The Justice of God: Putin
In related material to the plots and connivings of the Communists, of which Putin is the current head, see this: Denying the truth of Abiotic Oil is as big a lie as Hoaxacaust Gas Chambers, Tech_Journal: Why Does Abiotic Oil Theory Ignite Peak Oil Theorists' Fulminations?? = Tech_Journal: Tech_Journal: Nazis and Communists and their camps are the same
Communista Internationale Sixth: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Largely because of the efforts of Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, who saw through Wilson’s plan, the United States didn’t join the League, and in 1921, made a separate peace treaty with Germany and Austria. Weakened by the failure of the United States to join, and the dissatisfaction of nations such as Japan, Italy and Germany, the League failed. The League had little impact on international affairs, and ceased to exist in when the United Nations was established.
The Illuminati then realized that America would not join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion. Therefore, Round Table members Lionel Curtis, Balfour, Milner and others, formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), for the purpose of coordinating British and American efforts. Arnold Toynbee

In Tragedy and Hope, late CFR member Carroll Quigley, stated, “The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.” Rear Admiral Chester Ward, for sixteen years a member of the CFR, warned of the organization’s ultimate intentions:
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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Putin in Russian is
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Russian: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́ти - the patronymic is Vladimirovich and the family name is Putin. V (vau) is 6 in Hebrew Gematria. Notice the three V's in his name, Vladimir VladimiroVich (VVV = 666 in Hebrew Gematria, if each letter is taken individually - which is not the preferred method in the Church Fathers of reading the prophecy in the Book of the Revelation of the number of the beast). Originally Putin - Пу́ти is son of Путя. Another version is that Путя is connected with спутанный = запеленутый (swaddled). None of this is without purpose on the part of the Rabbi controlled Russian Intelligence, which control began with the Czar's Secret Spy Service in the 19th century. Their means of infiltration was the same as now, the superstitions of the Jews' Kahal were inserted masked as Christian religion under the Czar and later under Jew Zionist Communism as the core of infiltrating technique and murder of opponents. See here for examples of their vain self serving false prophecies: Communista Internationale Sixth: Moed - Talmudic false prophecies of the Antichrist. The Italian Communist under direct control of Moscow, Antonio Gramsci, authored the western version of this in the 1920's. This "Путя is connected with спутанный = запеленутый (swaddled)" could well be developed by them as a false prophecy reference to a Gnostic style imitation of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. That would be right out of the Communist Sergei Bulgakov's Mother Goddess Pantheist prattle (Bulgakov was another, earlier, pretend Orthodox Priest like the Former Russian Patriarch who gave birth to Putin, Patriarch Alexius II [Drozdov, blackbird in Russian, was his actual KGB operative name]. Whoever the Antichrist actually is will use a name that will fit perfectly at the time of his assuming power openly in Jerusalem that fits perfectly with the Biblical prophecy in the Book of the Revelation.

Putin installs KGB regime in Russia
Publication date: 2012-03-09 02:19:51Permanent address at KAVKAZCENTER.COM:
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Napoleon Bonaparte as Caesar in his statue below.
Heinz, Henry, Kissinger has repeatedly stated that what the world needs is to be ruled by a revived Holy Roman Empire. The false theology of the Orthodox Church that Moscow is the third Rome would fit perfectly with the Jews' Antichrist (a Jew himself) coming from Moscow to Jerusalem to rule the world under Satan.National Journal: Kissinger Defends Putin as 'Russian Patriot'
Updated: March 11, 2012 | 1:04 p.m.
March 11, 2012 | 12:58 p.m.
He added: "[Putin] is very resentful of what he interprets as intervention in Russian domestic affairs, and even more, of course, in what he may interpret and does interpret as some American tendencies to support his political opponents in order to encourage his overthrow."
Russia has seen a movement in opposition to Putin, who has effectively led the country for 12 years now, spring up across the nation over the past three months, inciting widespread protests and calls for a repeat of December's Russian parliamentary elections. The U.S. has not yet gone so far as to express support for the uprisings, but many of Putin's louder critics come from within the U.S. government.
Kissinger also touched on Iran, seeming to indicate that the country’s nuclear capabilities were more certainty than possibility.
"I think we should start from the premise that they are undergoing all this in order to achieve a military capability. I don't think that is a disputable point," he said. He added that, with such a likelihood in mind, he understood why Israel would want to strike.
The Religious side to all of this is shown in part here, along with the Military disarmament of the Goyim is the Religious disarmament of the Goyim:
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012
Communista Internationale Sixth: The synagogue of Satan will not change
For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth:
Of such true, Christian Jews it is written: In those days ... ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the hem of a Jew, saying, We shall go with thee; for we have learned that God is with you (Zechariah 8.23)."Here is foretold the mass conversion of the Jews to Christ which must take place in the last, that is, the sixth period in the construction of the Holy Church... This triumphant promise relates, in all probability, to the last times, after the breaking of the sixth seal from the book of the destinies of the world, when great signs in the sun, the moon and the stars will begin to appear, and terrible upheavals in the elements - upheavals which will be restrained from appearing until the conversion to Christianity and return to Palestine of one hundred and forty four thousand Jews is accomplished, as we clearly see in Revelation (7.2-8). They will be regenerated, as some fathers of the Church, in particular St. Ephraim the Syrian and St. Hippolytus of Rome, have surmised, by the Prophet Elijah's preaching of the Gospel of Christ." (St. John of Kronstadt)In the early 1920s the Church writer and hieromartyr Bishop Mark Novoselov identified the Jews in this passage with the persecutors of the Church in Bolshevik Russia. "[St. John] with complete clarity speaks about the conversion of the God-fighting people to the Church of Christ, when she, few in numbers and powerless from an external point of view, but powerful with an inner strength and faithfulness to her Lord (Revelation 3.8) will draw to herself theremnant of the God-fighting tribe. Behold, says the Lord to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and make obeisance before they feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Vladimir Moss - the Book of the End
Vladimir Moss
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