Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Palestine Cry: Syria Putin Netanyahu - Crime bosses | King of the North King of the South
Part of what underlay 911 is below.
Palestine Cry: Syria Putin Netanyahu - Crime bosses | King of the North King of the South
Syria Putin Netanyahu - Crime bosses | King of the North King of the South
The two kings of the North and South respectively, are from the book of Daniel. Syria was involved then as now. Syria in Daniel is represented by the King of the North (today that is Putin) and Israel-Egypt is represented by the King of the South (today that is Netanyahu). They both then and now pretend friendship and alliance but are both looking for a chance to do the other in. Today the entire world is at stake. The United States of AmericaNazi ZioCuckcolded Tomfoolery and Mercenary mass murder is only a stupid pawn of both. Russia has anywhere up to 20 times the nuclear arsenal the United States has. China is as violent and hungry and looking to the Middle East for pickings as Russia is. The mobsters that run IsraHell under the cover of their ZioNazi fake Satan worshipping religion think they are invincible and have no conscience about anything and they have the minds of demonically dumbed down sub-animals due to their Rabbinic Babylonian Diabolic superstition masquerading as religion - the Jews with any conscience at all realized what a nightmare IsraHell is and left there permanently in the 1980's, or were murdered by their fellow Jews like Jack Bernstein was. The Arabs think they can ride this out. That is a big mistake. If ever both the USA and the Arabs needed a Pan Arabist U.S. President like President John F. Kennedy, the time is now - but it just isn't going to happen. A day that lives in infamy November 22. 1963. Dallas TX John F. Kennedy Assassinated by sneak attack act of War by rogue non-state IsraHell on the United States of America - 17 articles, scroll back through articles using Older Post link at bottom right of articles.
click on picture or link and see this also: Shulchan Aruch The most evil document of the entire history of the world.
Jews' god of Remphan (Saturn - Satan) - its worship is snuff porn
click on picture - and see snuff porn, its service is 911 Israeli terrorism

click on picture
Andy K. - Triad, US-Russia-Red China Caribbean connection
Russian-Canadian Jew operative of the Triad transnationalist Intelligence service of the KGB, shadow CIA (not regular lawful CIA) and Red Chinese Military Intelligence
Semion Mogilevich |
Yulia Tymoshenko |
Oleksandr Turchynov |
Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who headed the spy agency from 2006 to 2010,
told the Kyiv Post in an interview that documents connecting Mogilevich with the nation’s gas trade had been destroyed by one of his predecessors, Oleksandr Turchynov, in 2005.
Turchynov, who was security service (SBU) chief in 2005, called such claims an “elaborate ruse” to discredit his close ally, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who made a fortune in the gas trade in the 1990s.
Yulia Tymoshenko, was a practicing economist and academic. She was a businesswoman before entering politics She was the CEO of
Yedyni Energosystemy Ukrayiny (
United Energy Systems of Ukraine), a monopoly that imported Russian natural gas. She was by some estimates one of the richest Ukranaians. Tymoshenko co-led the
Orange Revolution sponsored funded by Soros and his mostly Jewish PR and Media team Incidentally a little known fact is the almost total control of Jews in the PR and Advertising industry see
The controversy over the so-called
Mogilevich SBU dossier dates back to the
split in a coalition
between Tymoshenko and former President Viktor Yushchenko in 2005,largely provoked by arguments
over whether to retain gas trader RosUkrEnergo as an intermediary in the lucrative business of importing Russian and Central Asian gas to Ukraine.
U.S. Embassy cables revealed details about the controversy surrounding a secret dossier on Mogilevich compiled by the SBU.The
dossier was allegedly destroyed by Turchynov and his deputy Andriy Kozhemyakin, both staunch Tymoshenko allies, about the time she was fired as prime minister during her first stint on Sept. 8, 2005.
