The truth is "Israel" is the center of terroism and snuff porn throughout the world.
See this link: 911
Look up, your redemption is at hand: Syria: Rense: Jews And White Slavery - and further articles
The Zionist Occupied Government of the United States of Amerika is sending massive troops and materiel and money to supply the war of terrorism that Zionist IsraHell conducts on the Middle East, and soon the entire world, to defend the Zionist purveyors of snuff films. That is beyond depraved disgusting and unspeakably vile. In the link on Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux, notice the corruption of Officials and Judges and Government Officials - question, how many in the United States and Canada have they got in their filthy pockets in the same way???
Notice also how the drug and slave trade are linked.
Now the explanation is clear that IsraHell is just a crime syndicate run by child murdering paedophiles, see this for 19 families who rule IsraHell:
Israel is not a state of, by and for the Jewish people. It is rather a state of, by and for a sprinkling of families, 19 in all, whose income amounts to $70 billion—88% of the national budget.
See rest of 19 families here:
Palestine Cry: PALESTINE - Nineteen families: poverty, inequality and who rules the roost in Israel | Peoples Geography — Reclaiming space
Most especially see this link:
Dutroux was a Jewish Mafia kingpin, who was believed to be in charge of Israeli organized crime's child trafficking in western Europe, who also made snuff/porno movies in Belgium. He was known to own at least seven country estates, where he made the movies and then disposed of the bodies.
Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux Ran An International Pedophile and Child Porn Ring
Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux Ran An International Pedophile and Child Porn Ring
The Global Reach of the Judeo-Russian Mafia
RusJournal / The Orthodox Medievalist
Its been about 10 years since the Jerusalem Post admitted that the Israeli underworld had been taken over by Russian-Jewish mob bosses. But it remains the case despite official Mossad condemnations, that little has been done to interfere with the drug and slave trade the Russian-Jewish bosses have brought to Israel.
Syria: Rense: Jews And White Slavery - and further articles
Jew Watch - Jewish Atrocities - Blood Libel
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2000, 12:24 am
Italian and Russian Police Brake Up Child Snuff Porn Ring
Mon Oct 9 17:39:53 2000
LSN Staff
Jews and the pornography industry
sex slaves,
Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?

Some Jews claim that Hugh Hefner is also a Jew:
Judicial-inc suspects this, also:

Most organizations that investigate sex slaves, child pornography, and pedophilia are full of Jews, so we should assume they are trying to manipulate us and identify witnesses, as I describe in such files as:
• Pedophile-trick.html
• Hufschmid-11Feb2008.html

Many people
justify pornography as free speech, and they claim that Jews have
always been a strong supporter of free speech. However, it is easy to
argue that the constant sexual titillation of both adults and children
is causing problems for human relationships.
A lot of the people who are attracted to pornography, prostitution, and sex slaves are unhappy and/or psychotic, and they are hoping that sex will bring some pleasure to their miserable, pathetic lives. If you look at the customers, you will likely assume that these industries don't affect us because they only attract miserable people. However, don't look at the customers. Instead, look at the people controlling the industry, and at the government officials and policemen who are protecting it. It appears to be a worldwide, Zionist operation. And they seem to be using this industry as another way to find psychotic people to promote into leadership positions.
The same is true with feminism. It attracts a lot of very unhappy, angry, and psychotic women. However, don't look at the women who are attracted to it. Look at the leaders of the feminist movement.
"Snuff" films
Here is a news report that claims Jews were arrested for raping and killing Russian orphans: (fixed this link)
A small company named Toetag Pictures produces videos with such extreme and psychotic violence that they make the Hollywood horror movies look pleasant:
Here is an interview with Michael Schneider, who helped Fred Vogel and others get Toetag Pictures started:
Some of the people producing these videos may simply be unhappy, psychotic people who enjoy fantasies of torture and murder, but we should consider that the Zionist crime network is encouraging or funding this type of behavior in order to help ruin society.
