The Merciful -p.19 - “The sun and the moon pursue their ordered course.”
The Cave - p.91 - “You might have seen the rising sun decline to the right of their cavern, and, as it set, go past them on the left, while they stayed within...”
Abraham - p.101 - “He has created rivers for your benefit, and the sun and the moon, which steadfastly pursue their courses....”
Thunder - p.140 - “Allah...forced the sun and the moon into His service, each pursuing an appointed course....”
Ya Sin - p.172 #1 - “The sun hastens to its resting place: its course is laid for it by the Mighty One, the All-knowing.”
Ya Sin - p.172 #2 - “The sun is not allowed to overtake the moon.... Each in its own orbit runs.”
The Creator - p.176 - “He has forced the sun and the moon into His service, each running for an appointed term.”
Luqman - p.187 - “He has forced the sun and the moon into His service, each running for an appointed term.” (Same as written in The Creator, p.176.)
The Hordes - p.273 - “He made the sun and the moon obedient to Him, each running for an appointed term.”
The Prophets - p.292 - “It was He who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon: each moves swiftly in an orbit of its own.”
The Cow - p.352 - “Allah brings the sun up from the east....”
The Cessation - (implied) p.17 - “I swear by the turning planets and by the stars that rise and set.”
From the Catholic Encyclopedia 1909 - 1911
Evolucionism: Scientific dogma or theosofic thesis?
And from the same site see the basis for that whole set of movements.
Reference Link: Gnosis: the occult religion in history - MONTFORT
The Devolution of Evolution: "February 1997 issue of The Angelus magazine."
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: The Broken Cross - Part Thirteen Wherein is the Evolution of the Satanic mystery of iniquity in the apostate evolutionary Vatican.
Satan is the father of all lies, including especially evolution.
"The figure of John Paul I [a rank Atheist Communist - Ed. note], who succeeded Paul VI, adds yet another, and one of the most profound, to a situation that is already crowded with problems. Created Bishop by John XXIII, and made a Cardinal by Paul VI (the Popes who, between them, created and implemented the revolution), his rise to the Papal throne after having been Albino Luciani, Cardinal-Patriarch of Venice, came almost as an ecclesiastical bolt from the blue.
Humbly circumstanced, he grew up in a family where opinions, quite naturally, were formed and dominated by those of the father, a committed Left-winger; and he was in his mid-sixties when, on 26 August, 1978, he emerged from the conclave at which he had been elected, with unprecedented speed, after four ballots that covered only eight hours and forty-five minutes on the first day.
An observer with an eye on the state of affairs at the Vatican might have noted that the stage was being set for yet another Renaissance drama. And such an event was indeed figured forth by the enigmas at once presented by this (apparently) by no means uncommon Pope.
Two schools of thought, in neither of which his voice had so far been definitely heard, grew up about him. One insisted that he was bent on continuing the changes set afoot by his two predecessors; that he favoured the modernist or progressive elements, and their reforms.
Support for this was given when he rejected the title of Supreme Pontiff, and elected to be installed rather than crowned. There was no crucifix on the table that served for an altar, at his inaugural Mass. Simplicity governed all, and those who echoed the ideology of Paul VI were soon claiming that the new Pope was ‘their man’, especially when he was known to have opposed the Church’s teaching forbidding contraception.
On the other hand, it was said. that he contemplated the annulment of some of the innovations started by Vatican Two; that he deplored the so-called ‘upward’ movement that was threatening the Church; and those conservatives who looked for an endorsement of their viewpoint were encouraged when the time came to appoint new Bishops to vacant sees, and, more especially, one to his old Patriarchate of Venice.
In that he was opposed by Cardinal Baggio (known as Ceba to the secret societies) whose candidate was a certain Monsignor Ce, who was known to be radical. But John Paul refused to make the appointment, thus giving support to those who wished to believe that he was in conflict with heresy.
Their satisfaction, however, was short lived, as was evidenced by an occasion when he was called upon to address a gathering of students and teachers. He led them in reciting the Angelus, but no sooner had he concluded the last ‘Hail Mary’ than he began to sing the praises of one whom he extolled as ‘a classical example of abnegation and devotion to education.’
This was not, as might have been expected, a saint, nor even a simple member of the Church, but Giosue Carducci (1835-1907), who had been professor at Bologna University and whose name, as a self-confessed worshipper of Satan, was widely respected in occult circles.
His poem Hymn to Satan, in forty stanzas, contained such lines as the following [apart from the first line, the quotation here given bears little resemblance to the original Inno a Satana - ed.]:
‘Glory to thee,
Magnanimous Rebel!
On Thy brow shall rise, like laurel groves,
The forests of Aspromonte.
I drink to the happy day which shall see the end
Of Rome the eternal.
To Liberty who, avenging human thought,
Overturns the false throne of Peter’s successor;
In the dust with crowns and garlands!
Lie shattered, iniquitous Lord!’1
In shorter pieces, Carducci apologised to Satan, or the spirit of evil, which he called Agramainio, for the lies and slanders that are heaped upon him on earth. Glorifications of the occult and the Black Mass, and of Satan as the symbol of revolt against the Church, the antithesis of religion, are mixed with blasphemies. Satan is thanked for being kind, while in his Ode to the Town of Ferrara, Carducci cursed the ‘cruel old she-wolf of the Vatican’.
Carducci became the centre of a cult, and was accorded much the same reverence by his followers that he gave to Satan. Processions were held, preceded by a banner on which Satan, in all his regalia of horns, tail, and hooves, was depicted, and at which a parody of the Litany, including the line ‘Gloria in profundis Satanae’ was chanted. The last eight verses of the hymn by this ‘singer of Satan’ passed into the repertory of songs that made the rafters ring in Italian secret society meetings.
Yet Pope John Paul’s admiration for this man, his holding him up as an example for teachers and the rising generation to follow, was only one of the mysteries connected with his reign."
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