In a U.S. diplomatic cable published on the
WikiLeaks website on Dec. 5,
former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine
John Herbst reported that
former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko said he had been “ordered” in 2006 by state prosecutors
to arrest Turchynov for allegedly destroying hard copies of the
Mogilevich dossier. Lutsenko on Nov. 29
confirmed the authenticity of his
conversation with Herbst, described in the cable dated April 14, 2006.State prosecutors on Feb. 22, 2006, opened a criminal case against Turchynov and Kozhemyakin for allegedly destroying the Mogilevich files, but Kyiv’s Pechersk District court threw out the case four months later.
Nalyvaichenko, the SBU chief from 2006 to 2010, told the Kyiv Post on Dec. 7 that SBU records about Mogilevich dating back to the early 1990s indeed went missing.He said the documents detailed the alleged mobster’s role in the gas trade in the mid-1990s, including ties with top officials close to Tymoshenko, who then headed a lucrative gas trading business called United Energy Systems of Ukraine (UESU).The SBU is a successor of the
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic‘s Branch of the Soviet
KGB, keeping the majority of its 1990s personnel.
“I think the reason why the
Mogilevich dossier was destroyed in 2005 is because the files contained
information about intermediaries and their role in the
gas trade,” Nalyvaichenko said.
Nalyvaichenko identified one alleged
link between
Mogilevich and top officials then as
Igor Fisherman(Jewish), who is also wanted by the FBI as an associate of Mogilevich.
Fisherman, who along with Mogilevich is believed to reside in Russia, worked as an
advisor to former Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko in the 1990s when Tymoshenko headed UESU.
Tymoshenko and Lazarenko were political allies during the 1998 parliamentary election, when their
Hromada Party won 24 seats in parliament. Interestingly Yulia Tymoshenko herself was also accused of having given
Pavlo Lazarenko kickbacks in exchange for her company’s stranglehold on the country’s gas supplies Tymoshenko has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and has distanced herself from Lazarenko
Pavlo Lazarenko was in August 2006 was convicted and sentenced to prison in the United States for money laundering, wire fraud and extortion. According to United Nations, approximately $200,000,000 was embezzled by Lazarenko during 1996–1997 from the government of Ukraine.
Speaking to the Kyiv Post by telephone on Dec. 8, Turchynov said there was no specific dossier on Mogilevich that could have been destroyed. But he and Kozhemyakin were evasive in answering specific Kyiv Post questions.
Source Kyiv Post
What does the Judeo-Russian mafia got to do with the Boston Marathon bombing and the planned destruction of Syria and Iran? Read on to find out…
Is America being blackmailed into new Middle East wars on behalf of Israel?
The Russian mafia, known also as the Red Mafiya or the “Red Octopus”, is really the Jewish mafia in disguise.
It has secret links to Mossad, the Rothschild family, the Federal Reserve Bank, and to powerful Jewish organizations such as AIPAC and the ADL.
The activities of the Russian mafia range from the back streets of Moscow to the sex dens of Budapest and Tel Aviv, from the diamond mines of Sierra Leone to the jewelry workshops of Antwerp, from the plush casinos of Vegas and Atlantic City to the multimillion dollar gated mansions of Fisher Island, Miami, from the coke and heroin dives of Odessa and the Black Sea ports to the child porn parlors and underground brothels of Oregon. In the United States, the Russian mafia’s ground zero is Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, right slapbang in the center of America’s most Jewish community.
“As of 2009,” Wikipedia reports, “Russian mafia groups have been said to reach over 50 countries and, as of 2010, have up to 300,000 members.”
Laura Radanko, herself Jewish, carried out some important research on the Russian mafia and lifted the lid on some of their most grisly secrets. She writes:
During the detente days of the early 1970s, when Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev had agreed to allow the limited emigration of Soviet Jews, thousands of hard-core criminals, many of them released from Soviet Gulags by the KGB, took advantage of their nominal Jewish status to swarm into the United States….
In the 1970s, more than forty thousand Russian Jews settled in Brighton Beach. It was under the shadow of the elevated subway tracks on Brighton Beach Avenue, bustling with Russian meat markets, vegetable pushcarts, and bakeries, that the Russian gangsters resumed their careers as professional killers, thieves, and scoundrels….
Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, also known as “Little Odessa” or “Little Russia by the Sea”, has now become the American headquarters of the Red Mafiya, ranked as the world’s most powerful criminal gang.
Though the “Russian” gangs of the former Soviet Union include Georgians, Armenians, Chechens and various other ethnic groups, the kingpins of the Russian mafia are all Jewish—in the same way as the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were Jewish, though their underlings were not. All the big guns of the Russian mafia—Semion Mogilevich, Monya Elson, Marat Balagula, Vyacheslav Ivankov, Vladimir Ginsberg, Ludwig Fainberg—are Jewish.
In Russia’s post-perestroika years (1990s), thousands of Russian thugs slipped into America with the greatest of ease. “The understaffed and ill-equipped Immigration Service,” Robert Friedman reveals, “seemed helpless to stop them.”
Hundreds of former Soviets athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan wars, including many retired KGB agents, swarmed into America. (There are now between 500,000 to 750,000 Russian Jews here). Many Russian criminals ended up at Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, where they were to join the combat brigades of the Red Mafiya. They were at once put on retainers of $20,000 a month. No jobs as janitors or road sweepers for them! Like ducks to water, they took to sex trafficking, prostitution, pornography, drug running, loan sharking, stock market scams, arson, burglary, bank and jewelry frauds, counterfeiting, vote rigging, arms sales, extortion and murder.
The first four rules of the Jewish Russian mafia are these: never have emotions, reject your parents and closest relatives, screw as many women as possible, never work in a legitimate job.
The merciless cruelty of these psychopathic killers is so extreme that it is often said “they will shoot people just to see if their guns work.”
Dr M. Raphael Johnson is even more specific in his details about the Jewishness of the Russian mafia. Having established themselves in Tel Aviv after the mass emigration of Russian Jews to Israel in the 1990s, the Russian mafia began to call itself the Israeli or Jewish mafia:
The roots of Jewish organized crime go far back into tsarist times. Organized crime syndicates assisted Lenin’s gangs in bank robberies and the creation of general mayhem. During the so-called revolution, it was difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime syndicates. They acted in nearly an identical manner….
The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, so long as the victims are non-Jews. The Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to non-Jewish countries, and, therefore, Jewish murderers can quite easily escape punishment in Israel.
Described by the CIA as a “grave threat” to global security and by Robert I. Friedman as the “world’s most dangerous man”, step forward Semion Mogilevich, arch-criminal extraordinaire and head honcho of the Red Mafiya— first in line of the rottweiler pack of Russian criminalsunleashed on the world by the dissolution of the Soviet Union. With his headquarters in Budapest, the 67-year-old Mogilevich is behind most of the white slave trafficking of Russian and Eastern European girls to Israel.
The power of this Russian Jew is well-nigh legendary. He is the ideal villain for a James Bond movie. Not only does he own the armaments industry in Hungary, but he is said to control the entire vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe. He possesses his own army, artillery, mechanized infantry, anti-aircraft guns and missiles of all types. Furthermore, he is reported to have his own nuclear weapons, relics left over from the former Warsaw Pact countries. NATO has said he is a “threat to the stability of Europe,” though his name remains little known to the general public in view of the fact that his co-ethnics control the media.
Every year, “hundreds of women from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union are smuggled into Israel. The traffic is linked to the Russian mafia taking root in Israel as a byproduct of mass immigration from the former Soviet Union.” (Sex Trade Flourishing in Holy Land, CBS, February 24, 2003).
With activities in countries ranging from Malaysia to Great Britain, Russian mobsters now operate in more than fifty nations. They smuggle heroin from Southeast Asia with the help and cooperation of the CIA. They traffic in weapons. And they have a special knack for large-scale extortion.
When the Judeo-Russian mafia and the Rothschild-controlled banksters, who are ultimately behind this vast criminal organization, want the American government to do something which the government is hesitant to do—for example, to bomb Iran—it will give the government a sign of its displeasure by staging a terrorist event.
Such as the Boston Marathon massacre.
