Traditional Catholic Prayers: Gnosticism, Catharism, and 911
Zionism is twofold - the political arm and the religious arm - both are Satanic
911 was the final pre-planned flash point in a long range utterly evil massive plan of the ZioNazis to not only invade the Holy Land but take over the Middle East and the whole world.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: September 11 - a day that lives in infamy for many decades.
September 11 - a day that lives in infamy for many decades.
The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA, in Yiddish ייִק"אַ) was created on September 11, 1891 by the Baron Maurice de Hirsch. Its aim was to facilitate the mass emigration of Jews from Russia and other Eastern European countries, by settling them in agricultural colonies on lands purchased by the committee, particularly in North and South America (especially Argentina andBrazil). - 1k - 2011-09-02T07:30:00Z
WORLD'S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS. Held in Chicago from September 11 to 18, 1893, in conjunction with the Columbian Exposition, the World's Parliament of Religions was a ... - 1k - 2011-08-20T08:05:00Z
The Intent of this organization has always been to destroy Christianity and provide the Talmudic Noahide promoters a base for the destruction of all religions and their replacement with a racist Jewish Talmudic Noahide religious tyranny over mankind.
September 11
1943 - World War II: start of the liquidation of the Ghettos in Minsk and Lida by the Nazis.
1944 - World War II: the first allied troops of the U.S. Army cross the western border of Nazi Germany.
1944 - World War II: RAF bombing raid on Darmstadt and the following firestorm kill 11,500.
The world was introduced to terrorism at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. These games ended on September 11, 1972. There were 121 participating countries (11X11=121), and 11 Israeli athletes were killed. Exactly 29
years (2+9=11) after this terrorist horror ended, another more despicable horror occurred - the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
September 11, 1978 - U.S. President Jimmy Carter, President Sadat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Begin of Israel met at Camp David and agreed on a framework for peace between Israel and Egypt and a comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
On September 11, 1990 President George Bush (Sr.) made a dramatic speech to Congress, outlining the US position in the Kuwait crisis, and the preliminary steps the US was taking towards the Gulf War.
Exactly 11 years later, on September 11, 2001, [Israeli sponsored - Sayeret Matkal included, False Flag Black Operation] terrorists attacked America.
The very telling one:
1922 - September 11 British government proclaimed Zionist mandate in Palestine.
Arundati Roy on the Palestinian / Israeli Conflict
The ultimate goal of Zionism, which they have stated, is for their false messiah to rule the world from Jerusalem (their false messiah is not the True Messiah; the True Messiah is Jesus Christ). They plan on ruling the entire world through this Diabolic monster.
They must be stopped.
Free Palestine! free the world!
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Timeline Vatican City
From 1958 on the Vatican is totally absolutely Apostate and Satanic.
The Justice of God: God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: The Ashkenazi

click on picture - The ultimate symbol of REAL EXTANT EVIL. The Double Eagles (Satan in the Gentile world) and the Kabbala (Satan in the Jews' hatred of God) are from the exact identical same source
Gnosticism and the Occult | BellesHeures's Weblog
Cathar heresy -
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: The Holy Grail
The Cathars
Cathars captured
William IX of Aquitaine is recognized as the first of the troubadours, who were part of a culture of “Courtly Love” that developed out of the influence of the heresy of Catharism, which flourished in the Languedoc, particularly the regions of Toulouse and Aquitaine. Essentially, the Cathars were Gnostic. The New Testament they attributed to the benevolent God, but that the God of the Old was evil, equating him with Satan. They believed also that the Christ who was born in the visible, and terrestrial Bethlehem, and crucified in Jerusalem, was an evil man, and that Mary Magdalene was his concubine. For the good Christ, as they claimed, never ate, nor drank, and never assumed physical form, except spiritually in the body of Paul. They also regarded the Church of Rome was a “den of thieves”, and as the harlot of the Apocalypse.[9]
The Cathars also practiced vegetarianism and believed in a form of reincarnation. Marriage was frowned upon, and they believed that those who bore children could not be saved in this world. It was as a result of this particular belief that the term “buggery” was introduced, since if they were to give in to sexual temptation in this manner, it would at least ensure that no children resulted. Like the Gnostics before them, the Cathars were accused of engaging in sexual orgies, sometimes involving incest, and of practicing secret rituals in worship of the Devil, involving the sacrifice of children and eating their flesh in cannibalistic rites.
