and readable analysis...Miceli has given us a valuable tool in the ongoing conversation with the non-believer." -(Bishop) Donald Wuerl, Catholic Currents, 1971 "Shows why atheism today does not and cannot leave in peace those who are not atheists..Explains with dreadful eloquence the causes of modern atheism and the inflamed wound it has left upon the worldƒExplains difficult writers lucidly and makes only too clear the doom that threatens if their ideas win final victory." -Paul Hallet, National Catholic Register "Fr. Miceli is the type of priest we need so much in this crisis of the Church. He is equipped with the intellectual weapons that enable him to be a defensor fidei. And he provides clear answers to this threat, which has even infiltrated the Church!" -Dietrich von Hildebrand Over 40,000 copies sold
Code: 091214100X
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For eschatology and scriptural teaching on prophecy and the Book of the Revelation go here: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation
This is extracted here for its salient comments on the Devil's incursion into philosophy and the resultant Satanic false light of the Illuminati.
The revolutionary philosophy of hell designed to appeal to the rebellious nature of man’s pride in himself and aversion to God’s rule revolved around words like "liberty" and "equality." It asserted that everyone is "destined," by the god-hunger in them to be "free from the rule of others" and "equal to all others", therefore, there can be no ruling government, other than the temporary "government" of Anarchy, which destroys "the rule of others" with the rule of others, the elite revolutionary zealots who are licensed by ideology to destroy in the name of "Freedom." These unqualified "democratic" principles of liberty and equality lead to chaos, moral and civil disintegration, even the disintegration of the mind. But this end result, total destruction (Hell), is never put forward by the enemy, only utopian promises of a better world, advanced civilization, the solution of age-old problems, nirvana, peace, etc. They propose a transfer of power from the few to the many. They propose what will accomplish the destruction of the existing order, whether that be a monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, republic, or democracy. When that order is destroyed, they are soon proposing the destruction of that order which took its place, until the principle of chaos or disorder is enshrined in the death of all order, the negation of all evidence of intelligent life, that is, the reign of Satan, which is death and Hell.
The French Revolution celebrated the destruction of monarchy, in order to replace it with an oligarchy of powerful men who were replaced by a popular dictator, who was ruled by their secret government. Many years later, after having acquired near complete control of the medias of information and education, constitutional republics or so-called "democracies" could be controlled by the enemy effectively. Successively, rule appears to go into the hands of common, uneducated or miseducated men, but the reality is that they must actually depend on someone to tell them what their choices are, and these are the real, yet hidden, rulers. These uneducated or, better yet, poorly educated masses are more or less easily led by the manipulators of popular opinion. And who would dare revolt against the apparent majority of their fellow men. The most absolute dictatorship is the dictatorship of the proletariat, the common working man. Speak for him or pretend to speak for all such men, and you will have an insurmountable mandate.
When universal education became mandatory by law in the 20th century and fell, of course, into the hands of the State, the full education of men in the ungodly and anti-traditional principles could begin. Then Christian society could be thoroughly denigrated and misshapen with all manner of error, until the very idea of God’s rule over man could be erased from the minds of a whole generation.
[keep in mind who it was that took charge in the early 19th century of all school book publishing. The Rockerfellers, and the Rothchild families!]
Now let us look at a history of modern philosophy to see how the most basic thinking of mankind, which is the subject of philosophy, was slowly but radically disrupted and rendered absurd. The evil control achieved over mankind could not have taken place without the perversion of basic ideas upon which our whole viewpoint depends. In the perversion of the philosophical sciences of ontology (the study of being) and epistemology (the study of knowledge) we see the "inspiration" of Satan.
The corruption of Philosophy, "Queen of Sciences", by the enemy began with the nominalism of certain medieval philosophers, like William of Occam, arguing against the moderate realism taught by the Church, especially through St. Thomas Aquinas, who built upon the metaphysics of Aristotle.
The St. Thomas' teaching tells us that "Realism is a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind and that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality." What could be more natural? But nominalism is "a theory that there are no universal essences in reality and that the mind can frame no single concept or image corresponding to any universal or general term."
Much later Emmanuel Kant picked up the inference of nominalism and fashioned the theory of idealism, which supposes … "that "the essential nature of reality lies in our consciousness, in the mind or reason," not in the real world outside the mind! Now it’s not only that we cannot know reality, but that it isn’t even out there; "it" is just subjective ideas in our mind. Consider the implications here: If man’s mind is now empowered with the creation of the only reality "knowable," man is one step closer to appearing as God-like. He is not only liberated from God by this notion but also from the reality God made, and principally, the reality of his own created nature as man. This leads to complete amorality and immorality. And, Kant has led us to agnosticism, because we can't know God, only our own arbitrary mental constructs. But this describes the insane mind. [this is where society is today! the lunatics are in charge of the Asylum!!!]
The 18th Century Enlightenment popularized the arguments that would lead to dispensing with God. The mass distribution of works by cynical utopians like Voltaire and Rousseau helped accomplish this. The French Revolution was the political result of the Enlightenment – two deliberately coordinated events. And the next step of the World Revolutionary Movement would be the Russian Revolution, and its philosophical accompaniment would be various atheists.
Voltaire specialized in defining the non-churched believer in God who has graduated from organized religion by rejecting the sects of all religions.
When the Spirit of God is taken out of human thinking, that thinking disintegrates progressively like any material substance abandoned by the principle of life, the soul. The philosophical trend we are illustrating,is nothing more or less than a description of the decay of rationality itself.
