The Antichrist: Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist
Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist
Chapter 2- The Action
1. Antichrist Begins to Manifest Himself to the Jew
Antichrist, being a Jew, will be circumcised; he will observe the Mosaic Law, and finally he will give himself for the Messiah whom Israel still expects, and he will be received by those whose names are not written in the Book of Life, in the Book of the Lamb. (Apoc. 13:8). Hence Our Lord thus reproaches the Jews, "I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive." Jn. 5:43). St. Irenaeus, St. Hilary, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and St. Damascus are of opinion that Our Lord makes allusion in this passage to Antichrist.
2. He Achieves the Conquest of the World and Makes Jerusalem its Capital
Antichrist will naturally meet with obstacles in carrying out his designs. The ten kings, who, according to the prophet Daniel and St. John, will have divided the Roman empire among them, shall endeavor to conserve the independence of their realms and consequently will resist him with fire and sword. "I considered," says the prophet, "the horns, and behold another little horn sprung out of the midst of them, and three of the first horns were plucked up at the sight thereof. . . And these ten horns shall be ten kings, and another shall rise up after them, and he shall be mightier than the former, and he shall bring down three kings." (Dan. 7:8 & 24). "He shall take possession of the land; Egypt will not escape his power. . . he shall pass into Libya and Ethiopia." (Dan. 11 :42-43). St. Jerome has left us the interpretation of the Fathers, which is corroborated by all ecclesiastical writers who have since treated the question. At the end of the world. after the destruction of the empire, ten kings will divide among them the fragments of the Roman empire; then an eleventh king will enter the scene and conquer three of their number: the king of Egypt, the king of Africa [Libya, re: St. Hippolytus on the Antichrist], and the king of Ethiopia. After their death, the remaining seven laid their scepters at the conqueror's feet. (Dan. 7 [esp. 24-25]).
1) It was Our Lord Jesus Christ who quoted the book of Daniel as a defining reference to the abomination of desolation. Do not downplay the importance of that.
2) This almost completely happened already during the time of two persecutors of the Church. Diocletian is one (whose name in a specialized Greek spelling of his time on a few coins in Graeco Latin would, in the Greek Isopsephia that St. Irenaeus refers us to, spell the number 666 which is the number of the name the Full Consensus of the Church Fathers tell us the Antichrist will bear - concerning Diocletian, this is of typological importance since he is in the past tense). Diocletian in fact conquered Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia of his time and totally subjugated the ten Dioceses of the Roman Empire under him with a four part division of the same ten Dioceses, not referred to here, that also was under his complete rule. See Note One. below. That ten and four part division was predicted by St. Hippolytus based on his exegesis of the Apocalypse and the Book of Daniel a century before Diocletian. Diocletian's persecution is when, by Diocletian's command, the use of the Teserea and the Libellus - the Mark of the Beast, was used to the utmost in the ancient Roman Empire to force Christians to either deny Christ or die. The Martyrs chose to die now and inherit eternal life. Julian the Apostate, in the same century as Diocletian's rule ended in, almost succeeded in making an Apostate Jew ruled Jerusalem the center of a revived pagan Roman Graeco-Egyptian religion - the same thing the Apostate Vatican is trying to do now. To follow the Vatican (since its Apostasy beginning in 1958) in any way is to take the Mark of Beast. God commands His people NOW to come out from her and be separate and touch not the unclean thing. 2Cor. 6:14-18 and Apocalypse 18.
3) The Vatican (in Latin the Vatican is Vaticanus and in the pagan context meant "divining serpent") has returned to being only a temple of Satanic Antichrist False Prophet infidel iniquity. We must not have anything to do with them at all on pain of eternal damnation.
4) The final fulfillment of the Antichrist and the Abomination of desolation will happen centered in Jerusalem and we are forewarned and must have nothing to do with any of it upon penalty of eternal damnation.
Note One.

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See below for the number of divisions in the Roman Empire which varied and as actually finally recorded is after Diocletian. Diocletian typologically fulfilled this in his time. St. Hippolytus gives us the prophetic number of ten [also meaning fullness] and of four [also meaning worldwide] as the coming to power of the Antichrist and also an eleventh power (given St. Hippolytus' context, keep the Apostate Vatican in view and ultimately an individual coming forth from there - also this, the Antichrist will be a Jew) to keep in mind in these current times (Anglo-American or Russia-Chinese or Nato-Eurasian or ultimately World wide Zionist, it will be revealed in its time.)
Laterculus Veronensis
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The Antichrist System's Drug funded Gulag is a precursor to the secret trials and murder of the Christian faithful by the Antichrist when he comes to visible power. Prime in this are neighborhood spies and gangstalking. This is all lifted straight out of the Russian Gulag system and progeny - their NKVD, CHEKA, GPU, GRU, MI6 operated KGB, Red Chinese Military Intelligence Departments, OSS-CIA-SHAPE-NATO, Triad: American-Russian-Chinese Shadow Intelligence.
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