Scholars have generally accepted that Catharism drew influences from Bogomilism and from Paulicianism. Another source, which is less well acknowledged, however, is that of the Kabbalah. Several thirteenth century Christian polemicists had reproached the Cathars for their relations with Jews, and historian Paul Johnson notes that, “the Church was by no means wide of the mark when it identified Jewish influences in the Cathar movement...”[10] In Jewish Influences on Christian Reform Movements, Louis I. Newman concludes:
... that the powerful Jewish culture in Languedoc, which had acquired sufficient strength to assume an aggressive, propagandist policy, created a milieu wherefrom movements of religious independence arose readily and spontaneously. Contact and association between Christian princes and their Jewish officials and friends stimulated the state of mind which facilitated the banishment of orthodoxy, the clearing away of the debris of Catholic theology. Unwilling to receive Jewish thought, the princes and laity turned towards Catharism, then being preached in their domains.[11]
Gershom Scholem acknowledged that Catharism was influenced by a Kabbalistic text known as the Sepher ha-Bahir. The origin of the work is unknown. Though there had been an important speculative development leading up to that time, the teachings of the Rabbis of the Languedoc region underwent a powerful transformation, due to the infusion of a new mystical tradition, as exemplified in a work by the name of the Sepher ha-Bahir. Scholars of the Kabbalah have been unable to account for the source of this tradition, however, because it represented a form of classical Gnosticism of a kind that had disappeared since the first centuries AD.
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Jew Kabalistic 6 pointed star of Chiun-Remphan-Saturn-Satan |
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Cathar 6 pointed star of Chiun-Remphan-Saturn-Satan Gnostic Heretical Cathar Star of Chiun Remphan Saturn Satan, Window at Alet Cathedral - Rennes le Chateau, France |
Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: Apostate Vatican II versus Apostolic Catholicity - Vatican II is Apostate
The very important last canon, Sicut ait beatus Leo (c.27), declared that all heretics (Cathars, Paterines, >Publicans=)[99] and their
defenders and all who receive them are anathema. It forbade any support or aid to be given to them on pain of denial of Christian burial and dissolved all bonds of loyalty, homage and obedience owed to them. The canon also ordered secular powers to take punitive action against them and bestowed ecclesiastical protection on those who take such action under the bishop=s direction to expel the heretics.[100] This canon was the precedent for the decree Ad abolendam, issued with the support of Emperor Frederick I at Verona in 1184, which established the principle of episcopal investigation of heretics. Lucius III declared all heretics anathema, commanded bishops to investigate and condemn them, and authorized the secular authorities to punish those who persisted in their heresy, both clerical (after degradation) and lay.[101] This latter decree itself evidence of the threat to orthodox religion posed by organized heresy, marks the first stage in the creation of the episcopal Inquisition. Canon 27 also condemned to equal execration mercenaries and their employers and supporters.
Catharism and Albigensianism came from the Jews
Albigensianism identified with Freemasonry
The Pope directed his attack against the Albigensians. South France is conquered with blood and fire. The Jews are thrown into one pot with the Albigensians and die with them. . . . When in 1197 he took over the Pontificate, he had forbidden the crusaders to rob the Jews and to convert them with force. In 1209 they were confused with Albigensians and cut down with them. . . The Council of Avignon later obligated all Barons and free cities under oath to remove the Jews from all positions and services with Christians and to compel them to practise the Christian religion.”266
The last refers concretely to the false Christians who were secretly given up to Judaism. Admittedly then Holy Church forbade the conversion of the Jews to the Christian religion by force. However, the Christians of Jewish origin who practised the Jewish religion in secret were certainly very well compelled to abandon this and to honestly confess to their official religion. One thus wished to exterminate the “Fifth Column.” On the other side it is not remarkable that, together with the Albigensians, many Jews lost their lives, for they were indeed the instigators and founders of this heresy and therefore lived together with the heretics. In addition it is recognised in this important Jewish work that the Jews were also the instigators of other heresies and unbelief.