The government will then get the message: Unless we bomb Iran, these Bolshevik Jews will continue to terrorize America. As they once terrorized Tsarist Russia. They will make us look impotent fools, because obviously we can’t control them. So we’d better do as they say—we’d better bomb Iran.
In the case of the Boston Marathon bombing, you will point out correctly, it was the Chechen mafia that was involved. Indirectly. Not the Judeo-Russian mafia. Save your breath. It’s well-known that the Chechen mafia is simply one of the many tributaries of the Judeo-Russian mafia. We know for a fact that Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky gave his financial backing to the Chechen mafia in return for favors. He was the Big Jew behind the Chechen mafia, secretly pulling its strings and dictating its policies.
Berezovsky’s secret links to the Chechen mafia were first revealed by a Russian-American investigative reporter for Forbes magazine, Paul Klebnikov, in his chilling exposé Godfather of the Kremlin: Boris Berezovsky and the looting of Russia (2000). “No man profited more from Russia’s slide into the abyss,” Klebnikov noted. As a result of his explosive revelations, a contract was taken out on Klebnikov’s life. In 2004, the courageous reporter was gunned down in the streets of Moscow. (See here)
In a recent edition of Forbes magazine (24 March, 2013), we read this:
“Paul [Klebnikov] was gathering string for future articles that linked Nukhayev and other Chechen warlords with Berezovsky….Here’s where it gets even more interesting. Last summer, Berezovsky’s Chechen links came to the surface in a $6.5 billion London lawsuit that he had brought (and lost) against Roman Abramovich, a rival Russian oligarch….
Klebnikov was the first American reporter to be murdered in Russia, and with his silencing the world lost one of its foremost experts on the vast and murky crossroads of Russian organized crime, Kremlin politics, Chechen terrorists, billionaire oligarchs, and the spread of Russian mafia conglomerates around the world.” (See here)
It is through the Chechen mafia that international Jewry continues its secret war against Putin’s Russia.
Boris Berezovsky, Jewish Russian oligarch (1946-2013), died in mysterious circumstances on 23 March this year at his home in Ascot, England, age 67. According to the official version of events, he was suffering from depression, so he locked himself in his bathroom and hanged himself. One of his oldest friends, Nikolai Glushkov, said: “Boris was strangled.” Berezovsky’s close links with the Chechen mafia clearly indicate that Big Jewry probably had a hand in the Boston Marathon bombing. See Chechnya and the Boston bombing: link, if established, would be unprecedented.
Right now, the Chechen mafia has Moscow within its iron tentacles. But the Chechen mafia is itself controlled, as we now know, by the Jewish mafia—and by organized Jewry which helps it to money launder its vast illegal profits through the Jewish-controlled central banks of the world. This is not rocket science. The Jews control everyone by controlling the world’s money supply. Wasn’t it a Rothschild who said that? Sure, it was a Rothschild who said that. “Give me control of a nation’s money,” Mayer Amschel Rothschild famously said, “and I care not who makes its laws.”
So the Jews help to money launder the loot of the Chechen mafia: and in this way they control the Chechen mafia, just like they control the American government.
The Judeo-Russian mafia and the Chechen mafia are not competitors in America. They are cronies. They have carved out their separate kingdoms. Like friendly lions, they share the spoils, eating from different sides of the same carcase. The carcase is America.
How much does a contract murder cost? How much would it cost Mossad to outsource the Boston Marathon bombing to the Chechen mafia, assuming it decided to carry out such a terrorist act in the interests of Israel? Is $10 million too little? How about $100 million? That’s peanuts. Israel gets $8.2 million a day from the American taxpayer. It could buy a Chechen mafia massacre by sacrificing its pocket money for two days—or two weeks at the most—depending on the price.
Google the word “Israelification”. You’ll get “Israelification of American airports”. “Israelification of American domestic security”. “Israelification of US police”. “Israelification of America”.
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Do American cops really need to hop on a plane to Tel Aviv to learn how to taser their fellow citizens?