Below are five
articles about the rarely discussed,
Jewish and Israeli involvement in Pornography and Sex Slaves
See: Jews
and the pornography industry
See this link: 911
Look up, your redemption is at hand: Syria: Rense: Jews And White Slavery - and further articles
See this:
The Zionist Occupied Government of the United States of Amerika is sending massive troops and materiel and money to supply the war of terrorism that Zionist IsraHell conducts on the Middle East, and soon the entire world, to defend the Zionist purveyors of snuff films. That is beyond depraved disgusting and unspeakably vile. In the link on Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux, notice the corruption of Officials and Judges and Government Officials - question, how many in the United States and Canada have they got in their filthy pockets in the same way???
Notice also how the drug and slave trade are linked.
Now the explanation is clear that IsraHell is just a crime syndicate run by child murdering paedophiles, see this for 19 families who rule IsraHell:
Israel is not a state of, by and for the Jewish people. It is rather a state of, by and for a sprinkling of families, 19 in all, whose income amounts to $70 billion—88% of the national budget.
See rest of 19 families here:
Palestine Cry: PALESTINE - Nineteen families: poverty, inequality and who rules the roost in Israel | Peoples Geography — Reclaiming space
Most especially see this link:
Dutroux was a Jewish Mafia kingpin, who was believed to be in charge of Israeli organized crime's child trafficking in western Europe, who also made snuff/porno movies in Belgium. He was known to own at least seven country estates, where he made the movies and then disposed of the bodies.
Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux Ran An International Pedophile and Child Porn Ring
Marc Dutroux Ran An International
Pedophile and Child Porn Ring
He was protected by Belgian police and politicians.
rest here:
Jew Mafia Snuff Kingpin Marc Dutroux Ran An International Pedophile and Child Porn Ring
The Global Reach of the Judeo-Russian Mafia
RusJournal / The Orthodox Medievalist
Its been about 10 years since the Jerusalem Post admitted that the Israeli underworld had been taken over by Russian-Jewish mob bosses. But it remains the case despite official Mossad condemnations, that little has been done to interfere with the drug and slave trade the Russian-Jewish bosses have brought to Israel.
Syria: Rense: Jews And White Slavery - and further articles
Jew Watch - Jewish Atrocities - Blood Libel
Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film
Subject: Jew Kiddie Snuff Porn
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2000, 12:24 am
Italian and Russian Police Brake Up Child Snuff Porn Ring
Mon Oct 9 17:39:53 2000
LSN Staff
to the Talmudic En-cyclopedia: 'He who has carnal knowledge of the wife
of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written:
"thy fellow's wife" rather than the alien's wife; and even the precept
that a man "shall cleave unto his wife" which is addressed to the
Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony for a
heathen; and al-though a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the
Gentiles, in any case a Jew is exemp-ted.' This does not imply
that sexual inter-course between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman is
permitted - quite the contrary. But the main punishment is inflicted on
the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the
Jew: 'If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child
of three or an adult, whether married or unmar-ried, and even if he is a
minor aged only nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus
with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because
through her a Jew got into trouble. The Jew, however, must be flogged,
and if he is a Kohen (member of the priestly tribe) he must receive
double the number of lashes, because he has committed a double offense: a
Kohen must not have inter-course with a prostitute, and all Gentile
wo-men are presumed to be prostitutes.
| |
Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London 1994, page
Rome, Italy --
Italian and Russian police,
working together, broke up a ring of Jewish gangsters who had been
involved in the manufacture of child rape and snuff pornography.
Three Russian
Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they
had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five
years old from Russian orphanges, raping the children, and then
murdering them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700
nationwide, 600 in Italy, and and unknown number in the United States,
paid as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped
and murdered.
officials in a major Italian news
agency tried to cover the story up, but were circumvented by Italisn
news reporters, who broadcasts scenes from the films live at prime time
on Italisn television to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish
officials then fired the executives responsible, claiming they were
spreading "blood libel."
history, various groups have
accused sects of Jews of ritually murdering small children. One such
account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to the expulsion of all Jews from
Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts have generally been
discounted, but are so wide spread that Jewish organizations have
developed a name for them -- "blood libel".