The historian Vincente Risco reveals that: “In Provence and in Languedoc, under the rule of the Earls, the Jews enjoyed great well-being and influence. They had positions and public offices and even occupied the stewardships and exerted a real influence on the Christians in philosophy and religion. Therefore several Jewish authors assert that they were responsible for the origin of the heresies of the Catharsians and Albigensians.”267
The learned Rabbi and writer Lewis Browne writes: “If the truth were known, then one would know that the instructed Jews in Provence were partly responsible for the existence of this Freemasonic sect of the Albigensians. The doctrines which the Jews have spread for centuries long in all nations must positively undermine the power of the Church.”268
However, it is known that the heresy of the Albigensians therefore became a serious danger for Christianity, because many southern French nobles supported it and even led this enormous movement of revolution which caused blood to flow in streams and true Christians and devout priests to be murdered.
Jules Michelet, the renowned Gallic historian of the previous century, who was one of the directors of the French spiritual archive, establishes in his monumental work “French History”: “It was amongst the nobles of Languedoc that the Albigensians found their principal support. This ‘Judaea of France’, as it has been called, was peopled by a medley of mixed races, Iberian, Gallic, Roman and Semitic.” The nobles there, very different from the pious chivalry of the North, had lost all respect for their traditions, and Michelet expressly asserts: “There were few who in going back did not encounter some Saracen or Jewish grandmother in their genealogy.”269
No particular importance is attached to the existence of a Saracen grandmother, for the Musulmans in France generally converted sincerely to Christianity. The matter of a Jewish grandmother in a family tree is, on the other hand, very serious, for all Jews regard it as a duty to be fulfilled fanatically, to guide their children to the Synagogue, be it only concealed, if it is publicly impossible. In fact the Count Raymond VI of Toulouse and the Count of Comminges among others were repeatedly accused, at the time of this terrible revolution, of being only apparent Christians and in secret practising the Jewish religion. Both Counts supported the heresy very assiduously.
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Merovingian Dynasty: PART I THE CULT OF THE BLACK VIRGIN
The following is Isis - it has nothing to do with the blessed mother Mary of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour.
During the first century A.D., Alexandria, Egypt was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, "Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic, and neo-Platonic doctrines suffused the air and combined with innumerable others." (31:123) It was in the early centuries of the Christian era that the ancient worship of the Mother Goddess was introduced to Christianity by Jews who had fled Israel and embraced Alexandrian Neo-Platonism, which is just a rehash of Greek paganism.
The Gnostic portion of 911
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The BROAD way to hell - forever.
Isis, the ancient summation and source of all the mother of harlots and Summerian-Assyro/Babylonian-Indian Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and demons and gods and goddesses. All of which are poured down upon humanity through the demon gate of Buddhism (between Jupiter [Zeus] and Saturn [Satan] in the Solar System) and have their original source in the ancient Summerian primeval sea of Nammu ('Nammu' is the first part of the black magic invocation of the demons and devils behind the idols throughout the Far East, especially in the opening of the demon eye ceremonies).
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Farnese Isis, Naples Museum |

13 And I saw from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working signs: and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he shall gather them together into a place which in Hebrew is called Armagedon.
Tyche was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Caesar himself as pontifex maximus of the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.
17 ¶ And the seventh angel poured out his vial upon the air. And there came a great voice out of the temple from the throne, saying: It is done.
18 And there were lightnings and voices and thunders: and there was a great earthquake, such an one as never had been since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake, so great.
19 And the great city was divided into three parts: and the cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath.
20 And every island fled away: and the mountains were not found.
21 And great hail, like a talent, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God, for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world. The representation is Isis as sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of the world around which a serpent is coiled. One statue still extant today of Isis as this sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum). She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the earth is NOT ACCIDENTAL.
In the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church, as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing, in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bring utter destruction upon the earth.
In the summation of all Heresies and Apostasies and Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit known as Vatican II, Bulgakov's blasphemous system was inculcated by name and in this same false teaching of Bulgakov to make the Antitheotokos the virgin goddess of black magic to support all of the false apparitions (heretofor condemned), supposedly of Mary, and make these apparitions accepted and thereby bring in KNOWINGLY the Gnostic evolutionary Monism - Pantheism of this "ecumenical council of thieves".
For instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the Zohar) copied much of their doctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha, obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama (the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)
The Gnostic Illuminist Freemasonic planning of 911
The Illuminati: You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation
You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation
The World Trade Center
September 11th, 2001
WTC Facts:
- The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.
