The Justice of God: The first and last Jew Antipope? - The Antichrist
Second Epistle Of Saint Peter, Chapter Three
Against scoffers denying the second coming of Christ. He declares the sudden dissolution of this world and exhorts to holiness of life.
See also:
Cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio-Sivori, Delator, Delatores
See this warning from God and His Christ about the coming evil upon the world of the Beasts and the Son of Perdition: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation
A superb summary of the Church Fathers on the Prophecy of the Son of Perdition.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Rebuilt Temple of Remphan in Jerusalem and the Armour Bearer of the Antichrist, the False Prophet
____________________________________________________________________Below: Father Sloet of Holland’s solution to the final name of the Antichrist (who will be a Jew) with medial kaph so the reign of this false “ ‘king’ of Israel” will be temporary, i.e. short.(Note in the below that the Hebrew characters read in reverse order than the English letters) Numbers are under the English equivalents.Hammelek l YisraelH M L K L Y S R A Lה מ ל כ ל י ש ר א ל5+ 40+ 30+ 20+ 30+ 10+ 300+ 200+ 1+ 30 = 666
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If this sign is from above it is of warning and utter condemnation by God!
[end of excerpt]
Gospel According to Saint Luke - Chapter 10:18 And he said to them: I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven.
What the meaning is of this scripture is of the utmost importance. According to the full consensus of the Church Fathers, It is emphatically about the fall of Satan from power over the earth when God became flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ, and He preached His Gospel and gave His followers power over the Devil and all the Devils and demons to cast them out. St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.) below - bottom of post, referencing that scripture, tells us that now that the Cross of Christ has made that casting down of the Devil and its minions permanent, true Christians now have the Holy Spirit to be our true guide and the Devil can no more mislead us. Notice that St. Irenaeus, reflecting the constant and irreversible belief of the entire corpus and the full consensus of the Church Fathers, is emphatic that the Jews no longer have the Holy Spirit because of their perfidious apostasy (which includes their Deicide in murdering Our Lord Jesus Christ {but Who rose again in the flesh in spite of them} and cursing God in His own temple which He then destroyed forever in 70 A.D.). This scripture is not prophetic about the end of the eschaton. The one that applies there is here:
1 ¶ And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star [1] fall from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7, 10!; 20:1
Bottomless pit: abode of the damned with the devils and the demons.
These names apply to the Devil and to his final agent on earth, the Antichrist (who will be heralded by the False Prophet). For the progress towards the public appearance of the False Prophet as the Diabolic herald of the Antichrist, see: The Justice of God: Francis could organise peace meeting between world’s three major religions, in Rome - Vatican Insider
The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 9.
2 … Scripture reference – IV Esr.: 7:36; Gn.: 19:28
3 … Scripture reference –
4 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 7:1, 3!; Ezek.: 9:6
5 … Scripture reference –
6 … Scripture reference – Job: 3:2
7 … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:4
8 … Scripture reference – Joel: 1:6
9 … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:5
10 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:19
11 … Scripture reference –
12 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:14
13 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7!
14 … Scripture reference –
15 … Scripture reference –
16 … Scripture reference –
17 … Scripture reference –
18 … Scripture reference –
19 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:10
20 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:9;Dan.: 5:23
21 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:11
1 ¶ And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star [1] fall from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7, 10!; 20:1
2 And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. … Scripture reference – IV Esr.: 7:36; Gn.: 19:28
3 And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 7:1, 3!; Ezek.: 9:6
5 And it was given unto them that they should not kill them: but that they should torment them five months. [2] And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days, men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall desire to die: and death shall fly from them. … Scripture reference – Job: 3:2
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle. And on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:4
8 And they had hair as the hair of women: and their teeth were as lions. … Scripture reference – Joel: 1:6
9 And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron: and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:5
10 And they had tails like to scorpions: and there were stings in their tails. And their power was to hurt men, five months. And they had over them … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:19
11 A king, the angel of the bottomless pit (whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon [3] and in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans).
12 One woe is past: and behold there come yet two woes more hereafter. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:14
14 Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet: Loose the four angels who are bound in the great river Euphrates.
15 And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, [4] and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men.
16 And the number of the army of horsemen was twenty thousand times ten thousand. And I heard the number of them.
17 And thus [5] I saw the horses in the vision. And they that sat on them had breastplates of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone. And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions: and from their mouths proceeded fire and smoke and brimstone.