The American
group the ADL was founded to defend a Jew, Leo Frank, accused of raping
and murdering a five year old girl, Mary Fagan, in his Atlanta pencil
factory in 1913. The ADL claims he was innocent. A mob lynched him after
the governor commuted his death sentence to life in prison.
Though AP and
Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media conglomerates refused
to carry the story on television news, again saying the story would
prejudice Americans against Jews.
Jewish gangsters in Russia have become
increasingly linked to traffic in "white slaves" and prostitutes through
Israel, according to a recent report in the Jerusalem Post. Israel
turns an official blind eye to forced prostitution, and does not punish
Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex slaves", as long as the slaves
are foreign and non-Jews.
![]() London, Sunday, 01.10.2000 |
British link to 'snuff' videos Jason Burke in London, Amelia Gentleman in Moscow, Philip Willan in Rome Observer - Sunday October 1, 2000
Britain is a key link in the biggest ever
international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile
'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an
Observer investigation can reveal.
key suspect in the inquiry, a Russian who was arrested last week in
Moscow for distribution of thousands of sadistic child porn videos and
pictures, was traced following the seizure of his products from
British paedophiles.
Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, a 30-year-old former car mechanic in Moscow,
was identified after British Customs and police traced the origin of
violent child porn videos found in the UK back to Russia.
Last week Italian police seized 3,000 of
Kuznetsov's videos on their way to clients in Italy, sparking an
international hunt for paedophiles who have bought his products. The
Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children
dying during abuse. Prosecutors in Naples are considering charging those
who have bought the videos with complicity in murder. They say some may
have specifically requested films of killings.
British authorities yesterday confirmed that scores
of Kuznetsov's videos, produced in his small flat in Moscow's rundown
Vykhino district, have been found in the UK. They are concerned that
'snuff' movies in which children are killed may have also been imported.
Around a dozen British men have already been
arrested and charged with offences alleged to be connected to the
Russian tapes. A second Russian child porn ring, which allegedly had a
British distributor, was broken up earlier this year. The investigation
into the importing of violent Russian child porn which led to the
identification and subsequent imprisonment of Kuznetsov started about 15
months ago after Customs seized material coming into the country. Since
then there have been dozens of other finds.
'We have seen some very, very nasty stuff involving
sadistic abuse of very young children, but actual deaths on film takes
it a whole step further. That is very worrying,' said one senior customs
officer this weekend.
paedophiles were paying between £50 and £100 for Kuznetsov's tapes, the
officer said. Further fees were paid for access to a website that
features pictures of extremely violent abuse.
Though two men arrested with Kuznetsov have also been
imprisoned by Moscow authorities, only one of the three remains behind
bars. Dmitri Ivanov was sentenced to 11 years for actually participating
in the abuse that was being filmed. The others were released under an
amnesty aimed at clearing Russia's overcrowded prisons.
When officers from the Moscow Criminal Investigation
Department raided Kuznetsov's flat they found two boys in a makeshift
studio. They seized a huge quantity of films and other pornographic
material as well as lists of clients in Italy, Germany, America and
Last week Italian detectives moved in,
following months of inquiries, and arrested eight people. The police
searched more than 600 homes and say they now have evidence against
about 500 people. Among the suspects were businessmen, public employees
and a university student. Several of them were married, with children of
their own. Hundreds of people are also under investigation in Germany.
The Russian videos, which had been ordered over the
internet, were intercepted when they came into Italy by post, repackaged
and then delivered by undercover police officers. They cost between
£300 and £4,000, depending on what type of film was ordered.
Covert film of young children naked or undressing
was known as a 'SNIPE' video. The most appalling category was
code-named 'Necros Pedo' in which children were raped and tortured until
they died.
Police in Russia and
the UK believe that Kuznetsov and his associates have been in business
for more than two years in which time they are believed to have
recruited around 100 boys - aged between nine and 15 - to be filmed.
'Most of the children were rounded up from railway
stations. A lot of them came from the suburbs, or surrounding regions
and were from deprived, problem families,' said Kiril Mazurin, a police
'Usually when children like
this arrive in the capital, they've got no idea where to go and hang
around in the station. It's very easy to entice this kind of teenager -
with a promise of a warm bed or a trip to the cinema.'