- Each building had 110 stories.
- After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
- September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
- 119 is the area code for Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11, 911 - 119 are opposites - enemies?
11 11 polarity.
- Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.
- The first plane to hit the towers was Flight11.
- State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union.
- "New York City" has 11 letters.
- "Afghanistan" - 11 letters.
- "The Pentagon" - 11 letters.
- "Ramzi Yousef" - 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993).
- Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11.
- Flight 11 had 11 crew members onboard.
- Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.
Flight 11, 93, 175, 77 - If these numbers are broken down, 11 actually remains the same in numerology, 93 becomes 12, 175 becomes 13 and 77 becomes 14. 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 Broken down again and you have
2 - 3 = 4 - 5. Add them all up and break them all down!
11 + 93 + 175 + 77 = 356 = 14 = 5
11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 50 = 5
2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 = 5
Twin Towers =11 + Flight 11 + September, 11th = 33
In Freemasonry 33 is the highest degree there is. Remember on another page I taught you one must be careful in pointing the finger at an instigator? Well, I'll point the finger right now. Certain members of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military knew the event was going to happen because they are the ones who planned it. They worked together with Osama bin Laden to bring this event to pass.
Flight 11 was a Boeing 767-200. It hit the North Tower at 8:45 AM EST. The length of the aircraft is 159 feet and 2 inches. 1 + 5 + 9 - 2 (planes?) = 13. The number 13 is used extensively within Freemasonry. The 33rd degree Masonic Temple is located just 13 blocks north of the White House. There are many other instances of the number thirteen within Masonry. The Pagan mind is obsessed with numbers and symbols.
Flight 175 was also a Boeing 767-200. This aircraft hit the South Tower. 1 + 7 + 5 = 13. The Twin Towers were hit with planes carrying the occult signatures of '11' and '13', the two most important numbers in the entire occult world. The number '11' symbolizes all that is evil and imperfect [The Old World Order] and the number '13' signifies rebellion against God's constituted authority!
It is interesting that the North Tower was hit first. In Masonic doctrine, North, is designated as the area where darkness, superstition, and ignorance dwells. Albert Pike describes this belief: "To all Masons, the North has immemorially been the place of darkness; of the great lights of the Lodge, none is in the North." [Morals and Dogma, p. 592]
The Elite Mason worships toward the East, because they are pagan Sun worshippers, hence theEastern Star. Most other Masons do not even realize this. In their Lodges, the North is empty as a symbol of their belief about that direction. Why do Masons believe this way about the North? The Bible states that God sits on His throne in the north [Isaiah 14:13]. By striking the North Tower first, the Illuminist Masons guiding this world into the New World Order may have been symbolically striking at God and His system, the Old World Order!
If you tie these two understandings together, you should realize why the first aircraft designated '11' hit the North Tower first. North is the direction of God's throne.
We know who is behind the terrible tragedy simply by the occult Illuminist signature. Osama bin Laden was only carrying out part of the plan which originated from the Illuminati. If American, British, and Israeli Intelligence really wanted a man out of the way, they would get him no matter how rich or powerful or protected he might be. Osama bin Laden is alive today only because the Illuminati wants him to be alive.
The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons. Remember,The Brotherhood of the Serpent was founded clear back in ancient Sumeria and the one who founded it was overthrown by those who were evil. With evil now in control it took this Brotherhood of the Serpent (Big Brother) and made several spin-offs of it. The Bilderberg Group is one, it has 39 members in its core who are broken into 3 groups of 13. And the 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. The 13 who make up the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine.
Did you know that the original number of states within the United States of America was 13? The Stripes on the American Flag represent this. The Constitution also has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.
The Pagan assigns numbers to objects, planets, or an idea. One of history's greatest Satanist's,W. Wynn Wescott who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century explains:
"The followers of Pythagoras ... referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. 'The numerals of Pythagoras', says Porphyry, who lived about 300 A.D., 'were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he explained all ideas concerning the nature of things', and the same [numeric] method of explaining the secrets of nature is once again being insisted upon in the new revelation of the 'Secret Doctrine', by H.P. Blavatsky. 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero -- symbol of the infinite and boundless universe'." [The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott, p. 15.]
