New World Order, ZioNazism, Illuminati, Freemasonry
Rulers of this world
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Antimatrix contains a large collection of information on NWO related issues. Most of the books represent the most valuable and authoritative research on these issues.
Some of the material is of a mind-shattering grade as it shows who in reality rules the world, programs and zombifies your minds, who are the actual terrorists, and the nature of the "hidden hand", controlling the world governments and guiding them with not so gentle hand towards the establishment of a two class society, where most of the plain people are nothing more than serfs, just as Nicholas Rockefeller classified them.
Not many even realise what kind of destiny is prepared for them, not even knowing they are "lead to slaughter" and total submission to the satanic agenda of the most profound evil there is, there was or even possible in principle.
On the other hand, there is this "elite", ruling your lives, commanding your minds, and zombifying you from any place you look, morning to night, whose primary interest is the utmost evil and the insatiable parasitism, domination, most horrendous violence, never ending wars and revolutions, genocide and extermination of entire nations, and the utmost disgust created by "the hidden hand" of this so called elite.
Note on a term "Jew" appearing in quotes
Some of the material is of a mind-shattering grade as it shows who in reality rules the world, programs and zombifies your minds, who are the actual terrorists, and the nature of the "hidden hand", controlling the world governments and guiding them with not so gentle hand towards the establishment of a two class society, where most of the plain people are nothing more than serfs, just as Nicholas Rockefeller classified them.
Not many even realise what kind of destiny is prepared for them, not even knowing they are "lead to slaughter" and total submission to the satanic agenda of the most profound evil there is, there was or even possible in principle.
On the other hand, there is this "elite", ruling your lives, commanding your minds, and zombifying you from any place you look, morning to night, whose primary interest is the utmost evil and the insatiable parasitism, domination, most horrendous violence, never ending wars and revolutions, genocide and extermination of entire nations, and the utmost disgust created by "the hidden hand" of this so called elite.
Note on a term "Jew" appearing in quotes
AntiMatrix Politics Collection
A large collection of Usenet articles on politics. [Can be searched via internal search engine.]
AntiMatrix ZioNazi Collection
A large collection of Usenet articles on ZioNazis and Zionism. [Can be searched via internal search engine.]
AntiMatrix Conspiracy Collection
A large collection of Usenet articles on conspiracy related issues. [Can be searched via internal search engine.]
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"world government"
Disclaimer: All the information on this site is provided as is. No guarantees of any kind, including trueness, validity or anything whatsoever is given. It is just an information, just like any other information on the Internet. Nothing more than that. It is up to you to verify the validity of any statements, events, ideas, facts or quotes provided here. Blame no one but yourself for not doing your job.
Basically, quotes are as reliable as the references provided, if any, and even if references are provided, it does not mean the information is 100% correct or corresponds to reality.
Some quotes may not be the literal quotes, even though they might be surrounded with the quotation marks because those statements, that were originally not quotes, were quoted here. Look at it as the representation of the meaning and the essence of the underlying idea. The original material might have been too long, but the essential part of the statement could be expressed in just a single sentence representing the most essential part of the message.
In any case, you have to do your own research to verify the validity of any information provided here.
Basically, quotes are as reliable as the references provided, if any, and even if references are provided, it does not mean the information is 100% correct or corresponds to reality.
Some quotes may not be the literal quotes, even though they might be surrounded with the quotation marks because those statements, that were originally not quotes, were quoted here. Look at it as the representation of the meaning and the essence of the underlying idea. The original material might have been too long, but the essential part of the statement could be expressed in just a single sentence representing the most essential part of the message.
In any case, you have to do your own research to verify the validity of any information provided here.
Вся информация на этом сайте представлена без каких бы то ни было гарантий правдивости, точности или соответствия с тем как все есть на самом деле. Это - всего лишь информация, как любая другая информация на интернете, и представлена она в гуманитарных целях благоприятствия ситуации в мире. Вы должны сами проверить достоверность, точность этой информации. Не пеняйте ни на кого за то, что вы не сделали достаточных усилий для проверки достоверности.
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Цитаты надежны и достоверны в той степени, в которой достоверен источник, если таковой представлен.
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