Many were lured away from orphanages. 'Children are
not locked in,' said Mazurin. 'Anyone can come along and promise them a
meal at McDonalds. It doesn't take any more than that."
Some children were paid a commission to find other
boys willing to be filmed, according to reports in the Russian press,
for a fee of between 100 and 300 roubles (£2.50 - £7).
Kuznetsov had given up his job in 1998 to devote
himself to the lucrative pornography industry. A self-taught computer
expert, he was in the process of upgrading his equipment to allow him to
e-mail videos directly to clients when police raided him.
Many customers repeatedly ordered videos from him.
The Naples newspaper Il Mattino published a transcript of an alleged
email exchange between a prospective client and the Russian vendors.
'Promise me you're not ripping me off,' says the
'Relax, I can assure
you this one really dies,' the Russian responds.
'The last time I paid and I didn't get what I
'What do you want?'
see them die.' |
![]() |
Friday, May 19 2000 (14 Iyar 5760)
Amnesty: Israel failing to deal with
white-slave trade
By Dan Izenberg
and Heidi J. Gleit
(May 19) - Israel has failed to take adequate measures against human
rights abuses of women who have been brought here and forced to provide
sexual services, Amnesty International charged.
"This is so," a special Amnesty report on the
trafficking of women from the former Soviet Union said, "even though
many of them have been subjected to human rights abuses such as
enslavement or torture, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse,
by traffickers, pimps, or others involved in Israel's sex industry."
Amnesty International also criticized Israel for not
providing a procedure to grant asylum to women who have been smuggled
into the country often on the basis of false promises of work having
nothing to do with sex.
Fighting the
trade in women and bringing foreign women here to work as prostitutes is
a priority for the Israel Police, but it is a very difficult phenomenon
to fight, police investigations head Cmdr. Yossi Sedbon said yesterday.
One of the main problems is that there is not a
law against selling women, he explained, adding that he is aware of
the initiatives to pass such a law and hopes they are successful.
Justice Minister Yossi Beilin told Amnesty
International representatives yesterday that Deputy Attorney-General
Yehudit Karp is preparing an amendment to the Penal Law which would
address the trafficking phenomenon and provide immunity for trafficked
women. He predicted that the legislation would be presented to the
Knesset at its winter session.
According to Amnesty International,
hundreds of women are brought to Israel from the former Soviet Union
every year.
According to
Amnesty International, Israel is bound by international law and by
international covenants that it has signed to stamp out the sex
Police are arresting
suspects on related charges such as kidnapping, pimping, raping, and
assaulting the women, Sedbon said.
other major problem is that the women are scared to file police
complaints and testify against the pimps, he said. Since most of them
are in the country illegally, they are scared to approach police. Fear
of reprisal by the pimps further paralyzes them. Police try to get
around this both by promising to protect complainants and by initiating
operations to collect evidence against and raid brothels, he said.
An additional complication is that prosecutors need
the women who complain to testify in the court cases against the pimps,
which can be months after the initial complaint is filed. Since the
women are here illegally and there is a chance that the pimps will harm
them if they are left to their own devices here, they have often ended
up sitting in jail until the trial is completed.
Sedbon said that they now try to send the women home
and bring them back here for the trial.
declined to comment on the complaints filed against Afula police chief
Ch.-Supt. Shlomo Marmelstein and Tel Aviv police chief Cmdr. Shlomo
Aharonishky for not acting against the problem, saying he could not
comment on specific cases.
emphasized that the issue is a priority for police and that each police
district's serious crimes division is dealing with the problem.
Statistics police released earlier this year show an
increase in the number of cases opened against pimps: 279 in 1997; 370
in 1998; and 506 in 1999.
also said that only a minority of the foreign women working here as
prostitutes are kidnapped and forced into prostitution.
Jews and the pornography industry
Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?