The entire World Trade Center event was underlined with the occultic number 11. Occultists all over the world knew exactly what had happened and who did it.
Idols of past pagan societies have been formed in the likeness of fish, birds, animals, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. The mathematics underlying science and science itself they also worship. Inherent power is what they believe numbers possess.
To understand this fact, you need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills Paul's explanation of a pagan, of a Satanist, in Romans 1:25, "... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..."
There are events in the past which have the number 11 associated with them.
The Illuminati ended the First World War according to Albert Pike's occult plan to produce Antichrist. They deliberately ended it on the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month. (11 x 3 = 33) The signing of the Armistice agreement was undergirded by three eleven's!
We have zeroed in on the number 11, because this tragedy is undergirded by this number.
Why is the number 11 important to the occultist? As Wescott explains, "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
Let's examine representations of various eleven's woven into this terrible tragedy.
1. The first 11 is formed by the day on which this tragedy occurred, September 11.
2. The second 11 is formed by adding the 9th month, September, and the date, [9 + 1 + 1], forming another 11.
3. The third 11 is formed by the airplane number that first crashed into the World Trade Tower. That plane was American Airlines Flight #11.
4. The fourth 11 is formed by the airplane number that crashed into the Pentagon. That plane was United Airlines Flight #77 [11 x 7].
5. The fifth 11 is formed by the North Twin Tower of the World Trade Center was 110 stories tall [11 x 10]
6. The sixth 11 is formed by South Twin Tower, the World Trade Center was 110 stories tall [11 x 10]
7. The Architecture of the Twin Towers [ 11 ] of the World Trade Center -- Satanists love to express their beliefs and their goals in architecture. Thus, many of the buildings of Washington, D.C., were created originally with occult symbols on them, and in them. This fact is the reason why the street designs are created in such a way as to form Satanic symbols. The streets north of the White House form an inverted Pentagram, the Goatshead of Mendes, while the streets joining the White House to the Capitol form one side of a Masonic Compass, while other streets form the Masonic Square and Rule.
8. The eighth '11' is formed by one of the doomed flights, where the crew totaled '11'.
9. The ninth '11' is formed by the fact that September 11 is the 254th day of the year. When you add 2 + 5 + 4 you get '11'
10. The tenth '11' is formed because, after September 11, there are 111 days left in the year.
11. The eleventh '11' is formed by the historic fact that New York State was the 11th state to join the Union in preparation to create the 13-state confederation that would declare independence from England.
We have at least 11 firm and fundamental instances in which this tragedy was carried out "by the numbers" just as any Illuminist would want, because they believe a good plan can fail unless it is carried out according to the correct numbers sacred to the Satanist. The more numbers, the greater the chance of success. This very strong numeric signature on this attack clearly sends a signal to the rest of the occult world that this event was Illuminist, and that it signaled the beginning of a further series of events that will bring the world to the coveted Third World War that will produce Antichrist.
Freemasonry and the Illuminati go together like peanut butter and jelly. The Illuminati proudly display their New World Order logo, the pyramid with the All-Seeing-Eye on the reverse of the American one Dollar bill. This graphic shows evidence that the Illuminati are linked to Freemasonry. The graphic is a scan of a page from a Masonic bible. You can see the ink on the reverse of the page on the right-hand side which says "Holy B" or "Holy Bible". Notice the Illuminati symbol on the top of the page (the All-Seeing-Eye)?
In numerology, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, and so on. There are 33 sections are within the emblem of the United Nations. U (21) N (14) = (2+1=3) (1-4=3) 3 and 3 make 33 U. N. United Nations. 33 is the highest obtainable degree within Freemasonry.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
When the Illuminati assassinated President Kennedy, he was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rdparallel. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important.
2 - 3 = 4 - 5. Add them all up and break them all down!
11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 50 = 5
2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 = 5

Flight 11 was a Boeing 767-200. It hit the North Tower at 8:45 AM EST. The length of the aircraft is 159 feet and 2 inches. 1 + 5 + 9 - 2 (planes?) = 13. The number 13 is used extensively within Freemasonry. The 33rd degree Masonic Temple is located just 13 blocks north of the White House. There are many other instances of the number thirteen within Masonry. The Pagan mind is obsessed with numbers and symbols.