Let us continue our little history of philosophy. Although not an atheist like his student Fuererbach, the "intellectual forerunner of Communism, atheism and religious modernism is a German professor named Hegel, a Rationalist. In noting that human reason apprehends universal absolutes and the attributes of god, he raised Reason to being these absolutes and attributes. What does this make man to be but a god himself. Let me read from the 'Gods of Atheism' by Fr. Miceli.
"Now Hegel, the progenitor of a famous brood that split into two factions at war with each other, was far from being an atheist himself. Nevertheless, he set the stage for the assault upon god. It was generally agreed that God was the object of both philosophy and theology; of the former by the light of reason, of the latter by the light of revelation. But Hegel questioned whether the philosophers or the theologians had succeeded in attaining the real God. He protested that the God of Christian experience was an inadequate, a premature, not-yet-developed God. Hegel set himself the task of completing the good news of the Gospels; he would go beyond Christianity by demonstrating that the only valid God was dialectically evolving Thought or Spirit Which gradually, inevitably attains and reveals Itself in conceptual clarity and complete self-consciousness through the entire scope of cosmic and human history. Hegel set himself the mission of rescuing the God of Christianity from the vagueness of imagery, the symbolism of myths, the simplistic charm of parables.
Moreover, Hegel had a bill of particulars against the Christian God. The trouble with the Christian God is that He is only experienced and remembered when the human conscience is sick or in trouble. But this Jewish-Christian god, Who is unapproachable and inscrutable in His aloof transcendence and unattainable by the imagination, mind or heart of men, arouses in man resentment against the only choice he is offered by this mysterious God – obedience or revolt. Frustrated by the demoralizing experience of failing futilely to satisfy his hunger for communion with the transcendent god, humbled by the degrading knowledge of his abject powerlessness, man resents the situation that equates God’s glorification with his own depreciation. The transcendent God of the Old and New Testament thus succeeds in enslaving and alienating His worshippers. He sets before them the face-to-face eternal embrace of Himself as a goal that is actually beyond man’s personal achievement. Yet He continually tortures man’s metaphysical hunger as if this human aspiration for complete communion were actually attainable.
… All modern atheism will thus be seen to be rooted in Hegel’s rejection of the God of the master-slave relationship, the God who begets an "unhappy conscience" in man, the God who reduces man from being a hero to being a "beautiful soul."
Freuerbach saw the inevitable outcome of Hegel’s reduction of God from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus to the God of the philosophers and scientists. He saw that the God of the fifth Gospel – the gospel of reason according to Hegel – was merely a man-made God, sprung full-blown from the Hegelian head. Taking his inspiration, however, from Hegel’s work as a beginning which was going in the right direction, Feuerbach set himself to account psychologically for the illusion of all religion. He realized that Hegel had already demolished God without even suspecting his own great accomplishment. Feuerbach successfully drew the logical conclusions of Hegel’s work in his book The Essence of Christianity. In an heroic manner he continued the process of all theology to anthropology.
… In his Essence of Religion, Feuerbach reached a similar conclusion in his field of endeavor, proclaiming that God is merely a myth which embodies the highest aspirations of the human consciousness. "Those who have no desires," he wrote, "have no Gods … Gods are men’s wishes in corporeal form."
… Feuerbach was acclaimed for having swept the heavens clean of the phantom of God, exorcised this sacred sorcerer from the consciousness of his age, broken forever this theological tyrant’s fatalistic, master-slave domination of men, restored divinity to its rightful owner – liberated Humanity – and rendered the thousands of years’ discussions about God henceforth pointless." [This is what Stephen Hawkings is attempting to do today through his false teachings.]
Thus atheistic humanism was born. Man was offered a new heart and mind, a new hope in Himself. Satan could obviously work great evils with men who accepted such conceits. He could more completely possess them. And so it has happened, the inhuman face of Satan has become more and more visible in the actions of men given into his service. Now we do not just have pretended reformers of the Christian Church and its society, we have those who totally discount Christianity and religion in order to achieve man’s "New Consciousness," which is that "God" is a mere notion, that is, "God" is dead.
They (the Illuminati) both create the problem and provide their chosen solution, through the Hegelian Dialectic.
The only change intended in the Protestant, French and Russian Revolutions was to pass the reins of power into the hands of the Revolutionary Party. Destroy the old order and keep it destroyed. Take over capital and the means of production, and retain it. But use as your excuse this sob story about the poor proletariat rising up to take what is theirs by the supposed right of all to have Equality. Sheer subterfuge! Manipulate the masses to destroy the good order they had; then enslave them in a totalitarian State, which, like Rousseau’s "common will," has the right to control all men in the name of their (dictated) "common good." Naked power Play! Thinly disguised by pure hype. The common man never believed this bologna, but he was told the common man believed it, and those who took over his government pretended to do it on the basis of this mandate. All "classes" and all individuals suffered the consequences of Communist takeovers in the 20th Century, but the same hype about the people claiming their rights was maintained for public relations purposes.
The Communist Revolution in 1917 and the subsequent buildup of Russia as an atheistic slave-state importing revolution to every corner of the globe was the work of the conspirators’ secret governments in the USA, Britain, Germany and elsewhere. All was financed by Zionist bankers milking U.S. taxpayers, through unconstitutional legislation and traitorous agents in our government. Yes, we financed Communist Russia and all its revolutions throughout the world from the very beginning.
The traitors in the Vatican at the 1958 Conclave and Vatican II have fully implemented this, which is the Great Apostasy; the faithful are commanded to come out and have NOTHING to do with this upon pain of eternal damnation by God into the lake of fire forever. Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord
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