How come all the airports that failed so suspiciously to stop alleged Al Qaeda terrorists from carrying out the 9/11 attack—how come all these airports were policed by ONE private security company, ICTS, owned by Israeli Jew Ezra Harel? “One company had automatic inside access to all of the airports from which hijacked planes departed on 9-11,” one reads with eyepopping incredulity. “An Israeli company. One that Mossad agents could easily find employment with.” (See “All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company.”)
It looks like the Jewish mafia in America is not only running a protection racket called “Israeli Security”, it’s running a protection racket that doesn’t even work.
It is naïve to assume that all these terrorist attacks upon America are being carried out by amateurish Muslim organizations armed with little more than box cutters and pressure cooker bombs filled with nails and shrapnel. It is equally naïve to believe that the government is itself invariably complicit in these attacks and is orchestrating them for no other reason than that it needs an excuse to confiscate guns and usher in a spooky Orwellian police state.
No, it is far more plausible to regard these attacks upon America as Jewish mafia strong-arm tactics to coerce America into doing the will of Israel and in fighting its wars for it. If the administration refuses to do the dirty work of bombing Iran for Israel, then it will have to be taught a lesson. If American politicians cannot be persuaded by all the carrots provided by AIPAC, then maybe it is time to give them a taste of Mossad’s big stick.
The carrot and the stick. That’s how it works. This is how Jewish influence is exerted. AIPAC offers the carrots, Mossad wields the big stick.
The Judeo-Russian mafia or Red Mafiya—call it the “Jewish mafia” if you prefer— is now Mossad’s secret army in America. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s an intellectually defensible thesis for which there is now more than enough evidence. He that has eyes to see, let him see.
This is what I read today in an authoritative source, and it chills my blood when I read it:
US intelligence officials worry that Russian gangsters will acquire weapons of mass destruction such as fissionable material or deadly, easily concealed pathogens such as the smallpox virus—all too readily available from poorly guarded military bases or scientific labs—and sell these deadly wares to any number of terrorist groups or renegade states.
In North America alone, there are now thirty Russian crime syndicates operating in at least seventeen US cities, most notably New York, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Denver.
Mafiya groups that have flourished in post-perestroika Russia, they have something La Cosa Nostra can only dream about: their own country. The Russian mob virtually controls their nuclear-tipped former superpower, which provides them with vast financial assets and a truly global reach. Russian President Boris Yeltsin wasn’t exaggerating when he described Russia as “the biggest Mafia state in the world”.
In 1993, a high-ranking Russian immigration official in Moscow told US investigators that there were five million dangerous criminals in the former USSR who would be allowed to emigrate to the West.
Guess what? They’re here! Right now.
Five million dangerous Russian criminals, former inhabitants of the gulags. Mossad’s American army. Five million Bolshevik terrorists, come to batten on America like bloodsucking vampires.
These guys aren’t listed in official statistics. Many of them are Israelis, part of the Israeli mafia, free to fly in and out of America without visas. Like they did around 9/11, casing the joint, clicking their cameras, doing high fives, and dancing as the Twin Towers came toppling down.
Never forget the Bolshevik Revolution. Sixty-six million dead Russian Christians put to death by cheka Jews. The descendants of these Bolshevik revolutionaries are now here! Like a pack of ravenous wolves moving in for the kill…
Adolf Hitler once described America as the Jews’ “new hunting grounds”. With remarkable prescience, he saw that the state of Israel would one day develop into organized Jewry’s international crime base from which it would plunder other countries, including America, with impunity:
It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11
Never forget what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Jonathan Pollard on exiting the spy’s prison cell after a friendly visit in 2002: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States it can dry up and blow away.”
America lies bleeding.
The carrion are feeding on its corpse right now.