Flight 175 was also a Boeing 767-200. This aircraft hit the South Tower. 1 + 7 + 5 = 13. The Twin Towers were hit with planes carrying the occult signatures of '11' and '13', the two most important numbers in the entire occult world. The number '11' symbolizes all that is evil and imperfect [The Old World Order] and the number '13' signifies rebellion against God's constituted authority!
It is interesting that the North Tower was hit first. In Masonic doctrine, North, is designated as the area where darkness, superstition, and ignorance dwells. Albert Pike describes this belief: "To all Masons, the North has immemorially been the place of darkness; of the great lights of the Lodge, none is in the North." [Morals and Dogma, p. 592]

The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons. Remember,The Brotherhood of the Serpent was founded clear back in ancient Sumeria and the one who founded it was overthrown by those who were evil. With evil now in control it took this Brotherhood of the Serpent (Big Brother) and made several spin-offs of it. The Bilderberg Group is one, it has 39 members in its core who are broken into 3 groups of 13. And the 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. The 13 who make up the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine.
Did you know that the original number of states within the United States of America was 13? The Stripes on the American Flag represent this. The Constitution also has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.
The Pagan assigns numbers to objects, planets, or an idea. One of history's greatest Satanist's,W. Wynn Wescott who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century explains:
To understand this fact, you need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills Paul's explanation of a pagan, of a Satanist, in Romans 1:25, "... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..."
Freemasonry and the Illuminati go together like peanut butter and jelly. The Illuminati proudly display their New World Order logo, the pyramid with the All-Seeing-Eye on the reverse of the American one Dollar bill. This graphic shows evidence that the Illuminati are linked to Freemasonry. The graphic is a scan of a page from a Masonic bible. You can see the ink on the reverse of the page on the right-hand side which says "Holy B" or "Holy Bible". Notice the Illuminati symbol on the top of the page (the All-Seeing-Eye)?

In numerology, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, and so on. There are 33 sections are within the emblem of the United Nations. U (21) N (14) = (2+1=3) (1-4=3) 3 and 3 make 33 U. N. United Nations. 33 is the highest obtainable degree within Freemasonry.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
The Master Number
As before mentioned, the number 11 has special significance. In Numerology it is not reduced to a single digit. It is a power number as is 22, 33 etc. The number 11 represents the vision. The number 22 combines vision with action. The number 33 offers guidance to the world. The master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent a triangle. A triangle of enlightenment or illumination.
11 22
July 6, 1946 was George Bush's birthday. It can be reduced to the power number 33:
7/6/1946 => 7 + 6 = 13, 1946 => 1 + 9 + 4 + 6 = 20. 20 + 13 = 33 .. .. 11 + 22. George is a member of Skull and Bones (a spin-off of the Brotherhood) just like his father and grandfather. Seems old Dubya is a master in more ways than just President of United States. There is more to George's name then meets the eye as you will soon find out. First let's look at what else the occult has to say about its 'master number'.
- 11 is a "master number or "power number" as most numerologists will testify. It is a number which cannot be reduced by adding the two digits. 11 is associated with someone who is on a higher plane of existence. Someone who brings "mystical revelation". Someone who often feels slightly distant from the people surrounding him or her, and has trouble feeling any real empathy for them. Also, this is sometimes the number of the matyr.
- The blue cord of the mason masters is large of 11 cm.
- The Hebrews concider it to be a bad number.
- The Number of the knowledge of God is 11. According to Arabs, this one passing by 11 steps.
- In the Golden Dawn, There are also 11 steps, or degrees,. Aleister Crowley revered this number as well when he said that the whole object of magick was the 5 (black, yin, pentagonal) with 6 (white, yang, hexagonal) – thus making 11!
- The general number of magic or sorcery and magicians. The individual in confrontation with the world. The number of war and the battle with the demonic element (The images of the destruction played over and over again could certainly be considered mind-control-sorcery).
- The symbol of Martyrdom.
- Symbol of the interior flight, the rebellion and the mislaying which results from it.
- The trangression of the law is represented by 11 because of it exceeding the number ten by 1. That is the one of the Decalogue. According to Saint Augustin, it represents the sin. The punishment of the wicked is asked in Psalm 11 (Vulgate numbering). This symbolism is confirmed by theoretical speculations. If you added all numbers from 1 to 11 they will equal 66. And by multiplying 11 by 6 (the number of evil) you get 66. If you added the two digits together it is reminiscent of the Roman number II (number of both the division and corruption).