18 And by these three plagues was slain the third part of men, by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths.
19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails. For, their tails are like to serpents and have heads: and with them they hurt. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:10
20 And the rest of the men, who were not slain by these plagues, did not do penance from the works of their hands, that they should not adore devils and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which neither can see nor hear nor walk: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:9;Dan.: 5:23
21 Neither did they penance from their murders nor from their sorceries nor from their fornication nor from their thefts. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:11
Bottomless pit: abode of the damned with the devils and the demons.
[2] -Ver. 5. Five months: the general period of a locust plague is about five months.
[3] -Ver. 11. Abaddon: i.e., destruction. Apollyon: I.e., destroyer.
[4] -Ver. 15. Who had been kept ready for the hour: the loosing of the angels would take place at a definite period, the year, month, day and hour of which are known, in accordance with the Providence of God.
[5] -Ver. 17. The Greek text is usually punctuated to read, “I saw. . . the horses and those who sat on them. . . , having. . . ..
The unforgivable sin of the Jews' nation.
The Justice of God: The Truth from a priest from his own writings: From the Point Magazine
Edited Under Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M. — Saint Benedict Center May, 1956
. . .
The assault of the Jews on our Catholic parochial schools might easily, and not untruly, be chalked up to the general Jewish hatred for things Christian. But to see exactly why the “Catholic school attack” has such a high place in the overall battle plans of American Jewry, we need only be reminded that Catholic schools are the preservers and spreaders of that thunderous information which the Jews are so bent on silencing: (1) The Jews killed Christ. (2) God has cursed them for doing it.. . .
From Compendium of Bible and Church History, by Brother Eugene, N.Y., 1931.
“And ever since, the Jews have wandered about; a people without a flag, a country, a priest, an altar, or a sacrifice; a living testimony that indeed the vengeance of God fell upon them and their children.”From The Triumph of the Faith, the Catholic High School Religion Series, Book Two, N. Y., 1945, Imprimatur of Cardinal Spellman.
The text tells (page 36) how, through Jewish lies, Saint Stephen was betrayed to the Sanhedrin of the Jews, where “he turned on them and boldly declared that they had not lived up to the truth but had betrayed and murdered the Messias. Their sinful pride could not withstand these charges. The Jews rushed upon this brave young man ... ”From Religion: Doctrine and Practice, For Use in Catholic High Schools, by Fr. Francis Cassilly, S. J., Chicago, 1942, Imprimatur of Cardinal Mundelein.
“The Jews as a nation refused to accept Christ, and since His time they have been wanderers on the face of the earth without a temple or a sacrifice, and without the Messias ... The kingdom He founded — the Church — was a spiritual one, not a temporal one such as the carnal Jews were hoping for.”From Bible History by the late Bishop Richard Gilmour, N. Y, 1936.
“For 1,800 years has the blood of Christ been upon the Jews. Driven from Judea — without country, without home — strangers amongst strangers — hated, yet feared — have they wandered from nation to nation bearing with them the visible signs of God’s curse.”
Ante Nicene Fathers Volume 1, St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book III
Chapter XVII.—The apostles teach that it was neither Christ nor the Saviour, but the Holy Spirit, who did descend upon Jesus. The reason for this descent.