The US Department of Justice describes Reuben Sturman as an "international porn-czar". His son, David, is owner of Sin City Video, a pornography production company. |
Some Jews claim that Hugh Hefner is also a Jew:
Judicial-inc suspects this, also:
Most organizations that investigate sex slaves, child pornography, and pedophilia are full of Jews, so we should assume they are trying to manipulate us and identify witnesses, as I describe in such files as:
• Pedophile-trick.html
• Hufschmid-11Feb2008.html
The sex slave trade does affect you!Why are the pornography and sex slave businesses dominated by Jews?Jews are a very small proportion of the world's population, but they seem to dominate certain businesses, such as banking, the media, pornography, and other sex-related businesses. Since many of these Jews have shown supporter for Zionism, we ought to consider the possibility that they are part of the Zionist criminal network, and that they are deliberately involved with pornography and sex slaves in order to destroy our societies.
The sex slave trade doesn't affect most of us directly because the victims tend to be orphans, uneducated, stupid, and/or retarded. However, the sex slave trade affects us indirectly:
Racial problemsSome news articles about the sex slave trade
The sex slave trade transfers young and uneducated (and usually dumb) people to a foreign nation where they are out of place and helpless. Even if they escape, or are released, they are not likely to fit into their new society.
Blackmailed officials
The criminals in the sex slave trade (many or most of these criminals in the US and Europe are Jews) can help their customers get elected to positions in our government and the police agencies, thereby giving those particular criminals the ability to blackmail our government officials and police. They can also help their customers become university chancellors, professors, and military officials, thereby giving them control over those industries, also.
If you think this is a crazy conspiracy theory, listen to Kay Griggs as she describes how the Zionist Jews look for mentally defective people and promote them to top military positions so that they have control over the US military. I have excerpts of her video interview at my site; watch the "Desperate Wives" videos:
Have you ever taken a serious look at our sheriffs, government officials, professors, and university chancellors? It's not a coincidence that our leaders seem to be bordering on the mentally ill. For example, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who released Paris Hilton from jail early, is a promoter of Scientology:
If you think this is an insignificant issue, take a look at it:
• San Francisco is a major center for Asian sex slavery
Part 1:
All 4 parts on this page.
• Ghana: Sex Trade Gang is Live And Kicking
Israel seems to have a lot of influence in Ghana:• British police once again claim to be cracking down on sex life trade
- The House of Israel Community of Ghana
- Ghana soccer player waves Israeli flag
• Chinese and East European gangs join together to create new underworld force
• 19 members of sex slave ring arrested by Dutch police for selling African sex slaves
• African sex slaves refuse to identify the criminals who were selling them in Europe
• Nigerian women sold to Denmark were tricked with voodoo into remaining silent
• Argentina has sex slave problems, also
The Zionist Jews also
seem to dominate the feminist movement. Naomi Wolf is one
of many Jewish feminists.
If you don't know who she is, here is one article, and here is her New Year's fantasy. It's easy to argue that the feminist movement is harming relationships between men and women, not improving life, as I mention in my "Dumbing Down" articles: philosophy.html#Dumb |
A lot of the people who are attracted to pornography, prostitution, and sex slaves are unhappy and/or psychotic, and they are hoping that sex will bring some pleasure to their miserable, pathetic lives. If you look at the customers, you will likely assume that these industries don't affect us because they only attract miserable people. However, don't look at the customers. Instead, look at the people controlling the industry, and at the government officials and policemen who are protecting it. It appears to be a worldwide, Zionist operation. And they seem to be using this industry as another way to find psychotic people to promote into leadership positions.
The same is true with feminism. It attracts a lot of very unhappy, angry, and psychotic women. However, don't look at the women who are attracted to it. Look at the leaders of the feminist movement.
"Snuff" films
Here is a news report that claims Jews were arrested for raping and killing Russian orphans: (fixed this link)
A small company named Toetag Pictures produces videos with such extreme and psychotic violence that they make the Hollywood horror movies look pleasant:
Here is an interview with Michael Schneider, who helped Fred Vogel and others get Toetag Pictures started:
Some of the people producing these videos may simply be unhappy, psychotic people who enjoy fantasies of torture and murder, but we should consider that the Zionist crime network is encouraging or funding this type of behavior in order to help ruin society.
Jewish and Israeli involvement in Pornography and Sex Slaves
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