- 11 is the number expressing more than human sin in general or cosmic. According to R. Allendy.
To to the Jews the number 11 is bad. The number of trangression of the law, rebellion, war, sin, sorcery, martyrdom; all of which were displayed to the whole world on 9/11.
The Pythagorian Table is numbered 1 to 9 each place having certain letters of the alphabet associated with them. The Chaldean Table works in a simialar way except it is numbered 1 to 8 and the letters associated with each number are differ as well. You will find that there are many connections to the number 11 in birthdates, names and places and these charts. Numerologists use these two methods for calculation with the Chaldean table being the oldest and most accurate.
S 2
T 3
U 4
V 5
W 6
X 7
Y 8
Z 9
Y 2
R 3
S 4
T 5
X 6
W 7
Z 8
There is no number 9 in this Numerology chart because, to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred number and was kept apart from the rest.
Numerologists use the above charts to calculate the number of names and birthdates. Below are two examples:
The Pythagorean Method
11 22
7/6/1946 => 7 + 6 = 13, 1946 => 1 + 9 + 4 + 6 = 20. 20 + 13 = 33 .. .. 11 + 22. George is a member of Skull and Bones (a spin-off of the Brotherhood) just like his father and grandfather. Seems old Dubya is a master in more ways than just President of United States. There is more to George's name then meets the eye as you will soon find out. First let's look at what else the occult has to say about its 'master number'.
1 A J S | 2 B K T | 3 C L U | 4 D M V | 5 E N W | 6 F O X | 7 G P Y | 8 H Q Z | 9 I R |
1 A I J Q Y | 2 B K R | 3 C G L S | 4 D M T | 5 E H N X | 6 U V W | 7 O Z | 8 F P |
There is no number 9 in this Numerology chart because, to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred number and was kept apart from the rest. |
S 1 | + + | E 5 | + + | P 7 | + + | T 2 | + + | E 5 | + + | M 4 | + + | B 2 | + + | E 5 | + + | R 9 | = 40 => 4 + 0 = 4 |
The Chaldean Method
S 3 | + + | E 5 | + + | P 8 | + + | T 4 | + + | E 5 | + + | M 4 | + + | B 2 | + + | E 5 | + + | R 2 | = 38 => 3 + 8 = 11 |
G + E + O + R + G + E (3 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 5) = | 25 |
W ( 6 ) | 6 |
B + U + S + H ( 2 + 6 + 3 + 5 ) = | 16 |
Sum--------------------------------------------> | 47 ( 4 + 7 = 11) |
Surprised? no? Here's more:
N + O + R + T + H
5 + 7 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 23
+ => 47
T + O + W + E + R 4 + 7 = 11!
4 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 24
Flight 175 had 65 (6 + 5 = 11) on board, it struck the South Tower; each tower having 110 stories.
P + E + N + T + A + G + O + N 8 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 5 => 38 => 3 + 8 = 11

![]() ![]() Both Bill and George are confirmed Freemasons |
The Statue of Liberty is the Freemasonic representation of the ancient mother goddess.
"The number 9 is left out because it is sacred to the Illuminati. 5/5/1776 is when the Illuminati was founded. 5 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 => 27 = 2 + 7 = 9." - Illuminist plan for 911
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Seven rayed crown on Statue of Liberty indicates Saturn-Satan, seven ringed |
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Freemasonic Statue of Liberty presides over 911 |
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Eleven rayed base for Statue of Liberty |
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Face is straight from Isis - see Farnese Isis above |
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"Liberty" holds her torch aloft |
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The Twin Towers burn |
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Eleven rayed base - eleven is an important number in Freemasonry |
The ancient mother goddess
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Euro-American Isis - the Statue of Liberty |
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Farnese Isis, Naples Museum - flame shown here on her head, or Sun Disc in some representations, represents power. She holds the Sorcerers Intaglio - the ring of Satanic power in her hand |
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Selene - Moon goddess |
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Hecate - goddess of terror, goddess of black magic and sorcery, the most feared goddess in the Graeco-Egyptian pantheon - Isis subsumed all of her terror and black magic power |
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