Dr Lasha Darkmoon
Unity of Nobility » Russian Jewish Godfathers
De-Kosherized News and Research Material
Mayor Bloomberg gets $1,000,000 award from Jewish Russian Mob
10/22/2013 06:45 PM
October 20, 2013 - Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will be honored on Monday as the first recipient of a $1 million award that organizers are calling the “Jewish Nobel Prize.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will present the award, named the Genesis Prize, to Mr. Bloomberg at a ceremony in Jerusalem in May. The award, established by a charity founded by Russian Jewish billionaires, aims to honor “exceptional people whose values and achievements will inspire the next generations of Jews.” Introduction of the Jewish Russian and American Mob The announcement of the inaugural award will be made at a news conference in New York on Monday. The charity, the Genesis Philanthropy Group, has financed an endowment of $100 million to pay for the prize for years to come. While New Yorkers are more focused on the race to replace Mr. Bloomberg and have mixed feelings about his legacy, the award is a reminder of his role on the international stage, one that will continue after he leaves office. Since he is hardly in need of the $1 million prize, Mr. Bloomberg plans to donate the money to a philanthropic cause to be named next year. Mr. Bloomberg was chosen [...]
Jewish Ex-Con Yevgeny Roizman elected Mayor in Russia’s fourth largest city
09/19/2013 02:47 AM
A Jewish anti-drugs campaigner defeated the party of Russian President Vladimir Putin with his election to mayor of Russia’s fourth-largest city. Yevgeny Roizman, 50, beat the ruling United Russia Party candidate in a mayoral election last week in Yekaterinburg, a city of 1.4 million people in the industrial belt of the Ural Mountains which is a venue for the 2018 World Cup soccer finals. Yevgeny Roizman United Russia won the vast majority of the 7,000 local elections held across the country on Sept. 9, Reuters reported. Roizman won 33.3 percent of the vote, compared to 29.7 percent garnered by Yakov Silin, the candidate for United Russia and deputy governor of the region. Yekaterinburg’s new mayor began his involvement in social causes after his release from prison, where a judge sent him during the Soviet era for robbery, extortion and weapons charges that later were voided, according to Reuters. More than a decade ago Roizman founded City Without Drugs, whose vigilante-style raids on alleged peddlers and tough-love rehabilitation centers for addicts turned him into a local celebrity but also drew criminal investigations. A member of parliament from 2003 to 2007, Roizman led a grassroots mayoral campaign that relied heavily on social media.
Semion Mogilevich, Jewish Red Mafia boss and Mob Mastermind
08/26/2013 08:00 AM
Mogilevich was born in Kiev’s Podol neighborhood to a Jewish family. Tony Soprano he isn’t. Alleged Red Mafia boss Semion Mogilevich is a new kind of mobster. Semion Moglievich, He doesn’t bloody his hands with street crimes or swagger around like some two-bit thug. He’s a world-class executive. He plans. He organizes. He delegates. He manages an army of Slavic criminals, many of them veterans of the Soviet War in Afghanistan, but his real strength is in a network of companies big and small, and his own financial brilliance. “The Brainy Don” uses not mere force, but business skills and economic insight to orchestrate his crimes, and with that he influences the fate of nations and the global economy. It’s a calculated, distant brand of crime, almost too cerebral to be scary. But Slate says this big business man is “twice the villain Whitey Bulger ever was.” The Village Voice called him “the most dangerous mobster in the world.” CNN deemed him “more powerful than Gotti.” His ruthless business acumen has put the 67-year-old Ukrainian on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list—but Mogilevich is unlikely to ever face trial in the United States. ‘The Brainy Don” Semion Mogilevich earned an economics [...]
Russian Jewish Godfathers The Fugitive
03/28/2013 07:00 PM
The Fugitive: This BBC documentary series examines the relationship between Russia’s richest men (“the oligarchs”) and Putin’s administration in the Kremlin. Broadcast a year before the Litvinenko murder, this fascinating series lifted the lid on the struggle that still continues between Putin, and his adversaries, the Russian Oligarchs. The series follows each one in turn to find out what they were up to in the years leading up to 2005, and the crew is granted intimate access. Two of the five are now in exile, wanted on criminal charges, and planning their own anti-Putin campaigns with their wealth and influence.
Media files
Russian-Jewish-Godfathers-The-Fugitive.mp4 (MPEG-4 video, 119 MB)
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