1. It certainly was in the power of the apostles to declare that Christ descended upon Jesus, or that the so-called superior Saviour [came down] upon the dispensational one, or he who is from the invisible places upon him from the Demiurge; but they neither knew nor said anything of the kind: for, had they known it, they would have also certainly stated it. But what really was the case, that did they record, [namely,] that the Spirit of God as a dove descended upon Him; this Spirit, of whom it was declared by Isaiah, “And the Spirit of God shall rest upon Him,” 3614 as I have already said. And again: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me.” 3615 That is the Spirit of whom the Lord declares, “For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” 3616 And again, giving to the disciples the power of regeneration into God, 3617 He said to them, “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 3618 For [God] promised, that in the last times He would pour Him [the Spirit] upon [His] servants and handmaids, that they might prophesy; wherefore He did also descend upon the Son of God, made the Son of man, becoming accustomed in fellowship with Him to dwell in the human race, to rest with human beings, and to dwell in the workmanship of God, working the will of the Father in them, and renewing them from their old habits into the newness of Christ.2. This Spirit did David ask for the human race, saying, “And stablish me with Thine all-governing Spirit;” 3619 who also, as Luke says, descended at the day of Pentecost upon the disciples after the Lord’s ascension, having power to admit all nations to the entrance of life, and to the opening of the new covenant; from whence also, with one accord in all languages, they uttered praise to God, the Spirit bringing distant tribes to unity, and offering to the Father the first-fruits of all nations. Wherefore also the Lord promised to send the Comforter, 3620 who should join us to God. For as a compacted lump of dough cannot be formed of dry wheat p. 445 without fluid matter, nor can a loaf possess unity, so, in like manner, neither could we, being many, be made one in Christ Jesus without the water from heaven. And as dry earth does not bring forth unless it receive moisture, in like manner we also, being originally a dry tree, could never have brought forth fruit unto life without the voluntary rain from above. For our bodies have received unity among themselves by means of that laver which leads to incorruption; but our souls, by means of the Spirit. Wherefore both are necessary, since both contribute towards the life of God, our Lord compassionating that erring Samaritan woman 3621 —who did not remain with one husband, but committed fornication by [contracting] many marriages—by pointing out, and promising to her living water, so that she should thirst no more, nor occupy herself in acquiring the refreshing water obtained by labour, having in herself water springing up to eternal life. The Lord, receiving this as a gift from His Father, does Himself also confer it upon those who are partakers of Himself, sending the Holy Spirit upon all the earth.
3. Gideon, 3622 that Israelite whom God chose, that he might save the people of Israel from the power of foreigners, foreseeing this gracious gift, changed his request, and prophesied that there would be dryness upon the fleece of wool (a type of the people), on which alone at first there had been dew; thus indicating that they should no longer have the Holy Spirit from God, as saith Esaias, “I will also command the clouds, that they rain no rain upon it,” 3623 but that the dew, which is the Spirit of God, who descended upon the Lord, should be diffused throughout all the earth, “the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and piety, the spirit of the fear of God.” 3624 This Spirit, again, He did confer upon the Church, sending throughout all the world the Comforter from heaven, from whence also the Lord tells us that the devil, like lightning, was cast down.[Luke 10:18 - ] 3625 Wherefore we have need of the dew of God, that we be not consumed by fire, nor be rendered unfruitful, and that where we have an accuser there we may have also an Advocate, 3626 the Lord commending to the Holy Spirit His own man, 3627 who had fallen among thieves, 3628 whom He Himself compassionated, and bound up his wounds, giving two royal denaria; so that we, receiving by the Spirit the image and superscription of the Father and the Son, might cause the denarium entrusted to us to be fruitful, counting out the increase [thereof] to the Lord. 3629
4. The Spirit, therefore, descending under the predestined dispensation, and the Son of God, the Only-begotten, who is also the Word of the Father, coming in the fulness of time, having become incarnate in man for the sake of man, and fulfilling all the conditions of human nature, our Lord Jesus Christ being one and the same, as He Himself the Lord doth testify, as the apostles confess, and as the prophets announce,—all the doctrines of these men who have invented putative Ogdoads and Tetrads, and imagined subdivisions [of the Lord’s person], have been proved falsehoods. These 3630 men do, in fact, set the Spirit aside altogether; they understand that Christ was one and Jesus another; and they teach that there was not one Christ, but many. And if they speak of them as united, they do again separate them: for they show that one did indeed undergo sufferings, but that the other remained impassible; that the one truly did ascend to the Pleroma, but the other remained in the intermediate place; that the one does truly feast and revel in places invisible and above all name, but that the other is seated with the Demiurge, emptying him of power. It will therefore be incumbent upon thee, and all others who give their attention to this writing, and are anxious about their own salvation, not readily to express acquiescence when they hear abroad the speeches of these men: for, speaking things resembling the [doctrine of the] faithful, as I have already observed, not only do they hold opinions which are different, but absolutely contrary, and in all points full of blasphemies, by which they destroy those persons who, by reason of the resemblance of the words, imbibe a poison which disagrees with their constitution, just as if one, giving lime mixed with water for milk, should mislead by the similitude of the colour; as a man 3631 superior to me [St. Irenaeus' teacher, St. Polycarp] has said, concerning all that in any way corrupt the things of God and adulterate the truth, “Lime is wickedly mixed with the milk of God.”
The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Destruction of the Apostate temple 2,000 years ago and the future Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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